
Icall Finn back the following morning, partly because it was late by the time I made it back to my apartment, but mostly because as soon as I got home, I went into the shower and rubbed one out thinking of Kenzie and the way she tasted and felt and looked earlier that night.

It’s official—I’m a goner.

I’m a total simp for this woman. At this point, I’d probably enter a gingerbread-house-making competition and dress up as Santa if she asked me to.

The days at work used to fly by and I wouldn’t give a second thought to staying at the office until seven or eight o’clock. Now though, the minutes drag by because I’m counting down until I can see Kenzie again. It’s as if time stands still when I’m at my desk.

Still, I’m trying my best to save that last little piece of me for myself. I’ve only once given another woman everything and look what happened there. I still don’t quite understand it.

And tonight, I have to wait even longer to see Kenzie because I’m meeting Finn after work. Something I would normally look forward to, but tonight, not so much, considering I was fingers deep in his sister the night before and he’s none the wiser.

I understand why Kenzie wants to keep our relationship between us for the time being. Her relationship with her family is complicated, and relationships, as a rule, are messy. I’m not sure what Finn’s reaction will be if/when he finds out, but there’s no sense in risking either of our relationships with him until we know we stand a chance of being together.

I leave work on time and meet him at the usual place. I find him at our usual table and see that he’s ordered my usual drink.

Jesus, are we that predictable?

“How’s it going?” I take the seat across from him, pick up my glass, and take a sip of my drink, hoping it will calm some of my nerves.

It’s not until I take a seat that I wonder if perhaps Finn knows something about Kenzie and me. Why else would he say he has to talk to me about something and ask to meet up as soon as possible?

“Good, man. You?” He arches an eyebrow. Is it just me or does it seem like he’s looking at me funny?

I clear my throat and set down my glass. “The usual. So… what’s this all about? Why did you want to meet? Don’t leave me in suspense.” My smile feels strained and I hope Finn doesn’t notice.

“Cutting right to the chase, huh?” He eyes me for an uncomfortably long moment and all my muscles grow tense. “I want you to be my best man.”

A rush of air leaves my lungs, and my body relaxes. “What?” I’m a little stunned. “For real?”

“Yeah, man. So, what do you say?” He smiles.

“Of course I will.” I stand and we give each other a bro hug and I slap him on the back.

“I didn’t want to just call you on the phone or ask you via text, you know?”

I nod and take my seat again. “I’m honored, Finn. Thanks.”

We grab our drinks and cheers before taking a sip.

“Any idea when the big day will be?” I ask.

“We’re thinking in the spring. It’ll be tight to pull it all together, but we don’t want to wait long. Zahra’s a few years younger than me, but neither of us is exactly young and we want to start a family, you know?”

I don’t, but I nod anyway. “You’re having it here in New York?”

He nods while swallowing his drink. “Zahra’s going to reach out to Mac this week about booking a meeting with her to get started on the wedding plans.”

My smile slips a bit at the mention of his sister, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

We catch up with each other, and when it’s time to part, I offer him my congratulations again before heading to the tube to take it down to his sister’s place. Jesus, I feel like such a wanker.

When I reach Kenzie’s building about a half hour later, I head inside and up the stairs to her floor, where I knock on her apartment door. There’s no answer. As I’m wondering where she is, my phone vibrates in my coat pocket, so I pull it out, thinking maybe it’s from her.

But no, it’s from my mother. In the message preview, I don’t like what I see, so I open the message to be sure I understand correctly.

Mom:Your dad and I will be in Montreal for his work. Thought we’d take the opportunity to visit our favorite son. Maybe we can meet in the middle? I found a charming place in upstate New York. Wouldn’t that be ideal over the hustle and bustle of Manhattan? Already booked you a room!