Christ, what’s with the Christmas cheerleaders I find myself surrounded by lately? What is it about the holiday that these people love? Then a thought occurs to me, but I don’t want to mention Kenzie’s name to Bethaney because that’s inviting Kenzie into my world.

“You know what, sweetie, Tom Harding probably knows someone. He always seems to have a guy or a woman who can help out.”

Tom Harding? I’ve never wanted to throat punch a guy more.

“Really?” Bethaney stands. “Maybe I should go ask him?”

“You do that, sweetie.” He pats her on the ass. “Hell of a case he won for the firm yesterday, right, Andrew?”

If I could forcefully throw up, I would right now.

“I know someone!” I actually raise my hand as the words rush out of me so fast, I’m surprised Bethaney understood me and stops. I’m not an impulsive person. I always think before I speak. It’s the nature of being a lawyer.

“You do? Who is it?” Bethaney turns to Mr. Simons.

“My friend’s sister is an event planner.”

“What’s her name?”

“MacKenzie Montgomery.” I don’t actually know if she goes by her full name in business or if she has a business name. We never got that far last night.

Bethaney tilts her head and purses her lips. “I’ve never heard of her.” She steps closer to the door and panic arises inside me.

“She’s very up and coming.” Bethaney’s expression doesn’t change, so I add, “And she loves Christmas. Just last night, she was dressed like an elf when we had dinner. Christmas cheer is the best, am I right?” I don’t know why I added that last part.

“You love Christmas?” Her expression says she pegged me for a Scrooge.

“What’s not to love? Favorite holiday.” I plaster what I hope is a convincing smile and point to myself. Even Mr. Simons quirks an eyebrow my way.

Bethaney’s eyes widen and she shifts to stand by me. “An elf? Love that.” She heads back over to Mr. Simons and grabs his lapels. “Oh, Ricky, this could be it. If she’s up and coming, I could be known for discovering the next ‘it’ event planner in the city. Wouldn’t that be amazing?” Her smile is at full wattage.

“You’re amazing,” Mr. Simons says, looking at her lovingly. Jesus, this guy is a goner.

Bethaney turns back to me. “Can you give me her number?”

“Sure, but why don’t you let me call her first and sweet-talk her into making time in her schedule?”

“Perfect.” She claps like a baby seal then rushes over to embrace me.

I let my hands hang stiff at my sides and glance at Mr. Simons, but he doesn’t look concerned that his fiancée is pressed against me. In fact, he’s grinning almost as much as she is. Maybe the way to win his vote for partner isn’t through hard work and billable hours. Maybe it’s through making the woman he loves happy.

The idea is irksome, but if that’s the reality I’m dealing with, then I’m just happy I realized it now and that I have an event planner to refer to Bethaney.

Bethaney finally unwraps me from her hold and the scent of her cloying perfume eases as she steps back. “I’m so surprised that you love Christmas too.” She swats my chest. “You don’t strike me as the type.”

Shit. Me and my big mouth. I could have just referred Kenzie but not lied about my love for Christmas.

“What’s not to love?” I smile in a way I hope comes across as genuine.

“This is going to be so fun!” She looks about five seconds from breaking into song and dance.

I need to escape before she starts singing Christmas carols or something.

“Okay, I’ll give her a call and get back to you ASAP.” I turn and start to head out the door, but Mr. Simons calls my name.

“Thanks for this. I won’t forget it.” He winks.

I return the gesture with a nod and a smile before heading back to my office.