Page 43 of Primal Vengeance

“Why don’t you soak while I pour you a glass of wine and make us something to eat?”

“You cook?”

“Basic shit like quesadillas or nachos. I can also throw together a pretty decent grilled cheese,” he said.

“Well, I have all the fixin’s for grilled cheese sandwiches, so that sounds amazing.”

“Okay, I’ll fill the tub, you stay here for a few.” He kissed me gently and I found myself getting a little lost in his touch.

* * *


“If you keep doing that, I’m gonna make you climb into that tub with me,” Rowan said, breaking our kiss.

“I don’t think there’s room for two in that old thing,” I said, pointing to her vintage clawfoot tub.

“You kind of filled it to the brim,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m not even sure how I’m gonna get in without spilling water all over the floor.”

“Sorry,” I said, scratching the back of my neck. “I haven’t run a bath since I was eight years old. I’m more of a shower guy.”

“No,” she said, kissing me again. “Don’t apologize, it’s sweet.”

“I’m gonna get started on those sandwiches.” I kissed her again. “Take your time and call out to me when you’re ready to get out of the tub.”

“Why? Are you going to be my towel boy as well?”

“You wish,” I teased. “No. I just want to make sure I don’t start the grilling process too soon. The cheese needs to be perfectly melty, or there’s no point.”

“Wait a minute. Did you downplay your culinary prowess? Are you afraid if I knew you could cook, I’d force you to take a shift at the diner?”

“Don’t get too revved up there. After grilled cheese, quesadillas, and grilling, my menu takes a sharp drop off to pouring cereal and ending at ordering pizza.”

“You don’t look like you’ve consumed a complex carbohydrate in your life,” Rowan retorted.

“I’ve been known to have a cheat day or two.” I smiled.

“Sure you do,” Rowan sang out.

“Gizzard once told me there are three surefire ways a man can shorten his lifespan. Cheating at cards, cheating on his woman, and cheating on his diet. The first two will get you shot, but cheesecake typically arrives at the table unarmed.”

“Oh my gosh, all this talk about food. My stomach is grumbling. How about I get into the tub, and you bring me the grilled cheese as soon as it’s done?”

“Tub-side service will be provided per the lady’s request,” I replied and left her to her bath.

Lord didn’t so much as twitch a whisker as I walked by his crate, so I let the sleeping dog lie and made my way to the kitchen. I was happy Rowan had Lord, not just for her mental health, but as a guard dog for when I wasn’t around. I was also happy Lord had grown comfortable enough with me to sleep soundly while I was in Rowan’s presence.

After a few minutes of scrounging around Rowan’s thankfully organized and well-stocked kitchen, I found everything I needed and got to work on what I hoped would be my shining moment in grilled cheese history.

I knew enough about knives to recognize the ones that were expertly crafted and razor sharp, so I took extra care when slicing cheese. For some reason, I was more nervous about impressing her with my performance in the kitchen than I was in the bedroom. I could chalk that up to knowing she was an expert in one place and inexperienced in the other, but the truth was, I wasn’t worried because I’d already felt connected to Rowan even before we’d had sex.

I couldn’t explain it any other way other than I felt tethered to her. Like someone tied a string around my heart, so tight it hurt a little. And on the other end of that string was Rowan’s heart. I’d never been in love, so I didn’t know if that was what it felt like, but I did know I planned on doing whatever it took to make sure that string that connected our hearts was never broken by anyone or anything.

I prepped the sandwiches but before grilling them, I made my way back to the bathroom, walking in to find Rowan humming to nonexistent music as her foot tapped the end of the tub.

“Whatya singin’?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bath.

She grinned, running her hands through the bubbles. “Just a little Dolly.”