I think I know the meaning of the phrase “Fuck your brains out” now.



Ilie beside Kenzie, panting after having come so hard I think I might have blacked out.

That was… Jesus. I’ve never had it be like that with anyone else.

I felt primal, as though I needed to mark her as mine. As though I couldn’t get deep enough into her if I tried. As though I wanted us to become one. I need to check in with her, make sure it wasn’t too rough, and she doesn’t think I’m a madman or something.

I roll onto my side. “Was that too much?”

Her eyes pop open, and without moving her body, she turns her head in my direction. “I just had three orgasms back-to-back, Andrew. What would I possibly complain about?”

I chuckle and grin, then give her a chaste kiss. “Just let me take care of this condom.”

I stand and head to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. When I return to the room, Kenzie is already up from the bed and walking toward the bathroom. She’s still naked and I love how confident she is in her own skin around me. Most women I’ve been with seem to want to cover up as soon as we’re done, as though I hadn’t already seen them naked. But Kenzie just gives me a saucy grin over her shoulder before she shuts the bathroom door.

I return the pillows to the bed, then prop myself up against the headboard.

The toilet flushes and the tap runs, then Kenzie opens the door and makes her way over to the bed. I watch with avid interest the way her tits bounce ever so slightly when she walks. I have to shift my position to get comfortable because my dick is once again at half-chub.

She slips under the covers and scoots close to me, laying her cheek on my chest and wrapping her arm around my waist.

The TV is on, still playing some Christmas movie, but I get the sense that neither of us are paying it much attention. We’re both in our heads, mulling over what happened—at least I am.

After a few minutes, she tilts her head up to look at me. “Does this mean you think we can go the distance?”

For a moment, my muscles tense. It’s not because my answer is no. It’s just a decade of telling myself I can’t trust my instincts when it comes to women rearing its head. But I take a deep breath, forcing myself to relax.

I know, have known for some time, that at some point, I’m going to have to take the plunge unless I want to end up alone for the rest of my life. So I swallow back every piece of me that wants to retreat and create some distance between us because this thing with Kenzie does feel right. If I can’t trust my own feelings, maybe I can trust hers.

I nod. “That’s the goal of any relationship, isn’t it? I guess the question is whether you want to go the distance with me.” My heart hammers while I wait for her response.

She smiles, and I swear it makes her eyes seem even more blue. “I want to go the distance with you, Andrew Wainwright.” Neither her voice nor her gaze wavers. Oh, how I’m jealous of her certainty.

I brush some of her hair off the side of her face. “I definitely want to go the distance with you, MacKenzie Montgomery.”

We meet halfway and seal our declarations with a slow, languid kiss, as though we have all the time in the world. I only hope that’s true.

We ended up ordering room service for dinner, neither of us wanting to make ourselves presentable to go down to the dining room. Then we took a bath—where we managed to behave ourselves—followed by a shower so we could both wash our hair—where we didn’t behave ourselves.

I’m surprised there’s not a dent in the tiled shower wall from how hard I took her against it.

Afterward, we got a fire going in the fireplace and cuddled and watched the movieOne Magic Christmas. It wasn’t terrible, I’ll admit. Even if it was filmed way back in the 1980s.

I don’t want to wake up Kenzie, so I quietly get dressed and sneak down to the valet because I have to retrieve something from the back of the rental SUV. My hands feel a little shaky with nerves as I reach into the back and pull out the wrapped gift.

Today is Kenzie’s birthday.

I have something for her I was certain she’d like when I bought it, but now that it’s time to give it to her, I’m second-guessing myself.

After thanking the valet, I head back up to the room and sneak back inside, then place the present under the Christmas tree. I head over to the bed, where Kenzie’s hair is still splayed across the pillow and she’s sleeping soundly.

I should probably let her sleep, but I want today to be special for her. After she opens her present and we have breakfast in bed, I thought we’d take a walk around the trails on the property. Maybe tonight we’ll even make it out of bed to check out the trail with all the lights. The resort also has snowmobiles and a horse-drawn carriage ride.

I’m down for whatever she wants to do. Since we won’t be distracted by my parents, I want her first birthday with us as a couple to be special.