Page 69 of Pretty Boy

“I’m well aware of that, Jairaj and I’ve given you credit, haven’t I?”

“True enough. I’ve got a whole waiting list of clients now, but you’re always first.”

Remi listened to this conversation with interest. It would seem that Dimitrios had known Jairaj for a while. It sounded like Dimitrios wearing his suits had allowed him to build a larger client base. It made sense. Dimitrios was famous in certain circles, and his fashion choices would draw attention from others. He must be a very valuable client to have.

Remi let the older omega measure him, posing and turning as he was instructed, as Dimitrios watched and the tailor wrote his measurements down in his book. It still was a little unnerving to feel Dimitrios' eyes on him sometimes, though he knew that was ridiculous. The alpha had seen him in ways his closest friends couldn’t even imagine. He’d seen him at his most vulnerable, when all his bravado was stripped away and he was left as the basest form of himself.

“All done.” Jairaj said after a while, moving to stand with difficulty.

Remi immediately reached down and helped him to stand, the older man giving him a grateful smile, reaching a hand up and patting Remi’s cheek once he was righted.

“You’re a sweet boy.” Jairaj said as he patted his cheek, turning to address the alpha. “Dimitrios, you’ve found a real little treasure here.”

“I know.” Dimitrios' eyes were still on Remi when he addressed the tailor. “So, you want a check now, or do you want to send me an invoice?”

“I’ll just take the check. I’ve got to go to the bank later anyway.”

The tailor turned away from Remi and picked up his book, snapping it shut as he walked over to the elegantly carved counter that held a computer and an old-fashioned 10-key calculator. He paused and typed into the calculator, the long roll of white tape paper streaming out of the end as he typed, muttering to himself.

“Two men’s cut suits… four women’s cut… cashmere blend, with shirts… plus labor… and tax…” Jairaj was obviously deep in thought as he was calculating the cost, and after a moment, looked up as Dimitrios pulled out his checkbook from the inside of his coat pocket. “That will be… $62,025.55.”

“What?” Remi gasped, eyes going wide and mouth falling open.

Jairaj looked at him with a smirk, one that Dimitrios seemed to mirror as he looked down at Remi and laughed at the shocked expression.

“He’s such a little darling…” Jairaj cooed, making motions like he wanted to pinch Remi’s cheeks.

Dimitrios just wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and leaned down to press a kiss to Remi’s temple. His pretty boy was so cute.

Dimitrios borrowed a pen from Jairaj and wrote out the check quickly, tearing it from his checkbook and handing it over. Remi wanted to stop him, but he didn’t want to insult Jairaj, or insinuate his creations weren’t worth what he was charging. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, squirming as he played with the edge of his faded old shirt, biting his lip.

He didn’t find a polite way to protest before Dimitrios was wrapping an arm around him and he was bidding Jairaj farewell. As soon as they were outside, he turned to Dimitrios and pulled him to a stop.

“Dimitrios! That was… sixty thousand dollars…”

“I know.”

“You realize that would pay my rent for the next four years, right? That’s… obscene.”

Remi could tell that Dimitrios was trying hard not to laugh at him, the alpha biting his lips, shoulders shaking.

“You’re cute.”

Remi just huffed and turned away, pouting, which incidentally made him cuter still.

“I’m not cute.”

Dimitrios stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Remi from behind, leaning down to speak closer to his ear.

“You are cute.” Dimitrios said, smiling when Remi huffed again. “And sexy, and beautiful. My pretty little vanilla baby, so perfect. Come on, sweetheart… don’t be mad. Turn around and look at me.”

Remi wasn’t really mad. He was mortified at the way the alpha seemed to just toss money out like it was nothing. Remi didn’t feel like he deserved all of this, but he didn’t know how to express that without humiliating himself. He couldn’t resist the alpha’s voice, his words. He turned around in his embrace and looked up at him, still pouting.

“Why are you pouting?” Dimitrios asked, unlooping one arm from Remi’s waist to tilt his face up.

“I’m not.”

“And now you’re lying.”