Page 9 of Deep in Winter

Ignoring the huge compliment to my ego, I ask, “Can I ask what caused the end? It would be good to know what to watch out for.”

For the first time in several minutes, Brecken raises a smile. Counting off his fingers, he says, “First chick got attached to Luca, wanting a traditional relationship. The second one I wasn’t all that into, but it worked for a couple of months until we got bored. Third one couldn’t handle Reuben’s contradictory behavior. She left us, but Luca and I were pretty chill with it being over so it wasn’t a big deal. Fourth girl was naïve and inexperienced. Emotionally, she couldn’t manage our needs. Number five was toxic, and wanted Luca all to herself. Man, she played some evil shit. He wasn’t impressed,” he tags on, chuffing. "Number six is you.”

I let his words settle, my insides feeling like someone took a huge bite out of them. Then I ask, “Get in here with me. Just to hold me, please.”

When his hand reaches behind his neck to tug his shirt off, I get goosebumps. In the space of a second, I get biceps, triceps, pecs, abs, and a hundred more I don’t know the names of. But the visual feast is one I enjoy. Quickly, he undoes the belt and shucks off his jeans and underwear. When he stands back up again, he’s semi-hard.

Even at half-mast, he’s stunning, and I admire him with greedy eyes.

“Scoot forward,” he says, stepping into the tub behind me. It’s long enough for his frame, and wide enough for two squashed up together. Waves slosh around the tub as he settles his weight, his legs threading in between mine. “Lie down,” he instructs.

I ease my back against his broad chest as an arm fastens around my waist, another around my upper thigh, holding me securely against him.

“This feels good,” I admit. Warmth, closeness, intimacy. “I love skin on skin,” I add, wishing he was on top of me and I could run my hands over every inch of gorgeousness. Over every muscle and pound.

Brecken’s hand scoops up mine, bringing it to my breast. “Touch yourself,” he husks into my ear, my head resting against his shoulder. “Let me watch you.”

“I’d rather it was you.”

“So would I,” he replies easily, “but I’ve made it clear that I need to wait it out a bit longer.”

“How much longer?”

A rumble of laughter soaks through my back and into my spine. “I need to see you with Reuben again, and Luca.”

Ah. “That’s why you watch?”

I feel a nod.

“Keep circling your nipple,” he instructs, his cock thickening under my ass cheeks.

My fingers do as asked, but something’s missing. “Your fingers would feel so much better than mine…”

A growl vibrates through our joined bodies. “Winter,” he warns.

“Okay. I won’t push.” His cheek rubs against my hair in a caressing movement, like a thank you. “How did watching us make you feel?”

“Pissed. Horny. Jealous.”

“In the morning, you let me suck you.”

“Don’t remind me.”

Taking advantage of the fact that he’s so verbose, I let the following words drift between us. “I apologized on your second night for not taking care of you. You said,Tired or not, it wouldn’t have mattered.”

Underneath me, his chest expands. “You misread my words. I meant that if you complained of being tired and I wanted to fuck, I’d still fuck you. There’d be little choice in the matter.”

Oh. That shouldn’t turn me on so badly but it does.

“As our girlfriend,” he warns, “our expectations will be high. When we want something, we won’t stop."

“Maybe this is why I’m number six,” I voice quietly.

“They weren’tgirlfriends.They were women we passed some time with. They lived in the area but never came here. You’re different. You’re the one in control here.”

“Doesn’t sound like it.”If you complained of being tired and I wanted to fuck, I’d still fuck you.

His lungs expand, lifting me up. “You make us reckless. Mindless. But we’d never push you beyond a limit you couldn’t accept.” His large hand moves mine, sliding it down my slick torso until it’s buried between my legs. “Ride your fingers until you come. I want to feel you, skin on skin, trembling with need and coming undone.”