Page 53 of Pretty Boy

Dimitrios:What’s your address?

That seemed like an odd question, but Remi answered anyway. He trusted Dimitrios, the alpha wouldn’t do anything weird with the information.

Remi:It’s [insert contact]


Dimitrios:I’m gonna order you some food, Baby.

Remi felt his stomach dip as he read the word ‘Baby’ but was still embarrassed by the gesture. Did Dimitrios think that he couldn’t take care of himself? He typed back quickly, feeling the pout on his face. He wasn’t used to an alpha taking charge over his personal care, and the idea of Dimitrios ordering him food felt somehow more intimate than all of the sexual acts they had performed together.

Remi:That’s totally not necessary. You really don’t have to I’m fine

Dimitrios:Do what Daddy says. Or I’m gonna punish you when I get back tomorrow.

Remi’s whole body flushed with heat as he read those words. Fuck. Dimitrios always knew exactly what to say to get Remi to give in. The omega almost wanted to be punished, just out of curiosity to what the alpha would do, but he also wanted to be good. He typed out several responses, pausing and re-writing it several times before he settled on a simple answer.

Remi:Ok Daddy

Dimitrios:Good boy. I’ll call it in now. Any allergies or anything to worry about?

Remi squeezed his thighs together. Being called a good boy through a damned text message shouldn’t do so much to him, but he couldn’t deny the warmth spreading through his belly, headed farther south.


Dimitrios:Okay. I’ll order your food, then I’ve got to sleep. I’ll be home tomorrow. I’ll text you with a time to meet me at my place.

Excitement flooded Remi’s whole body as he read that. Tomorrow. He’d get to see Dimitrios again tomorrow and feel the alpha’s hands on him again. He was so excited that he felt himself getting slightly wet at the mere thought of what the alpha was going to do to him when they were alone again. Dimitrios had had a stressful few days, and Remi wanted the alpha to release all that tension upon him and let him be his outlet.

Remi:Ok Daddy

Dimitrios:See you then Baby. I can’t wait.

Remi couldn’t wait either. He wanted it to be tomorrow night already. He was so ready for this. He’d wanted Dimitrios since the first moment he’d seen his picture, and that want had only increased with every encounter. Caught up in his thoughts, the omega jumped when his phone dinged again, but looked down to see another message from Dimitrios.

Dimitrios:Your food should be there in about 20. Goodnight, pretty boy.

Remi:Thank you. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow

Remi giggled and rolled around in his bed for a few minutes before finally getting up and pulling on sweats so he’d be ready when the food arrived. He set up his laptop on his coffee table that was missing a leg and currently had one corner propped up on a stack of books. By the time he was done, there was a knock on his door and when he answered there was a tall beta on the other side, holding several bags that he held out to Remi.

“Good evening sir. Here’s the food you ordered.”

“Oh. Thank you.” Remi said, handing over a handful of small bills as a tip and taking the three bags that were full of more food than he’d be able to eat in three days.

“You’re welcome. Have a great night.”

“You too.”

Remi closed his door and locked it with difficulty, trying not to drop any of the food. He took it all to his coffee table and set out the numerous containers. It was a fucking feast. There was no way he could eat even a quarter of the food in front of him.

He didn’t want all this food to go to waste, so he pulled out his phone and took a picture of the loaded table that looked like it was about to collapse under the weight of all the containers and texted it to Aiden and Phoenix.

Remi:Hey… I’ve got too much food. You guys wanna come over for dinner?

Remi waited a few seconds and saw the three dots appearing at the bottom of the screen.