Page 23 of Wrapped in Winter

His head drops to the back of the sofa, but his eyes remain tangled with mine. “What did I do to deserve that spectacular mouth this morning?”

“No reason,” I say, licking my lips clean. His praise raises my confidence. And the way he regards me, the way his body looks relaxed and sated has me feeling powerful again. “I just wanted you.”

A small smile appears, his fingers idling through my hair. “Are you wet?”


A nod, like he knew it. “Want me to do something about that?”

For some reason, despite being super horny, I tell him, “Let’s save it for later.” Then I tidy him away behind his clothes and rise from my knees to carry on with my morning. It might be something to do with the anticipation of what tonight will bring, but his admission from last night mysteriously popped into my head, helping me with my decision.

Normally, I would absolutely want the favor to be returned; after all, I’m mega horny. And his dick is beautiful. I know I want him in my mouth every day before he leaves if I can help it, but his comments about women wanting an awful lot from him, of him not being able to meet every wish and whim have stuck with me. And I know I could dismiss that as just general complaints, but it makes me wonder whether there’s any truth to it. And if there is, what does that mean?

The hours pass quickly as I have more to do with new guests arriving, and I’ve been a little unsettled by our discussions over the past day or two. Anxious, I keep busy by sweeping floors and re-cleaning the upstairs bedrooms. Then, I make Luca’s bed, and clean his bathroom. With him working in the living area I don’t want to disturb him, so I tidy what I can in the kitchen, retiring to my office to check emails.

There’s still nothing from the London-based company. Angry, with nervous energy seizing my heart I resend my email from seven days ago, asking them to reply immediately.

In between, I bring Luca sustenance, even though he gently reprimands me. When he takes five minutes by standing on the deck and admiring the view over the town and surrounding mountains, I ask a question that’s been bugging me since last night. “Luca, do you mind if I ask why you wanted such a big cabin—with dedicated staff—if you don’t want to make use of me?”

“Thought I did last night?” he says in that deep, seductive voice. Because there’s a soft expression on his face and his fingers toy with mine, I know it’s not to demean me.

“You know what I mean,” I state.

“Haven’t you been cleaning today? Haven’t you made my bed? Iammaking use of you, Winter. Your hours have become my hours, whether that’s on the slope, in conversation, tangled in my bed, or your mouth wrapped around me.”

Finding a counter-argument is tricky, so I just sigh.

Lunch comes and goes. Luca seems excited, almost tense that his friends are due imminently, and then he gets a text. “Reuben says they’re twenty minutes away.”

I stoke the wood burner. I make the final rounds. Wanting to look immaculate, I check my hair in the mirror. “Wear it down,” Luca instructs as I gather the thick lengths in my hands.

Having texted Elias the new arrival time, I state, “Elias knows they’re due shortly. He’ll make an appearance.”

“If he reprimands you, tell him to get lost.”

Shocked at his cavalier attitude, one he seems to think I should be using with my boss, I laugh. If only I could tell Luca to stuff his job, a job I should’ve been grateful to have been offered in his opinion. But soon, if my VIPs leave happy, I’m getting that promotion. It’s why I ask: “Would you say you’re getting a five out of five stars experience here?”

Carefully, Luca assesses me. “The cabin is great. Clean, warm, and functioning, with hot showers. The food is excellent; the staff impeccable. There’s nothing to complain about.”

Satisfied, I nod, smoothing a hand over my uniform. “You’d tell me if something needs fixing, wouldn’t you? So that I could make improvements before it bothered you and reduced your score?”

“Yeah,” he replies. “What do you think needs improving, though?”

We touched on this topic yesterday, Luca praising my loyalty. Trusting him unreservedly, I begin my long, mental list. “There are several staff facility improvements,” I suggest thinking of the non-existent hair dryers. “It would help with staff retention. And they should paint the staff levels because the decor is dated and uninspiring. The review system favors VIP managers and is therefore unfair to the majority of staff. Third-party contracts are rarely reviewed—we’re wasting money. Food waste is high. There are countless inconsistencies in how the hotel functions; management; theft; energy, but I’m gonna leave that for another time. And there are structural improvements we could make. I have ideas—”

My phone pings, cutting off my train of thought. When I check my phone there’s a message waiting.

Elias:I’m at the door

“Elias is outside. I’d better meet him.”

“Hey,” Luca calls, reaching out a hand and gently grabbing my wrist. “We’ll finish this conversation another time. I want to hear your thoughts.”

“But it’s between us,” I state, needing that reassurance.

“Of course.”

After changing my footwear, I meet Elias on the porch. There’s a little bench right by the door, helpful for changing out of ski boots before entering the cabin.