“Andrew?” I pull my phone away from my face and see that the call timer is still counting. “Andrew?”

“You want me to play Santa. Me? A man who doesn’t even like Christmas?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate.” I look behind me to make sure neither Enzo nor Annie have come into the room. I don’t want them to panic. They’re hosting this year, and last they told me, they were going to get showered and ready for the party. The kids are out somewhere with the nanny.

“Didn’t you call me Scrooge once?”

I sigh. “That was before I really knew you. And let’s remember Scrooge came around.”

“Oh, so now you think I’m suited to play Father Christmas?”

I huff. “No, I’m desperate and have no one else to ask. So, will you do it? Please!” I cross the fingers on my free hand.

“Kenzie, I don’t think I can pull it off. What if I bugger it up and then the kids know that Santa isn’t real?”

“It will be really easy, I promise. The presents already have each child’s name on them. You just ask what they want for Christmas, tell them to be good, and give them their present before they get off your lap. I’ll be next to you the entire time.”

I hear him blow out a breath. I’m fully aware I’m putting him in a bad situation because he wants me to be happy. “It’s not like I just happen to have a Santa suit lying around.”

“I already have one. I had to rent it for the guy who was going to do it, so it’s here waiting.”

Again, he’s silent for a moment.


“Fine. Text me the info. I have something I have to finish up here. It’ll probably be an hour before I can leave.”

“You’re the best! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Now you better get that elf costume out after this party tonight or I won’t consider my services to be paid in full.”

I laugh. “You have my word.”

I end the call and cradle the phone to my chest, where a warm sensation blooms. It feels good to have someone to put you first and who won’t let you down.

“So, my boyfriend agreed to step in and play the role of Santa for the night.” I’m explaining to the host, Annie Mancini, about the last-minute change.

That’s the first time I’ve called Andrew my boyfriend to anyone else, and I almost get giddy like a middle schooler using the term. I mean, I filled Tessa in on everything that happened over the weekend, but I didn’t call him my boyfriend during our conversation.

Annie smiles, rubbing her pregnant belly. “That’s very sweet of him. And very industrious of you. Thanks for taking care of that, Kenzie.”

I can’t help but smile. I really like the three Mancini brothers and their wives. They shift the hosting of the event around every year, so I’ve worked with each of them now, and they’re all equally impressive. Despite being überrich and successful, they’ve always treated me well and with respect, not like one of their minions doing their bidding.

“I’m just going to go make sure everything is coming along with dinner and go over everything with the chef one more time. If Andrew arrives, can you please let him in and send him my way?”

“Of course. I’ll sneak him in. I’m going to check how the kids are coming along at getting ready.” She shakes her head as she leaves, as though she doesn’t think they’ll have gotten that far.

I’ve been in the kitchen for a few minutes when Enzo walks in with Andrew.

“Kenzie, I think this belongs to you,” Enzo says and motions to Andrew.

“Yes, thank you.” I smile and resist the urge to give Andrew a kiss.

Enzo turns to Andrew and clamps him on the shoulder. “You must really love this one”—he motions at me—“if you’re willing to get in a Santa suit and let these kids climb all over you. Good luck.” He chuckles and leaves the kitchen.

We both sort of stand there awkwardly for a beat after Enzo’s mention of love. We haven’t been seeing each other that long and neither of us has said that word to the other or even suggested it. But I’d be lying if I said that’s not the direction my feelings are tipping as of late.

I introduce Andrew and the chef, then I drag Andrew out of the kitchen and, after making sure none of the kids are around, down to the guest room. As soon as the guest room door is closed, I whip around, wrap my arms around Andrew’s neck, and kiss him.