My breathing grows erratic as the hand in my cheek slides around to the back of my head and he leans in. The scent of his cologne swirls around us, and when he tightens his grip in my hair and presses his lips to mine, I give in completely. I have no thoughts about whether this is the right thing to do, the smart thing to do, or whether it will lead to pain down the road. No, I give in completely, and when his tongue finds the seam of my lips, I open and hand myself over to him.

He groans when our tongues meet, and I slide my arms around his waist, clutching him to me while he kisses me slowly, thoroughly, as though he’s savoring the moment. Andrew’s hand in my hair grips tighter as he deepens the kiss and steps into me. Because his jacket is open, I feel the swell of his cock pressed against my stomach and it makes me moan.

The evidence of his arousal, coupled with my own undoing when he gently coasts his hand up my waist, over my breast, and holds my chin while he finishes the kiss, causes wetness between my thighs. When he pulls back, he continues to hold my face, angling it toward his while he stares at me with heavy-lidded eyes.

We’re both breathing heavily as we take the other in. Then he lets his hand drop from my face. This is the moment of truth where he’ll either take it back or push forward. I hold my breath and wait.



“I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time,” I say and feel her energy shift from tense to relaxed.

“So have I.” Her voice is as soft as cashmere.

I drop my hand and rest my forehead on hers.

I’ve crossed a line I can’t come back from. I know it, but it’s hard to feel guilty about it when she looks at me as if I’m her world.

Still, I can do right by Finn by making sure I don’t hurt Kenzie. If I’m honest, I’m worried about myself too. I once thought I knew exactly what the other person was thinking and feeling for me, and look how wrong I turned out to be. Clearly, I can’t rely on my own judgment.

I step back and shove my hands in my pockets, determined to keep them off Kenzie until we’ve had a conversation. “If it’s not obvious, I’m attracted to you.”

Her smile makes her eyes sparkle. “I’m attracted to you as well.”

“But I want to make sure we go about this in the right way. It’s not like I’d want to hurt you either way, but I feel beholden to your brother to do right by you. So, before we do anything… more—and I’m not saying that you want to or anything, I’m just putting it out there—I think maybe we should date for a bit. See what happens?”

I hold my breath to gauge her reaction. I hope she doesn’t take it as rejection because that’s not how I mean it at all. If I listened to my loins, I’d have her naked and pressed up against the wall in a heartbeat.

With a very small smile, she tilts her head. “I’m on board with that. But I do have one request.”

I nod. “All right, let’s hear it.”

“I don’t want my brother to know anything is going on between us.” When I frown, she raises her hand. “I know I gave you the gears about Thanksgiving, but we were platonic then. Now it’s different. I just don’t want the pressure of his expectations weighing on us.”

A long breath flows out of my mouth. I didn’t feel good about keeping it from Finn before, but now that I’ll be dating his sister, not telling him feels like an even bigger betrayal.

“Please?” She raises her hands into a prayer pose. “I’m not saying we’re never going to tell him, but why don’t we see how things go and take it from there?”

I reluctantly nod. “Yeah, okay. If that’s what you want.”

Kenzie steps toward me. “Does that mean we can kiss again now that we’ve gotten that out of the way?”

I wrap my arms around her and draw her in. “Damn straight.”

When I bring my lips down to hers, she wraps her arms around my neck. Our kisses start off slow but become more heated until I pull away once my cock is stiff and pushing into her stomach.

“It might be harder to take things slow, don’t you think?” she says, her gaze dipping between my legs.

I chuckle and adjust myself. “Yeah, I’m getting that.”

The amusement in her eyes causes a warm sensation to spread through my chest.

“Did you want to stay and watch a movie with me?” She gestures behind me, and I turn.

Her apartment is small and absolutely loaded with holiday decor. There’s a Christmas tree against the wall between the kitchen and the living room/bedroom and another smaller one on the modest-sized kitchen island. She has garland strung from one corner of the room to the other and strands of Christmas lights hang across the window, giving the room a warm glow.

I swallow hard when I see the bed, the TV on the wall across from it. I turn back to look at her. “No couch?”