Page 6 of Pretty Boy

“Well then, thank you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Remi hung up the phone and felt a little weird about the whole situation. He wasn’t sure he was totally comfortable with the idea of money for sex, but he had no other choice. It wasn’t like it was a permanent situation. He just needed to pay his bills and find another legitimate job, then he could call off this arrangement and that would be that. It was a short-term solution, and maybe it would even be a little fun.

The idea of someone taking him out to fancy restaurants seemed kind of nice. Remi wasn’t sure exactly what sort of arrangement he and his potential benefactor would have, so he wouldn’t worry until worry was necessary. It was something that a lot of people must do, if someone had made an entire business based on it.

Remi spent the afternoon in his nest, working on homework for his business classes. Cooking was his passion, and what he wanted to do most, but if he wanted to own his own restaurant, he needed to know how to run a business. His week was split between culinary and business courses. He hated the business courses. They were primarily math based and he was terrible with numbers. Remi was the type who was better with his hands than with numbers and calculations. He had always been impressed by people who were good at math.

Of course, Remi knew that he wasn’t stupid. He just didn’t have that internal calculator that some people were born with and thus had to figure things out the old fashioned way. His homework took up most of his day, but around dinnertime he was finally finished. He’d let it pile up because of work, but it felt nice to be totally done and not have any stress about trying to finish it last minute. Maybe if the whole sugar baby thing worked out, he’d have more time for his homework. That would be nice.

As an aspiring chef and culinary student, Remi was a little appalled at how often he ate ramen for dinner. Really it was because it was what he could afford. He used to cook for a lot of the staff after hours at the restaurant for practice, and he would miss that. His tiny apartment had a little stove but it was not fitted out for any real cooking. He didn’t have the counter space for any type of real food prep, or the storage space for many ingredients. So, ramen it was. At least it was warm and fast. Because getting out of his cozy warm spot in his nest was terrible, but getting back in with a warm meal made up for it.

Remi watched YouTube on his computer as he ate his ramen, rather comfortable all tucked up in his blankets and pillows. He wrapped his hands around the ramen cup and let them leach all the warmth that they could, and sighing at the feeling. He ate his dinner, then called his mother to give his weekly checkup. He didn’t tell her about losing his job because he didn’t want to worry her. He just assured her that he was okay and that he was doing well in the city, and asked about everyone back in Maine.

Remi listened to his mother’s long descriptions of what everyone was up to and occasionally adding in a ‘uh-huh’ or a ‘That’s great’ whenever it was appropriate while he picked at his cuticles and listened with half attention until the conversation finally wound its way back around to him, like always. Remi suppressed a sigh at the question he knew was coming.

“So, how’s your love life? Meet any nice alphas or betas that you like?”

“Mom! How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not looking for a boyfriend right now. I’m focusing on school.”

“Well don’t focus too hard, you’ll go cross eyed.” She said with a laugh. “But really, Remi. I just hate to think of you all alone there in the city, without any love and support. You don’t even have anyone to scent you before bed at night. I hate it. I just don’t want you to be lonely. It’s bad for omegas to be alone. You know I just love you and want what’s best for you.”

“I know Mom, and I’m doing fine. If I meet the alpha of my dreams, I promise you’ll be the first to know, okay?”

“Alright, alright.” She conceded. “I won’t harp on about it. But think about finding someone, okay? Find someone to love. I know you have a lot of love in that heart of yours, share it with someone.”

“I’ll think about it. I’ve got to go. I’ve got school tomorrow. I’ll call you next week. I love you.”

“Love you too, Baby. Don’t forget to call your brother, he misses you too.”

Remi hung up the phone and dropped it on the bed next to him with a sigh. His mom was always trying to encourage him to find a boyfriend, but he wasn’t looking for a serious relationship right now. He was young and still in school. He didn’t need the distraction of love to derail his future plans. Which was why the arrangement with the matchmaking service was ideal.

There was one point on which his mother was totally right, though he’d never admit that to her. Remi was starved for physical intimacy and touch. He had friends, even a few close ones, but none that were comfortable holding him or scenting him. He tried to remember the last time someone had scented him, and he was pretty sure it was last Christmas when he’d visited home and his parents had hugged and scented him to within an inch of his life. He wished that his mom wasn't so right about everything all the time. It made being a rebellious child hard, when she was so full of logic.

He picked the phone up and called his brother. He was sure his mom would be on the warpath if she found out he hadn’t called Ezra. The phone rang and he heard the soft, lilting voice of his brother on the other end. The sound filled him with a longing so deep he was surprised by the depth of it. Remi and Ezra had always been close, and being so far apart for such long periods of time was hard.

“Hey Remi! Did Mom make you call?” Ezra’s voice was amused and laughing.

“She didn’t make me. I wanted to call! I miss you, you know?”

“Of course I know! I miss you too. So, how are you doing? Are you sleeping well, eating right?”

“Yes, Mom!” Remi mocked, but eyed his empty ramen cup and freezing apartment, knowing he was lying.

“I’m just checking. I want to make sure you’re doing okay. I’m worried about you. You’re all alone there in New York and I can’t stop by every other day to make sure you’re healthy.”

“You sound more and more like Mom every day.” Remi laughed. “But thank you, I’m doing fine. How about you?”

Ezra sighed. “I’m getting tired of this job. They treat the teachers here terribly. Of course I still love my students, but I’ve been thinking of moving after this school year. Maybe I’ll come to New York. There are always schools hiring teachers there. Plus half the single alphas here are guys I went to high school with. No way am I mating one of them.”

“I’m sorry to hear that your job isn’t going well, but it would be nice to have you closer. I really miss you. I can’t vouch for the dating scene, because I am the eternally single omega, but I’m sure you would find someone you didn’t go to high school with at least.”

The idea of having Ezra so close, of being able to see him anytime he wanted made Remi’s heart swell. He loved his brother and missed him every day.

“Poor Mom and her two single omega sons.” Ezra said wryly. “No wonder she harps on us so much. She probably expected grandbabies by now.”

“Yeah, I imagine that she did. But she’s not getting them from me. I think you’ll have to take one for the team here.” Remi joked.