Page 107 of Someone to Hold

“What would you think about living together at some point, or would that be too relationshipish for you?”

I give her the usual light spank on the butt that makes her laugh. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Never, ever.” She kisses my chin. “About the question…”

“Since I spend every night here anyway, I might be convinced to make it official. But we’d need to talk to the kids about it. This is their home.”

“We could always find a new place together,” she says, “and start fresh.”

“I wouldn’t want to move the kids. They’ve had enough upheaval.”

“Oh, thank you, Jesus. The last thing in the world I want to do is move.”

“I get it, babe. That would be too much. It’s easier for me to move than all of us.”

“How do you feel about leaving your place?”

“I’m okay with it. I moved there after the accident. I couldn’t live in the place where I lived with them, so I don’t have a deep emotional attachment to it. I could rent it.”

“You should have a backup plan in case we drive you crazy.”

“I don’t need a backup plan,” I tell her, smiling. “I have a good feeling about this fivesome. We’re gonna make a go of it.”

“You really think so?”

“I really do.” After that, I set out to show her how completely she’s captivated me. When I first lost Nat, I honestly couldn’t conceive of having this sort of physical relationship with someone else. I figured I’d eventually go through the motions out of sheer need. I never expected the intense, intimate connection I’ve found with Iris.

“This feels so good,” I whisper against her lips.

“So good.”

We move together like we’ve been doing this forever, in perfect harmony. Every time I’m with her this way, I experience a profound feeling of homecoming. She’s become home to me. That’s another thing I never thought I’d have again. There are houses that provide shelter, and then there are houses that are homes. This house began to feel like home to me long before our relationship—and that’s what it is—became more.

She slides her hands down my back to pull me deeper inside her when she comes.

God help me, but she renders me powerless to resist her, not that I want to. Not when I’ve seen what’s possible since I surrendered to the inevitable with her. I wanted to hold on to give her another orgasm, but I can’t wait any longer.

Afterward, we snuggle together, our bodies still intertwined, her head on my chest.

“Do you want more kids?” she asks, surprising me with the question.

“Do you?”

“Not particularly, but I’d have more for you.”

“I think I’d be good with your three, if they’ll have me.”

“They will, Gage. They adore you.”

“And I adore them.”

“I can’t believe we’re really talking about this,” she says.

“I know. There was a time, not that long ago, when it would’ve been inconceivable for me to be in this place with you. I guess that’s what people mean when they say that healing happens when you’re not looking. Not that I’ll ever be completely healed, but at least I’m capable of more than misery.”

“You’re capable of so much more than that, and so am I. But do you worry we’re rushing into things? Our timeline would’ve freaked me out in my old life. I dated Mike for four years before we got engaged, and we didn’t live together before we were married.”

“I was with Nat for six before we got married, three of them living together.”