Page 17 of Thankful for My CEO

My mind drifted to what it would be like to date Kit. I imagined us sipping champagne in a private jet, on our way to some dazzlingly gorgeous island resort.

Right as I finished pumping gas and was about to start the car, my phone buzzed. It was him.

Thinking of you

I smiled at the simple message. Apparently, we’d both been daydreaming of each other.

Three dots popped up and I waited to see what else he had to say.

Tell me when you’re home safe

There was the unnecessarily bossy attitude I’d come to expect from him. I smiled and texted back quickly, teasing.

Yes, sir

I realized too late that he might take it the wrong way and think I was seriously calling him that. I was sure he’d like that. Maybe I’d slip it in casually on our first date, just to see his reaction.

I got back in the car and onto the freeway, that smile still on my lips the whole way home.


One year later

“Are you sure?” I asked Kit as we got out of the car. His driver, Franco, handed us our bags. “Thanks,” I smiled, before turning back to Kit. We paused on the sidewalk in front of my mom’s house. “It’s going to be nothing like you’re used to. I mean, my mom’s an amazing cook, but she’s not a trained chef catering a seven course meal, and…”

Kit squeezed my hand and gave me a reassuring look. “You know I want to be here.”

I heard Cocomelon wafting from the living room as we approached the door. My sister Amelia and her twin toddlers must be here already. I rang the doorbell.

My mom answered with the biggest smile. Even if I was nervous about bringing Kit to our little Thanksgiving, she was as thrilled as possible. They’d met a few times over the year, and hit it off splendidly. She’d been especially excited once she found out Kit was as into wine as she was. This would be Kit’s first time at her home and meeting my sister and her family, who had driven up from San Diego.

“Come in, come in.” She ushered us in. The whole place smelled like cinnamon and apple cider.

“Thank you for your hospitality,” Kit said, handing her a bottle of wine. It looked like a beautiful bottle to me, but my mom let out a full on gasp when she took it, so she must have known something I didn’t.

“You shouldn’t have!” she said, but immediately went past the island and into the kitchen to grab a corkscrew. “Amelia, Rob, come here.” Soon, we all had glasses in our hands.

The evening went on easily. Kit had easily charmed my mom with the wine, my sister and her husband by talking about all his best tips for a trip to Spain, as they were planning an anniversary trip. Even when a touch of his arrogance came out, my family didn’t seem phased in the least. They were star-struck.


I could barely keep my eyes off him. He looked like an off duty model in his burgundy sweater, slacks, and boots.

It also did something to me to watch him play with the twins. He was such a natural, sitting right on the floor with them, making sound effects with the toys that made them laugh their asses off.

The evening continued on in a blur of chatting, wine, and delicious food. Of course, as we dug into our pumpkin and pecan pie, my sister had to ask. “Tell us how you met, again. I don’t think Rob’s heard the whole story.”

There was no way my family was going to hear thewholestory.

“I had to go up to the lodge for work,” I started. “Because Kit was in the area. He’d just bought it.”

“Remodeling is almost complete,” he added. “I’d love to offer a complimentary stay. Anytime.” Both my mom and sister looked at each other, eyes lit up. They were so easily swayed.

“Right during our meeting, a storm picked up and the whole lodge lost power,” I went on. Rob looked appropriately shocked, even though I had no doubt Amelia had told him everything already. “We ended up having more time to get to know each other, and… And it was just meant to be.”

“Love at first sight,” he added softly.

Kit and I looked at each other. I knew he was reliving all the unspoken details of last Thanksgiving, just as I was. He took my hand beneath the table and squeezed it, absentmindedly stroking my fingers.