Page 24 of Dashing Mr. Snow

“I feel a little bad, actually. I got caught up in the moment. I didn’t mean to take over your night with your friends.”

“You didn’t, it’s okay. It was kind of fun to win something for once.”

He casually bumps his shoulder against mine like we’re old friends who share hidden stories and inside jokes.

“Well thanks again, and thanks for the holiday plans. I probably should get going though. Did you have a plan for getting to your parents, or…?”

My friends look at each other then back to me, confused.

“Um, kind of,” I say, pulling him off to the side where we can speak in private. “I always drive out there pretty early on Christmas Day so I can spend the full day with them.”

“Okay, let’s plan on me picking you up Christmas morning at seven?”

Butterflies dance through my stomach. I’m still unsure about spending Christmas with him, but I give him a smile anyway. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good, it’s a plan.”

He continues to stand there staring at me like there’s something else he wants to say, but he remains silent. He rubs the back of his head then runs his hand through his already rumpled hair, leaving it a sexy mess and making me want to tangle my own fingers in it. I want to pull him toward me and finish what we started a few minutes ago.

“Sorry, it’s hitting me that I just kissed the fuck out of you in front of a bunch of strangers and your friends, and now I’m not sure how to non-awkwardly say goodnight.” He laughs. I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen him nervous.

“Yeah, I’m never going to live this down.” I joke.


“Thought you weren’t?” I feel bold and sexy from the way he handled my body so effortlessly, the way the crowd cheered for us. I cock my head to one side, placing my hand on my hip with newfound confidence.

His eyes narrow as he looks at me, like he’s trying to read my reaction.

“You’re right, I’m not. In fact—” He wraps his arm around my waist again, pulling me against his hard chest as his other hand slides up my neck. His lips instantly find mine and he kisses me again, more softly and with less tongue than before, but with the same heat and passion.

“Now I can say goodnight.” He steps back and gives me a wink. His hand lingers on my waist for a moment before he turns to toss a few bills on the table and walks out.

I look over at my friends. Their arms are crossed over their chests, and they share a communal look that clearly communicates their thoughts.You have a lot of explaining to do.

“So he’s going to Christmas? With your family?” Ariel scrunches up her face.


“Are you guys a couple, orwhat the fuck is going on?” Karlie cuts to the chase.

“No, we are not a couple. When we were in the elevator last night, after a few drinks, we started talking about our holiday plans, and when I asked him what his were, he said he was working.”

“Oh, that’s so sad.”

“Right?” I agree with Ariel. “He doesn’t have any family. He was an only child, and everyone is gone now. He said he always stays home and gets caught up on work. So under the influence of some very cheap spiced rum, I told him that he should come to mine.” I try to put on a brave face, but my friends see right through it.

“But now you’re second-guessing it?” Caleb asks, and I nod.

“Big time, but I can’t take back the offer. That would be so messed up.”

“What has you worried? I mean, apart from the fact that he’s your boss and you’re going to have to explain to your family who this hot as hell hunk is that you brought home, and then saywell we aren’t dating, but I’ve seen his penis and we’ve made out like we were a couple of horndogs on a sinking ship.”

“Thank you, Karlie, for that beautiful and anxiety-inducing image.” I laugh and shake my head at the situation I’ve gotten myself in to. “I’m worried because—ugh I hate even saying this. But he’s so rich and his entire family was rich and high-class and all that, and he’s about to be thrown into a real Emmert Christmas celebration, complete with drunken karaoke and Jell-O molds they call ‘salad,’ and let us not forget the redneck Christmas caroling.”

Karlie waves away my concerns. “Yeah, but that’s your family, and you love the way they celebrate. That’s Tim in your head, not you.”

“Ugh, Tim. If I have to hear that jerk’s name one more time…” Caleb dramatically rolls his eyes.