Elmore managed a soft smile that quirked at the corner of his lips. "Yes," he replied honestly, "I think that the angel's trumpet can cure your cough — not only that, but I think that it could cureeverycatarrhous cough if applied to the right situation. You won't have to worry about that again."

Her smile was beautiful and warm, so lovely that Elmore couldn't help but grin. She was so sweet, soperfect,and all Elmore wanted was to help.

There was no denying his love for Aurora anymore, because he cared for her more than he had ever cared foranyone.

Chapter 32

Elmore Winters

It was still bright out when Elmore went to collect some leaves of the angel's trumpet. After everything that had happened today, he was surprised to notice that hardly any time had passed. It felt like hours since the Duke had come to view the flowers, instead it was closer to onlyonehour.

He had to don thick gardening gloves to touch it — and even if he was being overly cautious, it was better than the opposite. He plucked a few leaves from the base of the tree and bound them with twine. Hopefully, with the right administration, these could help ease Aurora's coughing fits.

It wasn't a miracle cure that would fix everything right away, of course, as much as Elmore wished that were the case. Rather, it would take some practice and several doses before Aurora noticed a difference in her health – but it could provide limited relief to her now, and a long term solution in the future. However, if he could ease her worries even just a little, it was worth it.

With the angel's trumpet leaves bundled in one gloved hand, Elmore set off back towards the house.

The Duke and Duchess waited outside, standing awkwardly on the path to watch. He was once again struck by how out of place they looked.

Elmore offered them a nod and said, “you’re about to witness what the angel’s trumpet can really do.”

Then he turned to the door. "Could I have a match or two?" he called through the open door. "And a plate to put the leaves on? Something that won't burn or crack with the heat."

"Of course," Mr. Washam's voice called back, "give me a moment."

While Mr. Washam went about getting the items Elmore requested, Aurora came shuffling through the front door. She looked exhausted, with dark circles beneath her eyes and a paleness to her skin. It was such a stark contrast to her reddened cheeks earlier, that Elmore felt a stab of worry in his gut. Yet she smiled faintly as she sat on the steps to wait.

"We will have to be careful," he told her with a frown, "you and I both know how toxic this is. Inhaling the smoke is the safest way to administer the angel's trumpet as you won't come into direct contact, but please try not to consume too much of it."

Aurora nodded, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I won't go too far," she promised, "I'm not exactly thrilled about this, either."

Elmore offered a nervous smile, but Mr. Washam appeared before he could respond. Mr. Washam held out a long wooden matchbox, while holding a small white tea plate.

"Put the leaves on the plate as it burns," Mr. Washam instructed, "and have Aurora hold it. May I suggest that we stand back for this?"

Elmore nodded. "Exactly what I would have said."

The thought made him feelsick,but if something went wrong then somebody had to be safe enough to deal with whatever happened. Of course, Elmore hoped that it never came to that.

Mr. Washam stepped back ten feet or so, planted firmly in the middle of the grass. "Are you ready, love?" he asked.

The Duke and Duchess watched on from a safe distance, apparently fixated with intrigue. “Do you think this will work?” the Duke asked.

Elmore nodded. “It has to.”

Aurora's hands were clasped so tightly that her knuckles had turned white. She was paler than ever, too, her face as white as a Madonna lily.

"We don't have to do this," Elmore urged, "if you don't feel safe. We can continue with our project, wait until we have a better idea of what to expect."

Aurora's voice was rough from coughing. Strained. When she spoke, she sounded like a much older woman. "We don't know when that will be," Aurora stated, "months from now, or even years. If we wait to develop a safer strain, my cough could be beyond cure by then — you have both said yourselves that it's getting worse."

She sounded close to tears, and Elmore had to restrain himself from going to her. He wanted to embrace her, kiss Aurora's concerns away, but why would she want that?

Instead, he took a deep breath and said, "you're right. We don't know how long this will take, or whether it will still be a viable cure by then. Itisbetter to try this now — but I won't do anything without your say so."

Aurora turned her bright, hopeful gaze to him, peeking up through thick strands of pale hair. Elmore saw apprehension there, in the way she fumbled to form a reply. Yet she managed a small smile and said, "I trust Father, and I trust you. If anything happens, I know the two of you will keep me safe."

Elmore's heart warmed at her kind words, and he couldn't help but smile back. Despite everything — their rocky beginning, the uncertainty of what was going to happen — shetrusted him.It was all that he asked for, in the end.