Page 47 of Dashing Mr. Snow

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I callmy head of security to make sure my plan for tonight will work. “Hey Todd, got a favor to ask.” I tell him what I’m thinking.

“Yeah, I can handle that,” he says with a laugh. “I’ll give you the master key for the elevator.”

“Great, thanks. I’ll be down in a few to grab it from you. Need to run out to grab something anyway.”

Thirty minutes later, I’m back in my office with the master key for the elevator and a bottle of spiced rum. I glance at the clock. It’s just after 5:30, which means most everyone will be gone.

“Goodnight, Mr. Snow.” Beth waves to me from the doorway of my office, ready to head out for the night.

“Goodnight, Beth.”

I pull out my phone and type a quick text to Sadie.

Me: Hey, you about done with the day? I’ll be down in a few.

Sadie: Yes, just finishing up a few reports. I’ll be ready to leave in about twenty.

I pass the time pacing my office and checking my watch every three minutes, counting down the seconds until I can finally express my feelings to Sadie. My stomach is in knots. I’m worried that maybe her coming up to my office earlier was her attempt to tell me that while I’m what she wants, maybe it’s all too much, or maybe she only wants to be friends with benefits.

I grab the master key for the elevator and the bottle of rum I purchased earlier and head down to Sadie’s cubicle. When I get off on her floor, it’s mostly empty. Only two other employees remain, but both are gathering their things to leave.

“Evening,” I say, tipping my head toward them as they get into the elevator after I exit. Sadie is leaning down to grab her things when I approach. She still doesn’t hear me. I take a seat on the edge of her desk as quietly as I can.

“Oh my!” she yelps when she turns back around and sees me. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry, looked like you were in your own little world there.” I laugh as she turns off her computer and stands up.

She motions toward the bottle in my hands. “What’s that for?”

“Follow me.” I walk back toward the elevators and gesture for her to enter. “After you.” “How are you feeling?”

She sighs dramatically, her shoulders rising and falling with her exhale. “I’m okay, just kind of all over the place mentally, I guess.” She smiles but it seems a little strained.

“Well, I hope I can help with that.” I push the button for the top floor.

“Oh, I thought we were leaving.”

“We will. But first, I have a littleexercisefor us try.”

Her brow lifts. “Exercise?”

“Mmhmm.” The elevator climbs higher. “Do you still trust me?” Her blue eyes are wide as she nods. “Good.”

We reach the top floor and doors open. I hold out my hand to stop her from exiting. “Here’s where I need you to trust me.” Opening the control panel, I retrieve the master key from my pocket to slide it into the keyhole and press the stop and door close buttons at the same time.

I can tell by her expression that she’s uncertain. “What’s going on?”

“It’s okay. We aren’t stuck. If you want to leave at any point, just hit the door open button. This master key just takes the elevator out of use. We’re not stuck between floors or anything. We’re staying right here.”

Her face softens as she looks around. “What are we doing back in here?”

I take her purse from her hands and place it on the floor, next removing her coat and folding it neatly.

“Last time we were in here, you didn’t overthink things. I know the rum helped with that, which is why I brought some with me. Last time, you just let yourself feel. You expressed yourself to me more clearly than you ever have.” I reach out and run my thumb over her jawline. “You’ve got a lot going on that head of yours right now, and I know you’ve tried to express what you’re feeling to me, but you seem to keep getting in your own way. I thought we could just sit in here, drink some rum, and talk.”

Slowly, the fear melts away from her face, a big, genuine smile replacing it. “I like that idea.”