Page 66 of Pretty Boy

Dimitrios turned Remi around with hands on his shoulders and gave him a gentle push toward the shoe display. The omega glanced back at him over his shoulder and gave him a smile so bright that Dimitrios was briefly stunned by his beauty again. He didn’t care about the money he was spending. Gods knew he had plenty of the stuff lying around, and if he could use it to make this pretty omega look at him like that… Well, any price was worth it.

Remi was in heaven as he found his size and pulled pair after pair of shoes down to try on. He selected as many styles and colors as he could find, including one pair of black suede thigh high boots that had made his heart race the moment he’d set eyes on them. An associate came over to help them, and was quickly dispatched by the alpha to go into the back and bring any more shoes they had in his size.

Remi sat on a little bench, surrounded by boxes of beautiful high heels. He took a few deep breaths and felt like he wanted to cry but suppressed it, focusing on kicking off his worn out old converse and thin socks.

He picked up the nearest box and set it in his lap, looking down at the patent leather black stilettos and feeling his heart race. He felt shy as he glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Remi was still embarrassed to try these on in public, but when he looked up at Dimitrios, he saw the alpha watching him with that dark, hungry gaze. The look did wonders to erase the familiar feeling of shame that clung to the omega whenever he wanted to do something traditionally considered feminine, like wear high heels.

Remi set the shoes on the floor in front of him, putting the box aside and slipped into them. They fit like they were made for him, and as he lifted his feet up to admire the effect, he fell in love. They were so beautiful, and he felt beautiful in them.

Against his will, he felt a sheen of tears fill his eyes, but he blinked them away quickly. He put his feet back down on the floor and stood. He was well balanced in the heels, and walked a few feet forward then back to test the way they felt while standing. They weren’t the most comfortable shoes in the world. They were still high heels after all, but they fit him well and he could walk in them without difficulty.

Dimitrios had to bite the inside of his cheek as he watched Remi walk around in the shiny, black high heels. He was absolutely stunning, and the heels made his legs look longer, his ass fuller and perkier if that was even possible. The alpha hadn’t ever thought much about shoes, outside of the usual purchasing for himself. He hadn’t realized how fucking sexy high heeled shoes could be, but he was getting a firsthand lesson as he watched Remi sit back down and remove the black pumps, placing them back in the box and reaching for another box.

The next pair were bright red and looked like suede, Remi put them on and somehow they were even better than the first pair. The red was eye catching and as Remi stood again and walked, Dimitrios wanted nothing more than to push him up against the nearest available surface and fuck him, the feeling only increasing when those were swapped with a pair of thigh-high black suede boots.

Before Dimitrios could act on those impulses however, he was distracted by the salesman returning with another stack of boxes. The associate added them to the ones on the bench. Dimitrios waved him off after he left the boxes and continued to watch as Remi tried on pair after pair and made two stacks.

The alpha knew which stack was yes and which one was no. He could see it in Remi’s face when he didn’t like one of the pairs he tried. Those all went into the no stack. He leaned against the shelves as the omega worked his way through every pair of shoes he’d collected, leaving a collection of nine pairs of shoes in the yes pile.

Remi looked at his stack, planning to try to pick out one or two favorites to take home with him. He didn’t need this many pairs of heels that he would likely only wear either during sex or around the alpha’s apartment. He wished he had the confidence to wear heels all the time. He loved the way they made him feel, but he still felt nervous to imagine wearing them in public.

Remi leaned down to put his socks and shoes back on, but before he could reach for the stack beside him to start sorting them out, Dimitrios picked up most of the boxes in his arms before inclining his head toward the three remaining boxes.

“Can you get those ones? Let’s go check out and take these to the car, then it’s just one more place before we can leave the mall and finish up the rest of our shopping elsewhere.”

“Dimitrios, I really don’t need…” Remi began, but trailed off as Dimitrios gave him that hard stare again and Remi clamped his mouth shut.

He knew he was pushing it by protesting and talking back so much, but it was impossible to see Dimitrios spend so much on him without trying to stop him. Remi’s parents had raised him to be humble and this shopping trip was the farthest thing from humble he’d ever seen.

However, it was Dimitrios' money in the end, and if the mercurial man wanted to spend his fortune on him, Remi should let him do as he pleased. The last thing he wanted was to upset or displease Dimitrios.

The omega just stood and grabbed the three remaining boxes and followed Dimitrios to the register, where they were checked out and the alpha paid. The total for the shoes was another mind-boggling number that Remi had to force himself to forget as they delivered the purchases to the car.

