Page 62 of Pretty Boy

Remi had to brace his hands against the headboard to keep from sliding up the bed as Dimitrios slammed into him over and over. Their skin slapping and moans were all that could be heard in the silent apartment. Remi could feel Dimitrios' knot catching on his rim as it started to swell, stretching him almost painfully.

The edge of pain was exactly what he needed to take him back up to the precipice of his orgasm. When he came it was almost painful from the buildup of Dimitrios’ teasing. Remi went completely rigid, muscles tensed to the point of quivering as the first wave hit him, then he spasmed and jerked as the release overtook him.

Remi clenching up was exactly what Dimitrios needed to take him over the edge as well. His knot formed as Remi was still rhythmically pulsing around him. The feeling was so intense, the hot, velvety channel of Remi’s entrance seizing and releasing as Dimitrios' orgasm rocked through him. He spilled himself deep inside the omega once again.

The alpha was certain he’d never get tired of the feeling of losing himself in the tight warmth of Remi’s body. He’d only been with him a couple of times, and he was already addicted. Dimitrios knew that as soon as he pulled out, he’d be itching for another fix.

Remi’s breaths were harsh as he tried to catch his breath after getting fucked into the mattress. His whole body was sensitive and every tiny movement of Dimitrios above him made him whimper. Dimitrios seemed to be able to sense his state. The omega was completely overwhelmed, but as the alpha leaned down and kissed him softly, nosing over his cheeks and neck to scent him, it made Remi calm somewhat, even if he was still hypersensitive.

“That’s it, Baby. Just relax. Everything’s okay. You did so well. You were such a good boy for me, sweetheart. Daddy is proud of you for taking his knot. Remi… My pretty little Remi. So sweet and beautiful.” Dimitrios mouthed praises over Remi’s neck and shoulder as he waited for his knot to relax.

Remi wanted to cry from the praise. It was exactly what he needed to hear. He’d been craving this after he and Dimitrios had had phone sex. He’d wanted the alpha to comfort him and tell him he was good. It was almost more fulfilling than the act itself, this small private moment of sweet words and gentle reassurances. Remi started to purr softly as contentment rose in the wake of pleasure. He’d done well. His Daddy was proud of him. That made him unbelievably happy.

Dimitrios thought Remi was adorable, purring at the easy praise. Remi was a sight under him, slightly shimmering with sweat, blond hair a mess and face streaked with tear tracks. He was still slightly flushed, but his face was content, eyes closed and mouth curved in a tiny smile. Dimitrios' knot took a long time to relax, and he just scented Remi and looked at him, mumbling quiet praises to him. He could feel the happiness radiating off of the omega as he continued to purr.

Once Dimitrios was able to pull out, he did so tenderly, trying not to hurt Remi, who he knew was likely tender from his roughness. He hadn’t been able to go easy on him, not that he thought Remi wanted that anyway. The omega liked this dynamic they had. Dimitrios knew that Remi loved the hard, rough sex just as much as he did. They really had the perfect sexual chemistry.

Now Dimitrios was getting the opportunity to do something else he’d always wanted to.Aftercare.He’d never been able to get any of his other lovers to go as hard as he wanted or as many times as he needed, and so aftercare had not been a necessary part of sex. But with Remi… it was clear that he probably couldn’t even stand. As Dimitrios pulled away, his legs fell open, the omega’s whole body loose and weak.

Dimitrios ran a gentle hand up Remi’s side, watching as his gray eyes peeked open and turned to look at him, unfocused and bleary. He felt a little pride swell his chest as a slow smile spread across the omega’s face. Remi looked at him with complete trust and happiness, even though Dimitrios knew he was probably aching in quite a few places by now. He continued to pet over his soft skin as he spoke.

“Hey, pretty boy. I need to get you cleaned up. You wanna take a shower? Or I can run you a bath if you want?”

Remi’s smile widened at the mention of the bath, and Dimitrios wanted to coo at him. He was cute when he was all sleepy and fucked out. It made Dimitrios want to keep him in this state as much as humanly possible.

“A bath?” Dimitrios asked with a little laugh.

“Yes… if that’s okay.”

“Of course it is, Baby. Let me go run it for you and I’ll come back, okay?”


Dimitrios stood and went into the bathroom, going to the tub and turning the tap, starting to warm the water up before putting the stopper in. He tested the temperature with his hand to make sure it didn’t get too hot, then went to fetch towels, washcloths and soap. By the time he returned, the bath was full enough and he turned off the water. He tested it one more time to make sure it was the right temperature. He thought maybe it was a little too warm, but he remembered how cold Remi always was and decided that was probably a good thing.

When he walked back to the bed, Remi was dozing lightly. He still roused easily at the gentle call of his name, turning his face to Dimitrios and smiling that sleepy, sex-drunk smile again that made the alpha’s stomach flip. He reached forward and pushed Remi’s blond hair back from his face, feeling so tender toward the omega as he turned his face into his hand and nuzzled at it. He was so pretty and soft, such a little treasure.

“You ready for a bath, Baby?” Dimitrios asked softly, caressing his cheek with his thumb.

“Mm-hm.” Remi nodded and tried to sit up, but Dimitrios stopped him with a hand on his chest.

“Let me, sweetheart. You’re tired, so let Daddy spoil you a little, okay?”


Dimitrios slid an arm under Remi’s shoulders and one under his knees, lifting his slight weight up into his arms easily and carrying him into the bathroom. The alpha let the omega test the temperature before settling the giggling boy into the water. Dimitrios helped Remi settle into place, soaking in the hot water before leaning down to press a soft kiss to his forehead.

“Do you need anything?” Dimitrios asked, looking down at the omega who was already dozing in the hot water, arms over the sides keeping him held up.

“No… I’m perfect.”

Remi was perfect at the moment. The water was warm, hot even and it warmed him all the way down to his bones. He loved it. It was like napping in the summer sun, warm and pleasant and it made him so sleepy and comfortable as he settled down into the warm water. He had never felt as fulfilled as he did just then. He was warm, sleepy and he’d just had the best sex of his life. He was a very complacent omega.

“That’s good, Baby. I’m gonna take a quick shower, then remake the bed. Will you be okay here by yourself?”

“Mm-hm.” Remi nodded and rested his head back against the edge of the tub.

“Good boy.” Dimitrios ran the back of his hands down the side of Remi’s face as he said it, and he smiled as the omega nuzzled his fingers.