Page 14 of Dashing Mr. Snow

“Not pathetic. We’ve all been there, I think. But I can confidently say that guy is an asshole and I hope you see that now.”

“He can be so nice though. I think sometimes people don’t put enough effort into working through issues in a relationship.”

“Or some people give too much.” I can see her mood souring so I change the subject. “Anyway, what about your friends? You have plans with them this weekend?”

Her eyes light up again. “I do! We always go to this annual holiday pub crawl in Wrigleyville. We’ve been going since college. It’s dive bars, cheap beer, and lots of silly holiday games and costumes.” She laughs and the sound tugs at my heart. “We don’t do the full bar to bar thing anymore. We tend to settle at the final bar, Finnegan’s, and watch all the crazy drunk people pile in at the end.”

“That sounds like a fun time. What about for Christmas?”

“I spend it with my family. They live about forty miles outside the city in Yorkville. We have a very traditional Christmas, the big meal, presents, sledding. What about you?”

“You’re not going to like my answer.” I give her a sheepish smile. “I stay home and work.”

“What?” Her back shoots off the wall of the elevator. “You can’t work through the holidays! What about your family?”

“Well, I don’t really have any family left. I’m an only child, my mom passed away when I was ten, and my dad died about seven years ago.”

She gasps and places her hand over mine. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t tell you to garner sympathy. Honestly, it allows me to catch up on work so January is a little less stressful.”

She looks at me with pity in her eyes. “You can’t stay home. I’m serious. You should come with me this year. My family is super nice and outgoing, they’re always happy if more people show up.”

I laugh. “Are they used to you bringing home strays for the holidays?”

“You’re not a stray; and no. Tim is usually there but obviously not this year, so they would love it. Honestly!”

“I’ll think about it, Sadie. I appreciate the offer.” I cover the hand she placed on top of mine with my other hand and we both look down at where we’re joined. I swear I hear her inhale sharply at the sight.

I consider using my hold on her hand to pull her into my lap, briefly fantasizing about what it would be like to explore her delicious lips. But at the last second, she slides her hand away to check the time on her watch.

“Holy shit, we’ve been in here for two hours already.”

I stand up, a little unsteady from the rum, and push the phone button on the elevator to chat with the dispatcher. She assures me both the power company and fire and rescue are working as quickly as they can, but there’s no update on when power will be restored or when someone will be able to come get us out.

“Fuck.” I grab the bottle and take another drink. “Time to get drunk, I guess.”

“Think I already am,” she says, grabbing the bottle from me.

We sit in silence for a bit, passing the bottle back and forth a few more times before she speaks again.

“Can I ask you something super personal?”

When I look over, her expression is serious.

“Sure, I’m an open book.”

“Can guys fake it?”

“Fake—?” I lift one eyebrow, and her eyes dart away from mine, a pink glow inching its way up her neck. “Oh, fake it? As in an orgasm? Yeah, I think so. Why?”

“I think Tim was faking it the last few months we were together.”

“What made you think that?”

“He—uh…” She looks at me.

“Sweetheart, you’ve seen my penis, so as far as I’m concerned, there are no secrets between us.”