Page 19 of Wrapped in Winter

The orgasm engulfs me, Luca watching me come apart underneath him. We’re still breathing in each other like our lives depend on it, like he’s drinking in my soul with every bone-tingling inch he gives me.

A low growl vibrates the air between us, followed by a curse. I continue to spasm around his pulsing cock, our synchronized release bringing a prolonged chorus of sweet, sharp pleasure.

“Luca,” I mewl, unsure of what’s happening.

Bliss, pure and unadulterated washes through every pore. We’re a tangle of arms and sweat and cum, my body singing as Luca wrings out every drop of debilitating pleasure I’m capable of. It’s a relentless, intense kind of torture, taking me by surprise.

I grasp him tighter as he continues to throb inside me, exchanging air, and barely-there kisses as the high keeps pulling us along. Staccato cries fall from my lips, Luca catching them up and breathing them in.

“Fuck,” he grunts, his body shuddering.

Drained, his weight falls over me, my feet sliding down his calves leaving our legs entwined.

For a few seconds, we just catch our breath, Luca’s head burrowed in the crook of my neck. Then he lifts onto an elbow, moving his hips away and gently pulling out. He kisses me, almost gratefully, before he rolls to his back and removes the condom. When he walks to the kitchen to dispose of it, I remain in front of the fire, languid and relaxed.

I track him back to the rug, a soft expression on his face. Reaching out with a hand, I bring him in for a kiss, slow and appreciative.

“You good?”

“Hmm mm.”

He gifts me with a curious smile.

I grin, tracing a hand over his sharp jaw. The post-sex glow coupled with the fire makes me languorous. Still naked, we stretch out on the floor, my eyes heavy.

Sometime later, I wake, the sound of fingers flying over a keyboard interrupting my sweet dreams. I bat my lashes, disorientated, but then I see a bare-chested Luca sitting at the table, working. Unaware I’ve woken, he consults some papers before returning his attention to his laptop.

He looks so studious when he works. Authoritative and intellectual. Especially so while wearing a pair of dark-rimmed glasses.

Knowing I can’t lie here all night, I get to my feet. I snag the blanket that’s been draped over me and throw it around my shoulders.


“Hey,” I return with a smile. “Can I get you anything?”

His eyes rake up and down my semi-naked form. “Anything?”

I chuckle, liking the direction his brain is going. “I was thinking more along the lines of a drink, or some food.”

“Does it involve eating you out, because that’s what I’m thinking right now?”

A heavy weight settles between my thighs, my pussy loving that suggestion.

I head to the kitchen and run myself a glass of water from the faucet, downing it. Feeling guilty, I check my cell for messages from my boss, releasing a long sigh when there’s nothing there. Two hours have slipped by.

Muscled arms come around me from behind, Luca tucking me against his chest. “It’s still snowing.”

“The prediction for tonight was four inches.”

“It was considerably more than that,” he jokes.

Laughter spills out of me, light and fleeting as I let myself enjoy the feel of his arms around me. “Can I fix you some food?”

“You’re not working tonight.” He spins me, cupping my jaw in his hands before his lips mold to mine. I melt into his mouth, into his arms, the blanket around my shoulders dropping to the floor. I’m lifted, my legs encircling his waist before he walks toward his bedroom and flicks on a light, dimming it low. He back heels the door closed and drops me to the bed.

“Give me two minutes,” I request, pulling away and scurrying to the bathroom. I pee, quickly washing my puss with an unused washcloth before I toss it in the bath. After a brief look in the mirror, seeing a rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed woman staring back, I go back out to Luca, to find him sitting up in bed with his cell in his hand. The jeans that he’d put back on are now by the foot of the bed.

“Is the office hounding you even on your vacation?”