Page 22 of Dashing Mr. Snow

She studies me suspiciously. “Really? How could it have possibly been worse?”

“Could have been Paul,” I answer, and she finally laughs. A real laugh that has her head falling back, her eyes squinting with how high her full cheeks raise. She is so fucking adorable.

I take her hand in mine and tug her toward me, wrapping my arm around her back. Pressing my hand against her warm skin, I bring our bodies together as we start to sway with the music.

Something about this woman drives me absolutely crazy. I want to protect her and worship her, treat her delicately; but at the same time…I want to completely defile her. I want my hands to make her tremble with desire. I want her begging for release on my tongue. I want her to experience complete and utter bliss while I impale her with my cock.

“You know what I was thinking about? Your offer in the elevator.”

“My offer?”

“To celebrate the holidays with your family. I know it’s probably a little unconventional to spend Christmas with your boss but…you made it sound so fun.”

I can’t read her expression. It almost seems like panic at first, but then it softens into something else. “It is fun; my family’s a blast. They’re very warm and welcoming.”

I begin second-guessing taking her up on her offer.

Did she forget? Was it the rum? Was it just one of those niceties you offer to someone knowing they’d never be presumptuous enough to take you up on it?

“I guess it would be really intrusive, huh?” I chuckle. “I’m just teasing about coming along, I wouldn’t make you explain that situation to your family.”

“No, no. You should come.” She stops swaying and looks up at me.

“I appreciate it more than you know, Sadie, but honestly”—I reach up and brush her hair away from her face—“I know we were drinking, and I realize it was probably just a nice gesture that I took too literally.”

“I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it, seriously. Just be prepared for a little bit more of a low-key type of celebration. No penthouses or private chefs, just me and my mom in the kitchen while my two brothers drink PBR with my dad while watchingA Christmas Storyand laughing like they haven’t seen it eight hundred times already.” Her smile as she talks about her family is contagious.

“Okay, then. You’ve convinced me.”

“Besides, you shouldn’t spend Christmas alone, and you certainly shouldn’t spend it working, Mr. Snow.”

I flex my arm, pressing her body harder against mine. “For fuck’s sake, Sadie, call me Alex. I feel like your boss when you call me that.”

“You are my boss.”

I move my hips with hers, pressing myself against her as I put my mouth to her ear. “Not right now, I’m not. You’ve not only seen me naked, you’ve touched my hard cock and straddled me. Sweetheart, I think we’re well past being just boss and employee.” Her body tenses in my arms. “Tell me, Sadie, is that the only way you see me—as your boss?”

She inhales sharply. “What do you want me to see you as?”

Fuck me. This woman has no idea how much she already has me wrapped around her little finger.

“Hmmm, do you like to play these games, Sadie? Drive a man absolutely crazy, get him thinking about nothing but you, and then play coy?”

She stumbles, stepping on my foot.

“No, no that’s not what I—you thought about me?”

She really has no idea.

I stop dancing and tilt her chin with my finger, making her look at me. “Yes. Constantly. For the past two years.”

Before she can reply, someone rings a loud bell and the music cuts out.

The DJ’s voice crackles through the speakers. “All right, friends, it’s your favorite time of the night!”

“Oh shit!” She looks around the room then over to her friends who are pointing and laughing. “No, no, no,” she says, shaking her head and tugging on my hand to pull me back toward the table.

“What’s happening?” I ask.