I slip through the door at the back of the event space that leads to the kitchen to go let the chef know what time karaoke will start so he can ensure his staff has the dessert bar set up in time. It seems the best way to distract the guests from the fact that their drunk coworkers will be singing karaoke is with sweets.

Once I nail down the timing with the chef, I leave the kitchen to head back down the hall to the party, but I hear my name when I pass one of the staff rooms.


I stop and double back, finding Andrew inside the small room that looks as though it’s a break room for the waitstaff. He pulls me into the room and presses his lips to mine.

So much for being professional. I sink into the kiss, running my hands up his chest and into the back of his hair. Our tongues tangle and his hand roams, coming to settle over my breast.

“Do you really not have any knickers on?” His hand slips down under my dress, fighting with the layers until he’s able to feel between my thighs, then he groans. “Fuck me, you don’t.”

He drags one finger over my clit, and though I moan and my head falls back, I manage to remember where we are when I spot an eyewash station on the wall.

“Andrew, we can’t. Not here.” I bat his hand away and step back.

“Jesus, I know, I know.” He pushes a hand through his hair and turns away from me. “It’s just you look so hot tonight. It’s hard to stay away from you.”

I smile, knowing exactly what he means. He’s droolworthy in his three-piece suit.

“We only have a few more hours left,” I tell him, and he nods.

“Yep. I can do this. But all bets are off when we get back to my place.” He looks at me in a predatory way and it fires up all my nerve endings.

I can’t wait to be alone with him later.

“Okay, you go out first. I’ll wait a minute before I rejoin the party.” I motion for him to go. If he doesn’t leave soon, I’m going to let him fuck me right here.

He frowns and nods but turns to leave. I wait about two minutes, then slip back into the party myself. I stand on the outskirts of the crowd, observing and making sure everything is as it should be.

Bethaney comes up beside me. “So… I saw you and Andrew come out of the back hallway a little bit ago. What’s going on with the two of you?”

I swallow hard. Oh shit. Turning to face her, I give her a look I hope says, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t try to hide it. I know what you two were probably doing back there.”

My cheeks heat in embarrassment.

“I’m not gonna tell anyone, don’t worry. Richie and I do that kinda stuff all the time. It’s more fun if you think you might get caught, am I right?” She waggles her eyebrows. “Here, you look like you need this.”

She passes me a fresh glass of that pink stuff and I take it and practically chug the whole thing.

What will Andrew say when he finds out Bethaney is on to us? I was the one worried tonight, so we never really discussed the problem. I’m not sure how Andrew would feel if we were outed.

“Please don’t say anything.”

She meets my gaze. “I said I wouldn’t, but like, duh. It’s been obvious he’s into you since you started coming into the office, just sayin’.”

“You think so?” I finish what’s left of my drink.

“Absolutely. The way he looks at you with puppy-dog eyes when you’re talking or coming up with ideas for the party. How he used to walk you all the way down to the lobby anytime you left? The fact that he suggested you for the party in the first place and offered to help you with it? He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who enjoys party planning.”

I can’t help but laugh. “True enough.”

Sometimes I think I could actually be friends with Bethaney. She’s not what she first appears, not really.

I glance over to see Andrew talking with one of the other partners. He’s not really what he seems at first either.

“Anyway, I’m going to go dance for a bit before karaoke. I have my perfect song picked out. Can’t wait!” She takes a couple of steps away then spins back around. “You want another of those drinks?”