Page 56 of Pretty Boy

He paused with his hand on the door handle and looked back at his nest. He wondered for a few moments if it was a good idea, but now that he’d had it, he couldn’t let it go. His mind wandered to the box of toys under his bed, in which was his turquoise glass plug.

Remi really only used the plug when he was in heat, it made doing things like showering, cooking, and eating easier if you felt full. But… if he wore it over to Dimitrios' place, then the alpha wouldn’t have to stop to stretch him, they could get started as soon as they were in Dimitrios' apartment. Remi was so desperate, he doubted he would have much patience for it. He was already so excited to see Dimitrios that he could feel the wetness dewing between his legs, and a plug would keep it from leaking slick in public… again. The last thing he needed was another incident of punching an alpha on the train for being a handsy bastard.

Remi slipped the backpack off his shoulders and unfastened his pants as he walked over to his bed.

Chapter 12


Dimitrioswasrunninglateby about forty minutes. It was all thanks to the god-awful fucking traffic. He’d been so busy trying not to get hit on the busy New York streets he hadn’t been able to text Remi to let him know, but he was sure the omega was probably waiting in the lobby.

He made the final turn onto his street, which was thankfully fairly dead of traffic, since there were no clubs or bars down this road, just apartments. However, as he was about to pass in front of his building, he saw a familiar slight figure standing outside. The alpha recognized the large gray sweater that the huddled boy was wearing and he could see him shaking. He stopped at the curb and pulled his cell out, noticing it was still in airplane mode.Shit.

Dimitrios turned off airplane mode and all his messages flooded through. He felt like such a jackass.

5 Missed Calls

2 Voice Messages

6 New Text Messages


He immediately dialed Remi and watched as the boy waiting in front of his building pulled out his cell. He felt a little thrill when he saw the omega smile and answer.


“Hey, Baby. Look up.” Remi’s head turned up and Dimitrios rolled his window down. “Come get in.”

Remi immediately started walking forward, ending the call and jogging over to the car. Dimitrios unlocked the doors and smiled as Remi got in. Now that he was close however, he could see how red his ears, nose and cheeks were. His tiny hands were red and raw from the temperature outside. Dimitrios immediately reached forward and set the heater on full blast, turning on Remi’s seat warmer. He reached up and brushed Remi’s blond hair back from his face. Even his hair was cold, with little crystals of ice frozen into it.

“Baby… why were you waiting outside? It’s freezing.” Dimitrios said, using the back of his hand to try and warm Remi’s cold cheek.

The omega was shivering and Dimitrios couldn’t help but notice that he still wasn’t wearing a proper amount of clothes. Remi’s black jeans were ripped at the knees and he was just wearing the sweater Dimitrios had given him. The alpha angled all the vents to blow at Remi, ignoring his own body getting too hot from the constant dry, warm air.

“I w-was, but they kicked me out. They said I couldn’t wait there.”

Oh. Hell. No. Somebody was losing their fucking job. This wasn’t gonna fly on his watch. He brushed his hand over Remi’s cheek again. Dimitrios felt horrible. He should have given him a key after their first meeting, then the omega could have been waiting in his apartment, nice and warm.

“Sorry, Baby. Traffic was really bad.”

Remi just smiled at him and turned his face into the hand on his cheek, closing his eyes and letting out a soft purr.

“It’s okay. You’re here now. Let’s go upstairs, alpha.”

Dimitrios still felt angry that Remi had been made to wait out in the cold, and he would definitely be speaking with management, but for now he would just focus on Remi. The omega wasn’t shivering anymore, in fact he seemed to be warming up nicely as his body relaxed into the heated seat.

The alpha pulled away from the curb and drove down into the underground parking garage, finding his spot close to the elevator. He let the car run for a few more minutes to warm the omega back up.

Remi looked over at Dimitrios who was staring at him from the driver’s seat with mild concern. He was fine. Remi had been battling winters without heating for almost two years. He wasn’t going to die from standing in the cold for twenty minutes, but the alpha’s concern was still touching.

Remi couldn’t help but feel himself clench around the plug that was still resting inside him as Dimitrios' dark scent wrapped around him in the confined space. He knew the alpha was sweating because of the intense heat, and it only made his scent stronger. Remi was glad for the plug at the moment because without it, he was sure he’d be leaking slick through his jeans.

“I’m okay, Dimitrios. I walk to school everyday in this weather. I’m really fine.”

“Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel better. Do you know how to drive?” Dimitrios asked.

“Yeah, of course. I got my license before I moved to New York, but I don’t have a car.” Remi answered. “It doesn’t matter. I just wanna go upstairs with you… Let’s go, Daddy.”