Page 54 of Deep in Winter

The three of us move in tandem, Reuben’s erection grinding against my ass with every beat. Shielded by Brecken’s six-four frame, nobody can see those fingers whip me up into an uncontrollable frenzy, panting and craving for release. And then, thank god, I come. Reuben uses his free hand to tilt my chin up and back. He smashes our mouths together, swallowing my cries, my breasts heaving against Brecken’s chest as he tightens the space between us.

The front of my dress falls back into place as Roo removes his fingers. He sucks them clean, humming, the vibration transmitting from his chest into my back.

“Fucking. Delicious. Pussy,” he says, pressing a kiss into my neck with every impassioned word.

I’m still coming down from my high when Brecken’s hand feathers under my dress, his fingers gliding through my puffy sex in torturous movements. “This is mine now,” he states clearly into my ear over the music.

I nod, using my arm around his neck to pull him in closer. I slide my tongue against his, matching every thrust of his fingers. Heavy bass from a new track thunders through my bones and tissue. It calls to some primal part of me, amplifying emotions until they become too big to contain. Like an iron lid on a long-forgotten box, what lived inside has exploded out, thriving, growing and multiplying on its newly oxygenated life.

I open my eyes to find Brecken’s eyes open too. Did he feel that lurch inside me? That signal I sent out into the world like the brightest light reaching up into an endless black sky?

Our eyes hold, communicating reassurance. Companionship. And…and…Love?

Knuckles deep, Brecken twists and jams those thick, callused fingers inside me. When his thumb grazes my clit I combust into a billion pieces. Needing air, I pull away from his mouth, but he just brings my face into his shoulder and neck to absorb my gusting breaths that way instead.

For a while I just breathe against him, taking stock of the night. Of how I feel. It’s much easier to wallow in the throes of my orgasm and the list I compiled than concentrate on my swarming emotions.

Now, exhibitionism can be checked off, but I know there’ll be far more dangerous liaisons than this. I won’t be content until I’ve fucked one of them in a public place, the chance for strangers to stumble across us high.

When I glance up, Luca is weaving his way towards us, edging past the throng of dancers surrounding us. His eyes rake over me, knowing exactly what’s gone down. Throwing his arms around his brothers, me in the center of the huddle, he says, “Let’s go,” though I’m mostly lip-reading. “We’ve got a video to watch.”



In the main living room,Winter kicks off her shoe boots. They fly in two different directions before clomping to the carpet. Brecken scoops her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he walks her to the turret.

“Let’s give them a minute,” I suggest to Roo, knowing Brecken will want to burrow himself inside her right now. I mean, we all do, but I can wait. Dressing Winter tonight so that she was accessible and exposed got him rock hard. I mean, me too, but this washisfantasy, and while we all get to benefit from it in some way, we can’t lose our heads. None of us want to be escorted off the premises, or charged with indecency.

But hell, the fun would be worth the cost.

Shit, what am I thinking? But Winter seems to be distracting me. Normally, work has all my focus and I purposefully didn’t drink much tonight. With calls scheduled with my international division heads from 9 AM, it’s kind of a no-brainer to abstain. But tonight, after watching Winter come apart while sandwiched between my brothers, I want a drink, or several, desperately. It’s not down to jealousy because I don’t do that, but it’s an awareness of this relationship developing into something profound. Of feelings unfurling and growing. Of what I’d be prepared to do to keep this, us, together.

“I need five minutes to get through my little security set-up anyway,” Roo reminds me.

“Then I’m gonna take a quick shower,” I decide heading in the direction of my room.

I strip and get in under the water, enjoying the warmth cascading over my skin and scalp. After lathering up my hair and body, I rinse, dry off, and pull on some gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

When I head to the kitchen, Roo is gathering wine bottles and glasses. “Looks like there might be a design oversight,” I poke. “She needs a bar up there.”

He grins. “Yeah, but we make tasty snacks, don’t forget. If she wants sustenance she needs to get her arse down here.”

We head to the tower, Roo’s laptop under his arm while I carry the drinks. The sound of filthy sex filters down the spiral staircase, my dick jumping as blood flows into it. For a second, I pause, wondering if we should go back down, but a bigger, more perverse side of me wants to watch. And when Roo prods me in the back, insisting, “Let’s get in on that,” I find my steps hurrying.

Winter’s moans echo through the small bedroom as Brecken pounds into her with deep, hard, uncompromising strokes. Her dress is flipped up at the front, her knees bent by his broad shoulders. I can admire his physique, a man who makes time to hone his body in the gym. For me, I burn energy working the hours I do, and I’ve always had a trimmer build. But watching his back muscles and glutes flex and strain as he takes her is something I can appreciate.

Winter makes a series of tiny cries, each one higher and higher as she climbs, her face twisting as she chases after that release. She looks small under Brecken’s body. Fragile. When she comes, an agonized whimper sounding, I practically throw the items I carried up here on the dressing table, fisting my t-shirt over my shoulder and ripping it over my head.

Brecken pulls out, flipping her onto her front.

Carefully, he slides the ponytail holder out of her hair. “Let down your hair, Rapunzel,” he murmurs, threading his hands through the long tresses and spreading it around her back and shoulders.

The gold-silver dress is pushed over her ass, revealing a tiny sliver of her pink center. He lifts her hips, smacking her ass twice before shoving his cock back inside, riding that sweet, intoxicating pussy of hers.

“I wanted you so bad in the club,” Brecken admits, his words punctuated with shallow, ragged breaths. “Next week, we’re getting dinner in a city where no one knows us, and I’m fucking you nasty in this dress. And if someone watches you come all over my cock, all the better.”

“Please,” Winter whines. “I want someone to watch me get annihilated by you.”