Page 34 of Wrapped in Winter

Luca and I lock eyes. He said I’d have a job at the end of this week, and even though I trusted him then, hearing Brecken’s mellifluous baritone confirming what stellar guys they are helps reinforce my original opinion. But the devil on my shoulder reminds me that so much since then has changed. Unwittingly, I have gifted them a stack of things to complain about, and I don’t like how the balance between us has changed.

“You’re safe, Winter,” Luca confirms, reading my thoughts. “Your job, your reputation. We’ll take care of this for you,” he reminds me, his gaze drifting to his friend sitting next to me. “Push this out of your head and make room for other things.”

Like you?I want to ask.

Relying on others has been a difficult concept these past few years. Normally, I might build up to it, working alongside colleagues for weeks at a time before feeling comfortable asking for their help. I’ve known these guys for mere days but already I’m letting down my walls. Relieved, grateful, I manage a half-smile.

“And we’re not done with you by a long shot,” he adds darkly. “In fact, we’ve got lots of plans for you.”

Heat runs through my veins, my womb contracting.

“But later,” Brecken remarks, as if in warning to his friends.

Composing myself, I let my eyes settle on his imposing frame, his expression foreboding. We’re still not as close as the others, but his offer, his reaction, more than makes up for it. “Thanks,” I murmur, finally sensing some resolution to this nightmare I’ve been trapped in. “This means an awful lot to me.”

“I know,” he replies. “That’s why we’re helping.”


Lunch is followed by work—forLuca at least. While he resumes his spot at the table, Reuben hogs one of the couches, Brecken the other. Keeping the fire stoked, I run small errands for them like making tea, coffee, and bringing them beer, or chips.

At one point, Brecken and I discuss my relationship with Levi as he takes notes on his laptop. “This’ll be over with soon,” he assures me. It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, a new year soon. It would be a dream come true to see the back of this one with my house in order.

When they head out together at about four, I go into the main hotel, hoping to bump into a friend. The afternoon has been emotionally draining. That’s when I see Emily, hiding behind a seven-foot tall Christmas tree in the lobby, one of four.

Curious about what she’s up to, I creep up on her from behind. “Boo!”

“Shit, Winter! You scared the ever-loving crap out of me. I hope you haven’t blown my cover,” she fake reprimands.

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Over there. Hottie o’clock.” She points towards a trio of men that I'm coming to know very well. They’re all decked out in boots, sweaters, and jeans, winter coats hanging open. They said they were going on another walk before dinner, so I thought they’d gone into town. Guess, they’ve taken a detour.

“Which one’s your favorite?” I ask.

“Ooh, tough call. I’m not sure. I’d be happy with any of them, to be honest.”

Yeah, same here, girl.“Those are my cabin boys.”

Emily’s so busy ogling, my words don’t appear to register. “There’s nothing boyish about those three. Fuck. Me. Just look at them.”

“I have been. A lot. Trust me, my panties are wrecked after I’ve spent five minutes in their company.”

Probing baby blue eyes run over my face. “Nooooo. They arenotyour VIPs. I’d have tired of your endless bragging by now if that was the case.”

The fact that I keep quiet only makes her suspicious. Once again she turns, scanning my face. “You bitch,” she whines, her whole body sagging. “Why do you get all the luck?”

“I’m due some,” I retort softly.

Her palm comes to her forehead. “Fuck, my bad.”

“No, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad aboutthat.I’m talking about my shitty luck in general. My firing, my sex tape scandal, my dire sex life.” I’ve told her everything about Levi and Hal, about Wardorff-Messen. I haven’t told her about my guests though, and I’m certainly not sharing that my dry spell has recently been monumentally broken, and could possibly remain that way for a few more days. “Out of interest,” I ask, “how much sex is too much?”

Emily grins. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“What’s that?”

“That you’d do all three?”