Page 114 of Someone to Hold

She washes my back and then I return the favor, my hands moving over her until she shivers from the sensations that bring goose bumps to her skin.

“It’s so nice to see you happy like you were today,” she says.

“This was a good day, even if it’s the strangest of scenarios. Bringing my new girlfriend and her kids to meet my late wife’s parents. Never thought I’d say that sentence.”

“I know, but here we are in the ‘after,’ where life is never the same, but still beautiful in so many startling ways.”

I wrap my arms around her and lifts her against the tile wall, making her shiver again. “It’s beautiful again thanks to you,” I say, kissing her as I push my cock into her.

“Ah, that’s so good,” she whispers. “So, so good.”

I’m completely overwhelmed by love for this beautiful woman as I take us on a wild ride that ends in gasps and pleasure so powerful, it brings us to tears. She clings to me as I pulse into her, aftershocks rocking us both.

“Wow,” I whisper against her neck.

“Mmm, vacation Gage is even hotter than everyday Gage.”

I laugh and kiss her before I withdraw, setting her down carefully. “You good?”

“I’m great. You?”

“Haven’t been this good in a long time.” I kiss her again. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

After a stressful couple of months for both of us, I’m more than ready to relax and enjoy this time away with her and the kids.



The next afternoon, while Gage golfs with Stan, Mimi and I supervise the kids in the pool. We sit on the stairs at the shallow end while the kids splash and play with the floats and noodles Mimi bought for them.

“They’re good little swimmers,” she says.

“Their father insisted on swimming lessons from the time they were very young.” Laney is the only one still wearing arm floaties as a precaution. By this time next year, she won’t need them.

“That’s a good thing to give them. Nat took the girls to swim lessons when they were two. We thought they were too young, but she was insistent.”

“I’ve read that people are now teaching infants as young as six months to save themselves if they fall into water.”


“I saw a video of a baby completely underwater managing to turn himself and float on his back. It was amazing. If I was having babies now, I’d get them in the water even sooner.”

“Do you want more children?” Mimi asks.

“Ah, well, not particularly. I’ve got my hands full with these guys.”

“I wondered if Gage would have more children if he found the right person.”

“He said he’d be happy with these three.”

“It’s wonderful to see him smiling and happy again. There was a time when I worried he’d never recover. Not that you can recover from such a thing, but you know what I mean.”

“I do, and I’ve seen the same change in him. We’re very happy together.”

“I can see that.”