Their last stop at the mall was a lingerie store. The alpha pulled him inside, and Remi felt himself get shy again as they walked inside the shop filled with an assortment of silky, lacy undergarments. Dimitrios asked for his sizes, and Remi watched as he turned to look around. The omega didn’t really look at the lingerie, he watched Dimitrios as the alpha looked at it. Dimitrios skimmed his fingers over various items, glancing at Remi regularly as if picturing him in it before flipping through for his size and pulling things off the racks.

Remi noticed that it wasn’t all just lingerie, mixed in with the strappy, lacy, and see-through items were cute pajama sets and silk nighties. Remi smiled when Dimitrios seemed to have gathered as much as he could hold, watching as the alpha took it all up to the front and gave it to the cashier to hold onto until he was done shopping.

Remi followed along, allowing Dimitrios to select the things he wanted to see him in. The omega wasn’t all that picky, but he occasionally stopped to admire something, running a hand over some piece that he thought was pretty, and the alpha would immediately add it to his collection. He was certain that he was going to end up with one of anything in the store that didn’t require breasts. The lingerie store didn’t allow you to try things on, for obvious reasons, but everything that Dimitrios collected looked like it would fit him more or less.

Remi was surprised by how business-like Dimitrios seemed while they were in the store, no lewd comments or attempts to touch him. Remi wondered why, but after Dimitrios took his second armful of items up to the registers and returned to Remi, who was looking at the neat folded stacks of panties, something they had not reached yet, Dimitrios bumped into him and Remi felt that the alpha was hard, his cock trapped up against his body by his slacks. Dimitrios made a soft grunt at the contact, and Remi understood. He was trying to remain in control by putting on his distant, businessman exterior.

Remi was sorely tempted to tease him, but he knew that Dimitrios was much better at it than he was, and he would come to regret it if he tried it in such a public place. He stepped forward to give the alpha room, and could sense the approval from Dimitrios for behaving himself. Dimitrios brushed a hand over his neck, just over his scent gland and whispered, “Good boy.”

Dimitrios knew that Remi wanted to tease him. He could sense the playfulness in his lively vanilla baby, but appreciated that Remi restrained himself. It was for the best, because he was perilously close to snapping at this point. After seeing Remi in all the high heels, and now picturing him in all the lingerie he’d selected… he was on edge. He gave Remi a soft praise and saw the pleasure on his face at being called a good boy. The omega really was too cute for words.

Dimitrios looked through the panty selection that Remi was browsing, and quickly gathered anything he could find in the omega’s size. From briefs, to boyshorts, to thongs and everything in between. He did grab duplicates of some of his favorites, specifically the plain white cotton ones. Soon, he had a small mountain of underwear collected, and as he turned toward Remi to tell him to follow him up to the register, the omega reached forward and added one more pair to the top. They were high-waisted and made of lace that was completely see-through. Dimitrios imagined him in them, with his tall suede boots and felt a little pre-cum leak from his tip. Fuck… he was so horny he was about to combust.

The alpha turned to carry his last load up to the front, but got distracted by a display of thigh high stockings and socks. He’d already selected quite a few garter belts, and they would need stockings to go with them as well. He felt a soft hand on his arm and looked down to see Remi next to him, looking up at him with a shy expression, face still a little pink.

“Here, I’ll grab them. Which ones do you want?” Remi said, indicating the wall of stockings and socks.

Dimitrios gave him a smile and started instructing him. The omega blushed harder as Dimitrios told him which ones to grab, which was practically one of everything.

With pantyhose and thigh high socks now piled in his arms, Remi headed with Dimitrios to the register and laid the haul on top of the counter. The female alpha that was working the register looked at them with something between judgment and awe. Remi blushed and looked down at his suddenly shuffling feet, but a gentle hand on his lower back steadied and reassured him.

It took a long time for the cashier to remove all the security tags and ring everything up, filling four large, brightly colored bags that displayed the name of the store in bold letters. Remi wished that they were a little less conspicuous, but Dimitrios didn’t seem to mind at all as he paid and took the four bulging bags of lingerie. Remi was sure that there was more lingerie here than he could wear in several months, even if he wore it everyday. It felt downright frivolous, but Remi didn’t say anything as they left.

Dimitrios' hands were full of the bags, so he couldn’t hold Remi’s hand to keep them together in the now busy crush of the crowd, but the alpha smiled when he felt a small hand grip into the side of his shirt. He glanced down to see Remi scooting closer to him as the crowd got denser towards some of the more popular stores.