“Hey, Wainwright. I just came over to tell our party planner here what a great job she did. Way better than years past, am I right?”

I sort of grunt and nod, then finally dare to look at Kenzie. She’s looking between the two of us with a sort of amused expression.

“Well, I see Simons over there. I’d better go tell him what a great job Bethaney did on all this.” Tom clamps me on the shoulder. “That partner position isn’t going to fill itself.” He gives me a cheesy wink that makes me want to punch the look off his face. That feeling intensifies when he turns to Kenzie and says, “Save a dance for me tonight, okay, beautiful?”

She blinks a few times. “I don’t think I’ll be dancing tonight. I must stay on top of things and make sure everything is going smoothly.” Then she takes a big swig of her drink.

Tom shrugs and walks off.

Though jealousy burns like a hot coal in my chest where my heart would normally be, I make what I think is the mature decision and decide not to mention it.

“You look gorgeous tonight.” My gaze dips to her cleavage, all the way down her body, and then up again.

“This old thing?” She pulls the skirt out to her sides and does a small curtsey.

“You’re ravishing. You have no idea how bad I wish I could kiss you.” I lick my lips just thinking about it.

She chuckles. “I have some idea.” She rises on her tiptoes and whispers, “Because you are the epitome of suit porn tonight.”

I laugh. “I don’t know what that is, but it has the word porn in it, so I’m going to say it’s a good thing.”

She steps closer. “It’s a great thing.” Then she takes another sip of her drink.

“Everything looks amazing. This never would have come together if it weren’t for you.”

She smiles at me. “Thank you. And thank you for getting me this gig. Bethaney already asked if I could help with next year’s party too.”

“That’s wonderful.” Forgetting myself, I step forward to embrace her but stop short at the last second. “It’s so hard remembering not to touch you.”

She sticks out her bottom lip. “I know, but it’s important to me that I be looked at as a professional.”

“I understand.”

We stand there awkwardly for a beat, unsure what to do since we can’t touch each other or do any of the things we want to right now.

“Well, I have to go check with the kitchen that dinner will be ready to be served shortly. Would you excuse me?”

“Sure thing.” I step back. “I’ll go mingle with all the boring lawyers. But just know that I’m counting down the minutes until I can take you home and strip that dress off you with my teeth.”

Her cheeks turn almost the same shade of red as her dress. Then she blows out a breath and leans in to whisper to me, “Want to know a secret? I’m not wearing any panties.”

She pulls away and winks before turning on her heel and disappearing through a door at the back that must lead to the kitchen.

Jesus, what this girl does to me.



After dinner is served, each of the partners says a few words to all the employees, then the DJ turns up the music to pull people onto the dance floor.

I’m starving, so I take another swig of the refilled drink Bethaney gave me. I don’t know what it is, but it issoyummy. Especially for not having any alcohol in it.

I only had a chance to eat breakfast today. I was too busy making sure everything was perfect for tonight to grab lunch, and since then, I’ve been working and chatting with some of the firm’s employees who have come to tell me how much they’re enjoying themselves.

I glance across the room to see Andrew stuck talking to Darla at his table. I smile because I can tell he’s merely biding his time until he can get away from her.

There’s supposed to be a dessert bar later in the evening after the hour of karaoke. Yep, karaoke. It was the one thing I couldn’t talk Bethaney out of, but at least I narrowed down the time frame from two hours to one.