Page 97 of Pretty Boy

“How did you meet?”

“Are you going to introduce him to us?”

The barrage of questions went on and on until Remi finally lost his temper.

“Phoenix! Will you focus on the crepes we are making? I will tell you about my boyfriend later.” Remi finally snapped at him.

“Boyfriend? ...WAIT… BOYFRIEND? Are you guys official now?” Phoenix shrieked.

Remi hadn’t actually meant to say that. It had just slipped out, but he remembered Dimitrios' advice that they should just act like they were dating. And gods knew that the last thing Remi wanted was someone knowing he was a sugar baby. That was a secret he was taking to his grave. No one would ever ever ever know about that, not even Maddox, and he didn’t usually keep anything from his best friend.

“Yes, we are official now.”

Phoenix squealed and put his hands over his mouth as he bounced on the spot. One thing about the alpha was that Phoenix was a sucker for a good love story. Honestly the reaction made Remi soften somewhat toward the annoying alpha and he smiled despite himself and let out a sigh.

“We can talk about it next class with Aiden, okay? Now can we focus on the current task before we fail?”

Phoenix hopped to work now that he knew he’d be getting more information soon. The alpha began whipping up the cream filling and chopping fruit while Remi worked on the batter and making the paper-thin crepes to the professor’s specifications.

The two of them worked well together, not needing much communication to keep the flow going in the kitchen. They stepped around each other and traded places with ease, and before class was over, they had a plate of perfectly made crepes garnished to perfection and dusted with powdered sugar.

Professor Ross came around before the end of class and took a bite of each group’s creations and as he got to them he smiled and gave them two thumbs up that had Remi and Phoenix bumping shoulders and smiling, pleased at their performance.

They left class together and made their way toward their second lesson of the day, where Aiden was waiting for them in their usual seats. Remi looked around as they entered the class, but didn’t see Cade, who also had this period with them. He sat with his friends, and before he could even greet Aiden, the omega’s eyes were on his neck.

“Oh my gods… Remi IS THAT A HICK-” Aiden started and Remi slapped a hand over his mouth, just as he had done to his boyfriend.

“Seriously, can you two just chill for like, one second?” Remi asked exasperated.

Aiden opened his mouth and pressed his tongue to Remi’s palm, which had him pulling his hand back with a grimace.

“Ew! You two are so fucking made for each other! You’re both nasty.” Remi wiped his hand on Aiden’s sweater.

“Speaking of nasty… Why are you limping so bad, Remi?” Aiden asked in a sing-song voice, looking too pleased with himself.

“I… had a lot of exercise and I’m just a little sore.”

“Yeah, exercising your boyfriend’s dick.” Phoenix said as he mimed holding invisible hips and spanking as he wiggled in his seat.

Remi leveled him with an imperious stare and didn’t deign to make any response.

“Oh, so are you guys official now?” Aiden asked.

“Yes, we are.”

“Wow, I’m happy for you Remi. Are we going to get to meet him at any point?”

“Maybe? He’s got a busy schedule, so I can’t promise anything.”

“So how did you two meet?” Aiden asked and Phoenix giggled like a schoolboy, leaning around to look at Remi.

Remi wasn’t exactly sure what to say, so he decided to mix both he and Dimitrios' stories together, that way neither of them would be caught in a lie if their friends ever ended up meeting by accident.

“Well, I was at a coffee shop and I was looking for a job there, but they had already filled it. I guess Dimitrios overheard and decided to help me out and offered me the job as his housekeeper. We um… ended up in bed together and it seemed like that was it… but then we spent the weekend together and now we’re dating.”

“Oh… that’s a very odd way to meet. But as long as you’re happy, we’re happy.” Aiden said.

“I’m happy with the way things are going between us for now.”