Page 16 of Thankful for My CEO

The stem of his amaryllis tattoo was just visible beneath the end of his sleeve. With all this talk of family, I thought about bringing up what I knew about his mother’s passing, but it wasn’t the right moment. We would talk about it when he was ready.

“I would like to schedule that date I mentioned,” he continued. After what we’d just done, I smiled at the formality of his tone. “I have your contact information, I believe?”

“You have my work number,” I teased. “Give me your phone,” I said. He complied and I handed him mine. We swapped them back after entering our numbers.

“Let’s set a date,” he said, opening the calendar on his phone. My head nearly swam, looking at the days fully blocked with meetings.

“I mean, I’m usually free on Fridays or Saturdays,” I offered.

“Next Friday, let me see…” I watched him cancel something booked for the following Friday. “I’m free as well.”

“Perfect,” I said, smiling.

“I’ll come to you,” he said. “And pick you up for dinner in the city. I know an Italian place.” He looked up, slightly concerned. “If that sounds appealing?”

Anywhere with him sounded appealing, but I wasn’t about to stroke his ego by telling him that.

“Of course.”

It was almost painful when he finally let that hand drop from my waist and we had to do one more straightening of our clothes before what felt like reentering the real world.

Except this was real. I going on a date with Mr. Christopher “Kit” Hayes of Hayes Hospitality Worldwide. I literally could not imagine what else he had in store for me.

I went to grab my bags from behind the front desk, but Kit got there before me and picked them up.

I glanced around for Mrs. Taylor, but didn’t see her. Too bad. I would send a thank you note. She seemed like she would appreciate that, and she definitely deserved it. Without her, I wouldn’t have learned about Kit’s kindhearted side. He truly had done nothing to hint at it himself.

We walked out onto the porch. A driver in a crisp suit and sunglasses stood by a dark car pulled right up in front, glinting in the sunlight. No doubt that was Kit’s ride.

I nearly tripped on a splintered log in the steps, and Kit grabbed my arm, steadying me. “Next time you’re here,” he said, “it’ll be fully remodeled. New power grid. New stairs.”

“I don’t know if I want to come back,” I admitted. “Maybe we can go see one of your other properties.”

I imagined us relaxing in a hot tub together, looking out over the Swiss Alps with a warm cocktail in our hands, almost lost in the fantasy.

“Which is your car?”

I blinked, returning to the present, and pointed to my Subaru. I followed him as he led the way, putting my things in the trunk once I unlocked it. We stood there for a moment before, finally, he leaned to kiss me on the cheek and headed toward his ride.

I guess that was our goodbye - for now.

I waved as the driver opened the door for him. He returned the wave before sitting in the backseat. The car started and turned around to make its way down the dirt road to the highway.

Starting my car, I was almost giddy. It would take me the whole day -no, the entire week -for the reality of this to really sink in. Maybe once he came to pick me up next Friday.

Once I had service, I pulled into a gas station to fill up and text my mom.

On my way. Ran into some bad weather yesterday :( but I’ll make it before dinner. Let me know if you want me to pick anything up from the store

OK drive safe ?? turkey is in the oven ??

I smiled at the quick reply.

To think there had been a point last night where it had felt like every single facet of that trip had gone as wrong as it could, and now… I couldn’t remember a time I had been this happy and looking forward to the future.

Now, I just had to decide how much to tell my mom - and how to convince her I wasn’t making the whole story up. She’d never believe it. I wouldn’t have believed me, either, if I hadn’t lived it.

I could still taste him on my lips…