Page 71 of Preacher

He completely understood that.

When he heard the front door to his place slam closed—Karasu didn’t have a permanent residence—he called out. “Babe—”

“I know. I’ll be ready in fifteen.” She entered the bedroom and stripped off her clothes in a flash and got into the shower.

Preacher went out to the kitchen to keep his hands off his fiancée. Damn, he liked the sound of that. He grabbed up the birthday presents…yeah, presents, because Karasu went crazy for the soon-to-be six-year-old.

True to her word, Karasu came out of the bedroom with a minute to spare. Preacher, bless him, had already loaded up the car with the presents and their contribution to the party. Chips. All kids loved chips.

He came back into the house and smiled. “That was fast, babe.”

Karasu tipped her head, her gaze sweeping his features. His dark hair was a little longer and she wanted to sink her fingers into it right now, take him into the next room and—

Nope, no time.

“Ready?” he asked, and she nodded. “Let’s go.”

In the car, she reached for his hand, and he tightened his fingers around hers. “It’s going to be all right. They are going to be thrilled to have you back.”

Her stomach was a mess of butterflies, excitement, and abject fear. Not all of it stemming from her decision to go home, take up Striker’s challenge. After all, he was going to be here tonight at a bar where they did most of their drinking. She’d talked each of them into showing up. If Striker didn’t show up, they wouldn’t be disappointed. But if he did, well, that would be fantastic.

Even though she was going home, she had made the decision to continue with the Shadowguard. The Company wanted her on the NSH case, and she didn’t want to make any decisions about her job until that was over. Then maybe she would become a normal, domestic citizen. Hah, she’d probably go crazy and drive Preacher mental. That would take much more thought. “So, you’re still okay about me staying in the field?”

“Of course. You are invaluable on this NSH case. We can use all the help we can get, and I’ve seen you in action.”

“I can say the same about you.” She turned her body toward him as he got on the highway. “I give a damn and that’s what keeps me doing it. One life isn’t meaningless, but I’ve learned to keep grinding. Get the terrorist, then hunt the next. Too many lives have been destroyed by death. Saving one person so they can continue to love their family is good enough reason for me.” She frowned, swiped at her cheek, and was surprised to see tears. She laughed shortly to herself. “After I was kidnapped, I cried for a long time,” she said suddenly. “I was numb, and I’ve blocked out most of it. I’m so ready to go home, Preacher.”

“It’s been too long for you and for them. It’s going to be a beautiful reunion.”

She hoped so. She had decided to tell them everything. She’d reached out to a cousin and after the initial shock, he told her they had never stopped hoping she would come home.

“It’s so easy to get detached.” She met his quick gaze, a wealth of emotion in his eyes. No one spoke to her like he did, so honest and simple. And Karasu hoped. For this moment, she hoped for a future she was just allowing herself to imagine. “But you have given me so many reasons to go home. I want them to get to know me as I am now and for them to meet the man I love.”

He picked up their clasped hands and kissed her knuckles, his handsome features softening. “I love you, too, babe.”

When they arrived at the party, the team was already there. She laughed at their antics and how good each one of them was with Nancy’s daughter. They all owed Nancy a debt of gratitude for saving the people she loved and worked with. Volk, who was still healing and really grumpy about it. Zorra, who was already on another mission with Gonchaya, and Rose, who was radiant and so in love with Iceman it shone out of her like the sun.

She was looking forward to their upcoming wedding.

And she was looking forward to their reunion with Striker if it happened. The team was meeting at the bar for drinks after the party. Karasu was antsy and couldn’t help checking her watch. She nearly lost it when GQ tried to back out saying he had something to do at home but guilting him for trying to miss their engagement celebration worked. Striker had to come. He just had to. This was so important.

As they started to arrive at the bar, Karasu’s gut churned. Then she saw him in the back, already sitting at a table that would accommodate them all.

He stood and GQ saw him first. “Boss?”

A ripple went through the nine of them. Striker came toward them, then smiled wearily. “Time we all talked,” he said.

They walked to the table, and she turned away to give them some privacy, but Striker snagged her elbow. “You facilitated this and from that ring on your finger, you’re now one of us.”

Preacher looked at her with a tender expression on his face.

“Yeah, she’s a SEAL babe,” Kodiak said. “It’s official.”

They all sat down at the table and got a round of beers. Striker started talking and as the words came, her gut unclenched even more. The support from the team was immediate and strong, their faces losing some of that pain. But after they had gotten everything out into the open, she could see that Striker had some more healing to go, but he’d given his team some peace. Now it was time to do the same thing for his family.

Time for her to go home and finish her healing and theirs.

* * *