As we approach my building, I spot Mrs. Hoffmeister wrapped up in her coat, scarf, and hat, smoking a cigarette.

She looks our way and smiles wide when she sees me. “Just the girl I’ve been looking for. I called you earlier, but you didn’t pick up. Must’ve been out with this one, I guess?” She nods at Andrew and narrows her eyes.

“Hi, Mrs. Hoffmeister. Why were you looking for me?”

“My bathtub is getting kind of dirty, and you know how I can’t bend over very well. Means I can’t clean it properly. I was hoping you’d be a dear and stop in and give it a good scrub for me.”

I feel Andrew turn his head slowly and look at me, waiting to see how I’ll respond. His words from earlier ring through my head like Christmas bells.

I like Mrs. Hoffmeister and don’t mind helping her. But what began as neighborly acts of kindness have slowly morphed into housekeeping and butler services. Andrew’s not wrong when he says that she can walk down to the corner store to buy her own cigarettes or do any myriad of the other things she often requests of me. If I step back, I can see clearly that she’s taken advantage of me over time.

“Actually, I have a really busy week with work, so I’m not going to be able to do that for you. I’m sorry.” My heart drums after the words leave my mouth and I wait for her to reply.

I register her shock at first, but it slowly morphs into acceptance. “Oh okay. Well, I’ll call one of my sons, or maybe I’ll have to start getting someone in to tidy the place.”

A rush of air leaves my mouth. I don’t know what I expected her to say, but I realize that my deepest fears didn’t come true just because I stood up for myself.

This realization makes me feel a little foolish. Did I expect her to rant and rave about what a horrible person I am? Honestly, a little. But she immediately backed down and I think maybe that’s given me the confidence I need to stand up for myself again.

“Thanks for understanding.” I take Andrew’s hand and squeeze, leading him up the stairs, feeling buoyant.

Once we’re inside, he tugs on my hand, forcing me to stop before I start up the stairs. I turn to face him.

He places his hands on my cheeks. “I’m proud of you. You finally stood up to her.”

I grin like a child on Christmas Eve. “I know, and the world didn’t fall apart.”

Andrew kisses me slowly, thumbs grazing across my cheeks while he does. My nipples stiffen in my bra, and I grow wet between my legs. When he pulls away, I can’t help but gaze into his stormy eyes and think about how much he’s brought to my life in a short time. Suddenly, I can’t get to my apartment fast enough to show this man with my body exactly how much he means to me.

I turn and race up the stairs. Andrew seems to understand my urgency without me having to voice it.

By the time we reach my apartment door, I’m panting, fussing with the key to get it into the lock and the door open. Finally, I get it and push the door open. As soon as we’re through and I’ve closed and locked the door, we’re on each other—lips on lips, hands all over the other’s body, clothes stripped off.

“Thank you for today,” I murmur against his mouth.

He pulls away for a second and looks down at me. “It was a given. You need help, I can help… I’m there.”

Our mouths meet again, desperate. All the while, my mind is spinning.

Between showing up for me today and doing something I know he was uncomfortable with, to encouraging me to stand up for myself, and the effort he must have gone to in order to get me my birthday present, Andrew has made me feel more special and wanted and loved than I have in my entire life.

It’s then I realize that I’m wholly in love with this man—body and soul.

There’s no way I’m going to tell him that though. Not a chance. I have some pride.

But I cherish the thought, whether he feels the same about me or not. If he doesn’t, maybe he will in time. After all, he has more baggage than I do in the past relationship department.

All I know is that when I’m with him, itfeelslike he loves me. And that’s enough, for now.

Once we’re undressed, Andrew picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck. He walks us over to my bed and gently sets me on my back.

The way he stares at me feels like a caress. As though I can feel his thoughts trail against my heated skin everywhere his gaze moves.

I move so I’m at the top of the bed, anxious and waiting for him. The need to feel this man inside me, to be joined with him, is more intense than I’ve ever known it.

He crawls up the bed until he’s hovering over me, holding my eyes with his the entire time. I draw in a deep breath. This feels different than the other times we’ve been together.

“I don’t want anything between us tonight.” He brushes a strand of hair off my forehead. “I’m clean.”