I sit on the edge of the bed and tuck her hair behind her ear. “Happy birthday, birthday girl.”

She groans, then her eyes flutter open. Her expression shows her confusion for a moment while she glances around the room, but when she sees me, she gives me a soft smile that I return.

“Happy birthday.” I press a kiss to her forehead.

She smiles wider. “Thank you.” Her gaze darts up and down my body. “You’re all ready for the day. Why didn’t you wake me?”

I shrug. “Figured you’d want to sleep. I put you through your paces last night.” I wink.

She chuckles. “Yeah, but I liked it. A lot.”

“As did I.” I can’t fight my grin. “I took a look at what the resort has to offer, so you’ll need to decide what you feel like doing, birthday girl.”

She sits up in bed. “Okay, let me go freshen up, then you can tell me all about it.” Kenzie gets out of bed and walks over to the bathroom, shutting the door.

I turn on the TV and find those stations that play music, flicking through all the channels until I find one with holiday music, knowing Kenzie will like it.

She comes out of the bathroom wearing the T-shirt I left hanging on a hook in there, and with her long, blonde hair down and flowing and no makeup on, she looks as beautiful as ever. I don’t know what it is about seeing a woman wearing my clothes, but it’s a helluva turn-on.

I force myself to set my libido aside. This day is about Kenzie and making it special for her.

Getting off the bed, I walk over to her and take her hand, then lead her to the Christmas tree. “I have something I want to give you for your birthday.”

“You do?” Her voice is soft and disbelieving.

“Of course I do. Come have a seat by the tree.”

We both sit down cross-legged beside the tree and I pull the gift out from underneath.

“Where did this come from? I didn’t see this last night.” She inspects it.

“I snuck it in this morning while you were still sleeping.” I slide it over to her on the floor. “Careful opening it. It’s breakable, and I did the wrapping job, so don’t expect much.”

Though I don’t know for sure, I’ll bet that Kenzie’s gifts are all perfectly wrapped with coordinating ribbons and bows and the perfect gift tag attached.

“I think you did a great job.” She inspects the floral wrapping paper for a second before she rips it off the outside of the box.

She has no idea what’s inside at this point because it’s a plain brown box. I couldn’t exactly give her this present in its original packaging.

My nerves start up again as she takes the tape off the top of the box and digs through the foam peanuts inside. She reaches in and pulls out her gift, gasping when the peanuts fall away.

“Oh my god, Andrew.”

It’s the vintage white ceramic Christmas tree her grandma had when she was young. Well, I think it’s like it. It’s exactly how she described to me that day we were out shopping. I had to really search for one and, in the end, had to pay an obscene amount of money to have it shipped over from Europe fast enough to arrive before her birthday. Judging by the look on her face, it’s a replica of the original, which makes all the money and trouble worth it.

Tears fill her eyes, but she’s beaming as she turns the tree in her hands.

“The lights to put in the holes are in a container in the box.” I nod toward the open box.

She sets the tree to her side and lunges for me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me repeatedly all over my face.

I chuckle. “I take it you like it?”

She pulls back and places both hands on my cheeks. “It’s the best gift I’ve ever received. I swear. Thank you, Andrew. I can’t believe you hunted this down for me.”

I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “I could tell how many good memories you associated with that tree, and I wanted you to have it.”

She leans in and kisses me with fervor, pouring all her excitement and gratitude into the meeting of our mouths. “I brought something for you too.”