I do so, and we walk side by side back to the reception area without saying a word. He presses the elevator button and I’m surprised when he steps inside with me.

“Oh, you’re joining?” I step aside so there’s more distance.

In this small space, I catch the scent of his cologne, and for some reason, it surprises me. He’s obviously looking to date again since he was on the app, but his life seems too busy to want a woman entangled with it. Oh, unless he only wants one thing from the women. I shake my head to stop my line of thinking because we’re not ever venturing into that territory again.

“I said I’d see you out.” He presses the button and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

Once the doors shut, I immediately turn to face him. “You didn’t tell me the last planner quit. And I can see why. Her expectations are completely off base.”

He massages the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “I know, believe me. But maybe there’s a way to figure it out?”

I stare at him blankly for a moment. “She wants it to be snowing the entire time the party is going on. Even if you used fake snow, she’s given no thought to how much that will accumulate on the floor throughout the night. And her idea to force the guests into a sing- or a dance-off? I mean, I don’t want to stereotype all lawyers, but I’ve never gotten the impression that you’re all a bunch of exhibitionists. And don’t even get me started on wanting actual reindeer present.”

What is it with all these rich people and their need to have live animals at their parties?

“You said you were trying to grow your business, right?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Andrew, the only thing worse than not having a job as an event planner is doing an event that you don’t have enough time or resources to pull together. Regardless of the crazy she wants to pull in, this is that event.”

His hands slide out of his pants and he takes mine, squeezing them. “There’s got to be something you can do. I’m desperate, Kenzie. I need you.”

I ignore the way my skin tingles from his words.

The elevator dings at a lower floor. Andrew drops my hands, and a middle-aged man steps on with a tight smile and a nod at each of us. Andrew and I step to the back of the elevator to give the man room and the usual awkward silence of an elevator ride begins.

When we reach the main floor, the stranger steps out and Andrew motions for me to go first. He follows me out and we step off to the side of the foyer to continue our conversation.

“I’m a one-woman operation. I don’t have enough business to have a staff. I really don’t think I can pull this off in time for the party. I’m sorry.”

The way Andrew’s shoulders fall might as well be a knife to my chest. I try to remind myself this is how I ended up watching those three Great Danes one weekend. I hate disappointing people.

“I’ll do anything,” he says.

“Dress up like an elf?” I raise an eyebrow and his smile almost undoes me. The man has a set of pearly whites I could get lost in. “I’m kidding. You could help me…”

His eyes widen and his smile vanishes. “Me? I don’t know the first thing about party planning.”

I shrug. “You seem somewhat intelligent, what with being a lawyer and all. I’m sure you can take instructions well enough.”

His eyes narrow at my sarcasm, and he brings his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing there. “I’m not like the two of you… I’m not a well full of ideas to make people enjoy themselves.”

I lean in close. “I wouldn’t want you for your mind, Andrew, just your muscle.” I touch his upper arm and, sure enough, he’s hiding a great body under that suit.

“My schedule is packed. With the holidays…”

Which reminds me. “Speaking of the holiday in question, why does Bethaney think you love Christmas? We both know that’s a lie.”

He cringes. “I may have alluded to loving it in order to get into her good graces. She leads my boss around by his dick and I need him to vote me in as partner.”

I nod. That makes more sense.

It’s then I realize I have some leverage. Not like it’s kept me up late at night, but Andrew’s dislike of Christmas has been bothering me. How can he hate a holiday that’s the majority of people in this country’s favorite? I can’t help but believe he’s missing out. And an idea pops into my head.

“I tell you what… I’ll do it under two conditions.” I hold up two fingers.

His hands drop to his sides. “Name them.”

“First, you agree to help me when necessary. I’m not going to put you in charge of ideas or execution, but I might need you to make follow-up calls or pick something up from a vendor. Who knows?”