Page 85 of Deep in Winter

“I’m not fixated on it. I’m being robust about my data gathering.” I want all available intelligence on the matter, just like anything else business related, even though these three men are notbusiness.

I squeeze his hand before letting go, wrapping my arms across my tummy as I go over all of Luca’s probing questions while in the cabin. Slowly, he managed to find out my preferences regarding men, my sexual exploits, and interests. Between him and Roo, they drew out my inner slut, giving her free rein. But they’ve changed for me too. It’s not been a one-way street.

I take a deep breath, wishing away the heaviness. It’s my birthday for god’s sake, and while the morning started off fantastically, the middle part is dragging me down.

“Do you have any more questions for me?” Balthazar asks. “Otherwise I’ll let you all talk and enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Fucking Dale,” Roo gripes. “I hope you gave him hell,” he tells his father.

“Of course. It was extremely regrettable. And while I don’t wish to appear insensitive, this outcome is all I ever wanted. My sons are happy. The future of the business is secure, as is my legacy. Winter, you led me to that corner of Vail, an under-valued plot with three struggling properties. I bought them one by one, but without you, there would be no Chateau Vail. No towers for the obscenely rich to stay in. No Wolfford well-being spa hotels. You are worthy and deserving of the crown, Winter, and I hope you will always want to wear it.”

That wily, silver fox. If only he didn’t look so much like Luca, a man I love. It’s obvious Balthazar wants my obedience, my agreement, my capitulation. And why shouldn’t he expect that and more when he’s given me exactly those things since we met? Agreeing with my strategies and suggestions, he’s given me his whole-hearted approval on just about everything. So, he deserves my loyalty and respect. Balthazar understands hotels, and he knows his sons and how to make them happy. It’s not me who’s the key figure in this family.

It’s him.

He’s the glue.

Feeling some of that burden lifted from my shoulders, I try and assimilate how I feel. Part of me wants to make them sweat for a few days, but I’m not that cruel. And then suddenly, I recall the conversation I had with Balthazar at the New Year’s Ball.

Winter, what do you value above everything else?

Family,I answered.

Do the ends justify the means, Winter?

In business, I’d rather win on merit. In love, I’d fight dirty,I replied. But knowing he’d want me invested in everything of his—his sons, his business, I added,But ultimately, I’d strive to conquer every challenge whatever the means.

So, is all fair in love and war?he asked.

Yes, winning is everything.

The memories have a conflicted laugh tumbling from me. Balthazar has won. He’s won everything he wanted for his family, because a family, like winning, is everything.

“If I hadn’t wanted a relationship with your sons, would you have returned to Vail and offered me a job?”

A confident, “Of course. The fact that you’ve progressed so quickly here is testament to my faith in you. Whether with my sons or not, you belong here.”

I do belong here. I felt it instantly, whether as a young girl gazing at the romantic-looking towers, a love interest, or employee. Here, I’ve found a family to love. They have become my compass.

“Of course, I’m not going anywhere,” I tell them. “I can forgive a father for fighting with everything in his arsenal.”

The room takes a collective sigh of relief.

“Good,” Balthazar says quietly. “I am sorry,” he continues, ensuring he makes eye contact with us all, “for making you doubt the authenticity of your relationship. You mean the world to me, and I can retire confident of your combined futures.”

One by one, we say our goodbyes. When I look into his sparkly blue eyes, he asks, “Am I forgiven?”

Carefully, I nod. While I don’t like to dwell on how he knew about me, knowing he sat back and let it all unfold is reassuring. Luca chose me. He came to Vail for me, his brothers too. I was offered a dream job, and while I tried to resist them when I knew I’d be working for them, the damage was already done. My heart was tangled up in these men, my ambitions too.

“I’ll fight for them, for this dynasty, every day of my life. I’m a Wolfford,” I announce.

His smile makes my heart bounce. “Yes, in spirit you are a Wolfford. But not yet in name. And believe me, I cannot wait to see you and Brecken marry, cementing your life to ours.”

“Thank you.”

“Now,” he says, including his sons in our conversation. “Take care of Winter.”

He sees himself out as I stand and walk to the view beyond the window. Light snow falls, the sky gray. As one, Brecken, Roo, and Luca edge closer to me, surrounding me with their familiar heat and cologne.