Page 45 of Dashing Mr. Snow

“Yeah,” I say, motioning over my shoulder for us to step out of the path of foot traffic. “How are you doing? How’s Andrea doing?”

“She’s great, we’re both great. Tired. We just had our first baby.”

“Oh, congrats! What’d you have?”

“A girl.” He pulls out his phone and holds up a photo of his baby in his wife’s arms. “Her name is Violet. She was just over seven pounds and looks exactly like her mama.” He beams, a true proud father.

“Oh, she’s adorable, Jeff. Seriously stunning, just like Andrea.”

He slides his phone back into his pocket. “We miss seeing you around, I uh…” he fumbles, and I know what’s coming next. “I was so sorry to hear about the breakup.”

“Ah.” I shrug, attempting to play it off. “It happens, unfortunately.”

“For what it’s worth, I liked you way better than Tiffany. We all did.”

“Tiffany?” I can’t hide the shock in my voice as my stomach suddenly turns sour. “I didn’t realize that she and Tim dated.”

“You didn’t?” He looks just as shocked as I feel. “Yeah, I thought it seemed super quick; so did Andrea. They started dating back in July, I think it was.”

“Oh, okay.” I try to remain calm, but my pulse quickens. My suspicions were correct about him having feelings for her, but I guess I hadn’t really believed he would outright cheat on me. I plaster on my best smile. “Well, I hope they’re happy, truly.”

“They’re done already. We knew it wouldn’t last long, she’s young and just wants to have fun. Rumor has it she dumped him like a week or so ago.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyway, don’t be a stranger. I know you have Andrea’s number, so give her a call. We’d love to see you and introduce you to Violet.”

“Thanks, Jeff, will do. Hope you guys had a wonderful holiday.”

“You too, Sadie.”

We share another brief hug, and I walk back toward the office, no longer hungry. That’s why things started falling apart several months back; he was cheating on me with her and felt guilty…or maybe just stressed from balancing two relationships. I wonder if she knew? I shake the thought from my head, and the image of him begging to come back home comes rushing back. He didn’t want to come back because he missed me, he got dumped and realized how good he had it with me and thought he could crawl back like nothing had changed.

I pull my phone from my pocket and give my mom a call, praying it’s her day off.

“Hey sweetie, this is a lovely surprise in the middle of the day.”

“Hey Mom, just wanted to hear your voice. Always puts a smile on my face.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine.” The line goes silent, and I know she detected the sadness in my voice. Mom knows me better than anyone. She doesn’t even have to see me to know I’m lying.

“Please tell me Alex didn’t break your heart?”

I laugh. “No, Mom. He’s great, actually. He told me you called him. Guess you figured out he’s my boss?”

“Oh sweetie, of course I did. I told you, that man has feelings for you. He’s a good man, a lot better than that last one.”

“Tell me about it. So you like him? You don’t think I’m jumping into something too quickly after Tim?”

“You’ve always had your head on straight, Sadie. If you see in Alex what you’ve always wanted, then no, it’s not too soon. I think you both know that you’re meant to be, you just need to figure out a way to accept it.”

“You make it sound so easy, Mom.”

“That’s because sometimes it is. Sometimes love is just flat-out, plain easy to see. I’m not saying there won’t be hard times, but I knew about six weeks after meeting your father he was it for me. When you find the right person, the one who makes you feel safe and cared for, who has the same values and desires as you, don’t worry about the outside noise of what others will say or think. They’re not in your relationship, baby girl, only you two are.”

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose because I know I’m about to cry. “Thanks Mom, you’re always so wise.”

“After raising your three brothers and being married to your father, I’ve learned a thing or two about men. Tell Alex how you feel, you’ve got nothing to lose.”

We chat a little longer, and I’m feeling a lot better after we hang up. It stings to know Tim was cheating on me, but oddly, I don’t care enough to confront him about it or to wallow in it.