Page 48 of Deep in Winter

I walk through the first reception room. Like our suite, it’s a place to discusses business. But unlike us, there’s a desk area set up along the north-facing wall for an unobstructed view of the city to the south.

At the threshold to the main living room, Balthazar waits. I’m sure last night’s awkwardness is still fresh in his mind too, but I try and push it all away. Today, is a fresh start. We shake hands, his palm pressed affectionately to my shoulder as he gestures to a sofa. “Tea’s brewing. Help yourself.”

“Got any beers to chase it down with?” I ask.

With a conspiratorial smile, he nods. “Grab me one too.”

Casual conversation regarding Sienna’s birthday starts up as I make myself a cup of tea and grab some beers from the fridge. Returning, I pass them out, ignoring Sienna’s outstretched hand. She’s screwed us around enough by convincing her dad to marry one of us off. I’m not her lackey.

“So we’re challenging the contract on the basis that WM falsified information to secure a sale,” Brecken updates Sienna. “We go before the judge in three weeks. If we’re unsuccessful, we’ll break the contract on behalf of the Gates.”

“So you’re keen on this cake idea?” she asks her father.

“It’s a sound business opportunity.”

“Perhaps you want to work in the restaurant when it’s done?” I suggest. “You’d look good in a pinny.”


“It was a compliment,” I lie. “You’d look cute.” It’s also hard to fuck up a job that simple, and it keeps her out of our hair.

“I want a bigger role.”

Luca grits his jaw. “What will you choose to study? Because you don’t get to mandate that one of us has to marry to secure the hotel group and then swan around without having worked your ass off like we had to.”

“I’m still considering.”

Done with her, I say, “Well, chop chop, ‘cosDadhas retirement plans to announce, and you’re holding us up.”

“On that matter,” the old man starts, setting down his beer on the polished table. We’ve all claimed a seat on the sofas, Brecken and the poison pixie on one, me, Luca, and Balthasar on another. “I want to discuss Winter Harris.”

Thatgets our attention.

“What about her?” Luca asks warily, drinking from his bottle.

“Firstly, how is it working out between you?”

Normally, we’d ask why that was anyone’s business. But to some degree, itisBalthasar’s.

“It’s been five weeks. It’s young, but it’s good.”

Balthazar nods, accepting his firstborn’s answer. “Brecken?”

Naturally, Brecken might be trickier to convince if he’s finding it hard to share, but I’m confident he’s with us. “As Luca says, it’s all good. In fact, it’s pretty darn perfect.”

I happen to catch Sienna’s face. I’ve never seen her look so inconsolable.

“Good. That’s…great news. What about you, Reuben?”

“Yeah. She’s great. We’re all halfway in love with her,” I add, flicking my attention back to my sister to see her batting her lashes, trying to stop the tears from spilling.

Andshit.Now I feel bad, but she doesn’t need to look so miserable if we’re happy.

“What’s this about?” Luca asks.

Balthazar gestures widely with his hands, almost as if to ask for our prior forgiveness. “The way you prefer to date has taken some adjustment on my part, but she has impressed me no end.”

Date.I withhold laughter at his euphemism for fuck.