I raise my hands. “None for me, thanks.”

“Ooh, I’d love one.” Kenzie grabs one and gives the woman her thanks, then unwraps the candy and sticks it between her lips.

If my body’s reaction to seeing her red lips wrapped around a piece of candy is any indication, I’m in deep trouble. I shift my weight to hopefully hide that I’m trying to adjust my shaft that is now a half-chub in my jeans.

“You’re missing out.” She smiles around the mint stick.

All I can do is grunt before I turn around and face the direction the line is moving so that I don’t have to watch her suck on that thing anymore.

“Don’t be a grump. You promised.”

I don’t turn around when I answer her. “I know. I assure you, I’m not.”

Truth is, I’m enjoying myselftoomuch.



Ican barely catch my breath.

Watching what is normally a confident, capable, hot-as-hell man struggle to stay upright on the ice has to be God’s way of evening the playing field for the rest of us.

True to his word, Andrew hasn’t complained. But from the moment he put on the rented skates and we stepped out onto the ice, it’s been obvious that he would rather be anywhere but here.

“Do you want me to get you one of those things the kids push around to help them learn how to skate?” I grin at him while a kid of about ten speeds by a little too close, causing Andrew’s arms to flail before he regains his balance again.

Once he’s no longer in danger of falling, he glares at me. “If you do, this deal is off, and I will absolutely start complaining.”

I put up my hands and skate over to him. “Do you want to try actually skating again, rather than just standing in one spot? You’ll get better if you give yourself a chance to find your balance.”

He huffs out a sigh that frosts the air in front of him. “If you insist.”

“I do. Just think of it like taking little steps, but don’t lift your feet. Just glide them forward.”

He nods and moves forward. Slowly at first. So slowly. I skate in front of him, facing him while I skate backward.

“You’re doing great.” I smack my mittened hands together to cheer him on and he looks at me from under his brows. “I’m serious.”

“I think I just saw one of theGolden Girlspass me.”

I laugh and check over my shoulder to make sure I’m not going to run into anyone. “Just keep going.”

With a look of frustration, he does. Slowly picking up speed and seeming to become a little more comfortable.

That is, until the same little boy who buzzed by him does so again, this time even closer than before. Andrew’s arms wheel around like a windmill before my own instincts kick in and I reach for him. But I’m not quick enough to save him. His feet slip out from under him, and I go sailing back with him.

We land with a thud on the ice, Andrew below and me on top.

“Are you okay?” he says as my face is mushed into his coat.

I raise my head and look down at him. When our eyes catch, we both laugh uncontrollably. Neither of us moves until it becomes obvious that I’m lying on top of him, my body pressed to his.

“I guess I should get up.” My voice is ragged.

“Sure, right.”

It’s awkward as hell trying to get off of him with skates on. The last thing I want is to slice an important part. Once I’m standing, I offer a hand to Andrew, but he ignores it and manages to get himself upright.