Aurora's hands fluttered in the air, like she didn't quite know what to do with them. She reached for the flower, then apparently remembered that she couldn't touch it. So instead, her hands dropped onto Elmore's arm.

He felt a shock at her touch, something that ran through his entire body and settled heavily in his stomach. He wanted to bundle Aurora into his arms andkiss her,but of course that was ridiculous. So, ignoring his desire, Elmore settled for leaning a little closer and pretended that was enough.

Then Aurora let out a happy sigh and leaned her head against his shoulder.

So lost in his own thoughts, it took Elmore a moment to realize that Aurora was muffling coughs behind her palm. They started small at first but quickly got worse, until she was lurching forward, and Elmore was scrambling to support her back.

Guilt swelled in his chest as he fumbled for a handkerchief. How hadn't he noticed that Aurora was ill? This had happened at the ball too, when he had found her coughing up a lung in the middle of the entrance hall.

When he tried to help, though, Aurora waved him off. Eventually she calmed enough to take a drink of tea — normal tea, not her usual bergamot.

When she set the cup down, she said, "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to worry you."

As if he was worried about that. No, he was only concerned for Aurora's health. He said as much, letting her know that he didn't care one bit about anything except that she was all right.

She offered him a thankful smile, and even managed a weak laugh. "Maybe I overtaxed myself today," she admitted, "I'll admit that with our project and all, I haven't been sleeping as good as usual."

That hurt to hear, but it did sound like something Aurora would do; lose sleep over her project.

"Then you should sleep earlier tonight," he suggested gently, "and I'll look after the plant. I don't think anyone will come by tonight anyway."

Aurora rose a knowing brow, laughter bubbling up in her chest. "Don't you think I already know?Youjust wanted to spend more time with me."

His cheeks burned at the accusation but...she was right. He had wanted to spend more time with her, and he wasn't afraid to admit as much.

"Can you blame me?" he asked gently, "look at what we've accomplished! Isn't it lovely?"

"It is," Aurora replied, and there was a wistfulness in her voice. "I just hope that I can get a handle on these coughing fits. I'd hate to endanger the proposal to the Duke."

Elmore only gave her a reassuring grin and said, "we'll do just fine; and so will you, Aurora Washam."

Chapter 30

Elmore Winters

"Good afternoon," Elmore greeted on Thursday afternoon. He bid the Duke and Duchess a bright smile as he stepped aside to let them into the garden.

It was a beautiful afternoon, with bright skies and lazy clouds floating overhead. Truly, he couldn't have asked for a better day for this to take place.

The Duke smiled as he allowed his wife in first. They both passed through the rickety wooden fence to the Washam's home, looking about with the air of two people who had never stepped beyond their own garden.

Mr. Washam stood to the left, tense with apprehension. The Duke wasn't just the one possibly funding part of this project, but also his employer.

Elmore's heart went out to the man. Truly. Even Elmore himself felt the trickle of nerves at the back of his mind, as he and Mr. Washam showed the Duke and Duchess to the angel's trumpet.

"I must confess," the Duke said as they wandered across the grass, "I wasn't sure what to expect. You do such an excellent job of making the botanical gardens beautiful, Mr. Washam, but I feared it left you little time for your own."

Mr. Washam inclined his head. "My daughter, Aurora, helps with much of our own garden. I hope one day to teach her all I know, although she's already a very knowledgeable young woman."

The Duke gave a dismissive roll of his eyes.

It made Elmore stiffen in annoyance, but what the Duchess had to say was much more reassuring.

"I think it's good that young women these days are learning their worth. I'm sure that Miss Aurora is a lovely young woman who will do an excellent job helping on your project."

"Actually, your Grace," Elmore found himself cutting in before he could stop himself, "she's the one in charge."

The Duchess smiled; by comparison, the Duke's scowl darkened.