Page 41 of Pretty Boy

Dimitrios:I know you will.

Remi:I have to go or I’m gonna be late for my next class :((

Dimitrios:Go on, sweetheart. I’ll call you tonight. I want to hear what sounds you make while you touch yourself for me, Baby.

Remi:I’ll be waiting

Dimitrios groaned and leaned his head against the back of the couch. Remi was such a little tease, and the image of the omega in high heels had the alpha dying inside. Fuck. He was gonna lose his damn mind if Remi kept this up. He wished he had time to jerk off, but he really didn’t. He and Leon had to get to the airport in time to get through security. The alpha just sighed and adjusted himself. He’d thought that getting a sugar baby would mean less sexual frustration, not more. But he’d been half-hard since the first time he’d fucked Remi and he didn’t see that changing anytime soon.

Chapter 9

Late Night Phone Calls

Remireallyhadtostop getting wet in public.

He was going to start attracting alphas like flies if he constantly smelled like an omega in heat. He cleaned up quickly, washed his hands and jogged off to class, arriving just in time.

He smiled as he thought about Dimitrios buying him a pair of Louboutins. Remi had wanted a pair since he was a teenager. He’d seen an omega on TV wearing them and he could still remember watching as he’d walked away, how his red soles had flashed with every step. Remi thought he’d seemed so powerful and sexy. It had placed a vision of himself wearing them deep in his brain. He almost couldn’t believe his own daring at asking the alpha for them, but Dimitrios said whatever he wanted… and that was what he wanted.

Remi actually did own one pair of heels, they were bright red and buried deep in the back of his closet. They were cheap knock offs he’d bought for ten dollars at a small vendor downtown, a few weeks after he’d moved to New York.

Sometimes he would take them out and put them on and just lay in his nest, looking down his legs and studying them. He’d hold his foot up and roll his ankle, admiring how pretty his feet looked in the shoes. Of course, they were half a size too small, because he’d been too embarrassed to admit they were for him, and try them on, so he just guessed his size. He’d been close enough. Remi could still get them on and admire them, which was all he really wanted them for anyway.

The omega turned his attention to the teacher as class began, putting aside thoughts of Dimitrios and high heels and tried to pay attention as they were given their instructions for the day.

Remi and Aiden always had a good time together in this class. It was one of Remi’s favorites, because it really tested the limits of his skills, and he was always learning new things. He had to admit that the other reason was that he just loved to eat all the things they prepared, tasting and testing each dish. Today they were learning how to properly cook lamb, one of the hardest dishes to perfect.

Aiden didn’t bring up Remi’s love life again, for which the omega was grateful. They focused on class as they worked, which allowed Remi to get comfortable again. He didn’t want to talk about Dimitrios. His relationship with the alpha was private, and he wanted it to stay that way. It wasn’t anyone else’s business. He was a young, single omega who was having a good time with an alpha who made him feel good, who was a lot of fun in bed, and that was all there was to it. Remi knew this wasn’t the end of Phoenix and Aiden’s meddling, but it was at least a ceasefire, so he was okay with that for now.

“So Remi, have you found a new job yet?” Aiden asked as they prepared ingredients for their meal.

Yeah, he’d found quite a few jobs. Blowjobs, handjobs, rimjobs… but Remi wasn’t going to tell his friend about that. So he lied. Again. He was lying a lot lately, and probably needed to take a look at himself in the mirror and ask why he had to hide so many things from the people he loved.

“Yeah actually. I got a job as a housekeeper.” Remi picked a boring job on purpose, knowing it wouldn’t cause too much in the way of followup.

“Oh? That’s cool. Have you started yet?”

“A couple days ago. It’s pretty boring.”

“I imagine. I hate doing my own chores. I can’t imagine doing someone else’s.”

Remi just smiled and laughed with his friend, changing the subject.

As soon as his final class was dismissed, Remi caught the bus back to his apartment. He stumbled into his little place, kicked off his shoes and collapsed into his nest utterly exhausted. He’d been up far too late the previous night and hadn’t gotten enough sleep. He dozed off almost at once, not even bothering to take his jeans off, he rolled up in his thick, comforter like a burrito and fell asleep instantly.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been sleeping when his cell phone woke him up, but as he blinked his heavy eyelids open, he saw that the orange light of twilight was streaming in through his window. His mind instantly went to Dimitrios. The alpha had said he would call tonight. Remi smiled, still on the edge of sleep as he worked a hand down into his jeans pocket inside his tight, blanket burrito pulling it out and answering without checking the screen.

“Dimitrios?” Remi mumbled, groggily.

“Who the hell is Dimitrios?”

It was Maddox. Remi mentally slapped himself as he yawned and started working his way out of his blanket trap.

“Oh. Hey Maddy, what’s up?”

“Don’t even try it. Who’s Dimitrios?”

Remi facepalmed himself as he realized what he’d just done. Maddox was even worse than Phoenix and Aiden. He’d never let this go without an answer, and Remi wouldn’t put it past the other omega to take a train from Maine to come check on him.