Page 36 of Dashing Mr. Snow

“Look at me.” I lift my eyes and look into his. “Never be ashamed or embarrassed of your life or your family. They’re wonderful people, and so are you.” He glances over my shoulder then leans in, grazing my lips with a gentle kiss before covering them completely. His tongue plunges into my mouth, tangling with mine.

I place my mug on the floor and lean in to deepen the kiss just as he does the same. He grips my hair in his hands, and I grab a fistful of his sweater as I go to climb into his lap. Pulling his lips from mine, he breaks the kiss and places his hands on my shoulders to keep me still.

“If you crawl into my lap, I’m not promising I’ll stay in your family’s good graces. Although,” he says, leaning forward to trail kisses up my neck. “Being that this is your old bedroom—” He doesn’t finish the sentence. I close my eyes as his hand slides up my sweater to massage my breast. “Maybe we can be a little naughty. You want to be naughty for me, right, Sadie?”

“Yes.” The word is a hiss as he flicks my nipple with his fingers, his tongue gliding up my neck.

I hear my mother’s voice getting closer, and we both jump back, reaching for our mugs like we’re a couple of teenagers about to get busted. The room is still dark, and even though the door is open, my mother doesn’t see us when she walks by.

I laugh. “We should probably get going.” We stand and make our way down the hall to say our goodbyes.

We’re about twenty minutes from the city when he says, “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Why were you with Tim? I mean, I get it in the beginning, since you said he was different then. But why stay for as long as you did, and why fight to stay?”

I’m a little taken aback. I hadn’t expected him to ask that, but I answer truthfully. “I guess familiarity…fear. I loved him, and he wasn’t always the way he was the last year, and things didn’t get really bad until the last few months.”

“But it didn’t concern you that none of your friends or family liked the guy?”

His tone sounds a little judgmental and instantly puts me on the defensive. “I mean yes, but I don’t know. I was young, and maybe I just felt safe because he was the first guy I slept with and the only guy I’d been in love with. We both wanted the same things, a family and marriage. I don’t expect you or anyone to understand, and frankly I’m done talking about it.” I say the last part more sternly than I intended, but I am just so over talking about Tim.

“Maybe they all have a point, you know? That he’s a shitty person who just saw you as someone he could manipulate or take advantage of.”

“Who said that? Did my dad say that?” I turn to look at him. Tim must have come up when they were in the garage while I was helping Mom in the kitchen. “That’s nice,” I mutter, turning to look out the window. “I’m so sick and tired of everyone telling me what’s best for me. And now you? You don’t even know me,” I snap.

“Don’t belittle what we’ve shared the last few days. In the short amount of time we’ve spent together, I bet I know you better than he did, after how many years?” He pulls the vehicle into a parking spot down the street from my building and turns to look at me. “I know you well enough to know that Tim isn’t the right man for you; he never was. You deserve better than that, Sadie. The fact that he asked you to get your tits done? Seriously? With me, there would never be a single doubt in your head how much I appreciate your body, how fucking sexy you are.”

I look out the window and fight back tears. Because I know he’s right.

He reaches over and takes my hand. “Has he reached out today? Has he even asked how you’re doing or wished you or your family a Merry Christmas?”

I shake my head no, wiping away a few tears.

“Look at me,” Alex pleads, and I do. He reaches over to wipe the remaining tears from my cheeks.

“I’m not in love with him anymore,” I say, but I’m not sure why. He didn’t ask. Maybe it’s because I want him to know. Maybe I needed to say the words aloud for myself, to finally admit it and accept it. “And I know I deserve better. I just want…” I let my words trail off. I want to feel loved, desired, wanted. I want to build a life with someone; have a family. I just hate that I have to start over, and that’s why I hung on for so long with Tim. But I’m too ashamed to say that.

“What do you want, sweetheart?”

His eyes search my face for answers. I’m tired of feeling weak. I want to take what I want. And what I want is Alex Snow.

Reaching forward, I grab his sweater, pulling his lips to mine and kissing him hungrily.

I pull back less than an inch. “I want you. I want you to make me feel good, to help me let go of my inhibitions and explore my wild side. For once, I just don’t want to be sad. I don’t want to try to explain my past or my feelings. I just want to feel and live in the moment.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I want to give myself to you fully. Take me to your place.”

I don’t have to tell him twice. He pushes me back in my seat and fires up the SUV. When we reach his building, he whips into the parking garage, pulls into a spot, and shuts off the engine. He unclips his seatbelt before jumping out and rushing around to my side. Yanking my door open, he reaches in to unbuckle me before helping me down, my body slowly sliding down his. He places his hands flat against the window behind me and leans in until his mouth is almost touching mine.

“I hope you’re prepared to get what you asked for, Sadie, because I’m not going to hold back with you any longer. I’ve waited two long years to have my way with you, and tonight, I’m going to take every last ounce of pent-up frustration and desire out on you, you understand me? There will be no question of how I feel about you or what I want from you.”

“Yes.” My knees tremble in anticipation, my body buzzing with excitement.

“Good.” He grabs my hand and ushers me into the elevator. When the doors close, he spins me around and pins me to the wall with his body, pressing his large erection against my belly. “Are you mine tonight, Miss Emmert? Ready to submit to whatever I say?”