Page 62 of Preacher

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Karasu movedwith Skull and Kodiak as Bones raced along the corridor. When he came to a door, he sat down. Skull reached out and tried the knob.

“Locked,” he whispered.

Kodiak muscled in and set a charge. They split to either side and Kodiak said, “Fire in the hole.” He blew the door. Kodiak and Skull charged in, their guns raised, but lowered them when they saw the man and little girl.

“Nancy’s family.”

“Who are you people? I demand that you let us go.” His angry tone was tempered with a good dose of terror. The little girl curled up close to her father and started to cry.

Karasu pushed through the two SEALs and crouched down to their level. “Hi, we’re with the US military and we’re here to get you out. But right now, there’s a battle going on above us.”

“Above us?” He ran his hand through his hair. “Where are we?”

“You’re in Bolivia, underground in a terrorist bunker, but you’re safe now.”

“Bolivia? I had no idea. They took us, kept us drugged. We had no idea why.” Relief washed across the man’s face, and he comforted the child. “It’s okay, honey. They are here to help us.”

Nancy’s daughter stopped crying, looked up at her dad, then back at the SEALs. She pointed at Bones and said, “Doggie.”

Skull and Kodiak chuckled. The resilience of children was astonishing.

She rose and turned to the guys who were looking at her differently. It had to be that kiss from Preacher. She was now one of their SEAL babes. “I think they will be safer here,” she whispered. “Since there’s only one more holding room, that’s where they must have Volk, Zorra, and Rose.” She looked at Skull.

“I can stay with Bones. We’ll protect them.”

“Good. I need Kodiak in case those vials have to be removed.” She headed for the door with Kodiak right behind her. She checked the corridor with a quick peek before seeing it was all clear. Leaving the room behind, she moved at a brisk walk down the corridor, the faint sounds of gunfire reaching them and echoing off the walls.

“Preacher,” Kodiak said, sounding torn. He wanted to go help his brother, but they were committed to getting to the CIA operatives before it was too late.

She was right there with him. She wanted to help Preacher too. He meant so much to her, but she had to stay on task. Each of them had a job to do.

“It shouldn’t be much longer, then we can go help him.” She broke into a run, eating up the corridor until they saw several dead guards in the hall, a closed door.

They approached, and Karasu tried the handle. It was unlocked. She pushed it open to find Nancy, Rose, Volk, and Zorra all standing there. Rose and Nancy had guns and they were pointed at them.

The two women relaxed as her gaze went directly to Volk. Naked except for his pants, beaten and wounded, but he was so very alive. She holstered her gun and crossed the room at a run. When she reached him, she flung her arms around him. “Am I ever glad to see you, you bastard. You scared the hell out of me.”

He grunted, then chuckled as one arm came around her and squeezed her, then patted her back.

She let him go, then hugged Zorra, who was dressed in nothing but a button-down shirt. There were cuts all over her to go with the multitude of bruises.

“Gonchaya?” she rasped out.

“He’s here with us. Up above kicking NSH ass.”

Zorra, looking relieved, smiled. “I was so worried.”

Karasu then looked at Rose, indicating Nancy with her chin. “Can we trust her?”

“She saved my life and theirs. She slipped me the key to the cuffs in the helicopter. She felt it was the only way to save her family and us. She did a good job.”

Karasu nodded, “Your family is safe,” she said. She keyed her comm and told Skull to bring the husband and child to her, then go help Preacher. Noting that each of them, except Rose, of course, had a small, stitched incision on their forearms. She turned to Kodiak. “Go,” she said.

He disappeared.

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