Page 62 of Wrapped in Winter

Briefly, Brecken’s arms tighten around me. Reuben just nods at me, a dimpled smile growing. Luca regards me with professional relief.

Then I deliver my edict. “Don’t ever lie to me again.”

“It’s a promise,” Luca stresses.

“In which case, how did you find me earlier?” I was in unfamiliar clothing, on the dark side of the mountain. Surely this was more than fate?

Looking uncomfortable, Luca meets my eye. “I asked for Emily. I knew she was your friend, the one that liked to hide behind Christmas trees. I met her at the front desk. She told me she’d seen you, and what you were wearing.” He takes a breath, but Brecken takes over before he can say anymore.

“After we learned about your family, Winter, we wanted to keep a closer eye on you. Your phone is linked to all of ours so that we know where you are. If you’re angry, be angry with me because it was my idea.”

Our meeting was too much of a fluke, so I suspected something like this, though Brecken being the instigator is surprising. Still, it’s a gross violation of my privacy. Only because I’m too tired to fight do I remain physically unmoved on the sofa, but my blood is running fast and furious.

“In light of what happened, personally, I can’t find remorse for my actions.”

Put like that it’s hard to disagree. Biting my tongue, I nod, but then I say, “It ultimately put you in danger. I would’ve had that on my conscience, and I’m not okay with that.”

“We weren’t abandoning you,” Reuben says calmly. “We care about you. Please accept that we did what we could to protect you. And it paid off.”

The only answer I can give is silence. Tiredness washes through me, and Brecken’s body heat has seeped into my bones.

Evening falls.

Having washed and dried the clothes I borrowed, I return them to lost property, along with everything else. From the shelf where I hid them, I find my work clothes and change back into them, bringing some dinner, and Luca his clothes, a little later.

At eight o’clock I decide to leave them to their evening, promising to see them in the morning.

“Wait, hang on a second,” Reuben starts. "It’s Christmas night, and after everything that’s happened today, you want to go back to your apartment? To leave us?”

Phrased like that I must look uninvested and detached. My face falls. “I have to tell Emily and Betsy what’s going on. That I’m moving. With our schedules the way they are I’ll barely see them before I’m packed and ready to go.” I throw Reuben a tortured look. “They’ve been all I had for the past five months. I owe them this.”

Luca stands, glancing at Reuben. “We understand. It would be nice if you stayed though.”

“I know. I’d like to, but I can’t.” I offer them a grateful smile. “Thanks for taking care of me today.”

“Thanks for not gifting Sienna with the reaction she wanted.”

I snort, wishing I could forget about her exploding-bomb arrival. I kiss them all goodnight, knowing that they all need some sign from me, just as I want to reinforce that I’m forging ahead with whatever this is. So even though I’m weary, riddled with guilt and grief, I travel home, texting Emily and Justin that I’m done for the day and that I’ll see them at the apartment.

We’ve lots to talk about,I write, before composing a similar message to Betsy, praying they’re happy for me.


As I climbup into consciousness and slowly become aware of my surroundings, my eyes fly open. It coincides with my heart dropping, dread and fear washing through me. Yesterday’s events take up residence in my mind, refusing to budge. It takes a minute to come to terms with what happened, every moment recycled and relived in technicolor glory.

Sucking in deep breaths, I ride out the anxiety, reminding myself I’m alive.

Reaching for the photo frame by my bed, I study the photograph of my parents and Clara with sad, regretful eyes. I wish I’d been able to protect them. My gaze slides to my sister’s guitar, wishing she was here to play me one of her favoriteDirty Dancingsongs.

We loved that film. We loved the music.

Flopping back to the pillow, I turn my attention to the big plans underway. I’ll miss Emily, Betsy, and Justin. Last night, I filled them in on my plans to move to Aspen. I explained that Stein Hotel has been sold to the Balthazar Hotel Group, and I shared the identity of my VIPs. Needless to say, they were sad to hear of my departure but ecstatic about my new adventures.

After the quickest shower, I throw on some skinny jeans, a black sweater, and brown snow boots before taking the shuttle to the hotel. On the way, I text the guys in the group chat.

Winter:With you in ten x

Brecken:We have a hockey game later. Come and watch.He’s added a link to a match at the Dobson Ice Arena, the details outlining a local derby between Aspen and Vail. It doesn’t surprise me that he plays hockey. But it sounds like theyallplay, which does.