Page 39 of Pretty Boy

“I’m not! I’m just worried that you’ll get hurt.”

“I’m fine. I promise. I’m not going to fall in love with him, and he’s not going to fall in love with me. We’re just friends having casual sex. It’s not a big deal.”

“If you say so.”

“I do say so. Don’t worry about me. Go on to class and save a seat. I need to use the restroom.”

“Alright. See you in a few.”

Remi turned into the bathroom and locked himself in a stall, pulling out his phone and texting Dimitrios back quickly, smiling and biting his lip.

Remi:I’m gonna miss your cock Daddy… but we can have fun when you get back. Hope your trip goes well.

Remi waited for a few moments to see if Dimitrios was going to text him back, and smiled when he saw the three dots at the bottom showing that the alpha was messaging him.

Dimitrios woke up exhausted and still hard as fucking diamonds when his alarm blared at him from his nightstand.

He’d ended up staying at the office until almost midnight. He regretted not just fucking Remi while he was there and staying an extra hour. At least then he wouldn’t be suffering from blue balls. Dimitrios kind of wished the omega was in bed with him now, then he could pull him closer and slide back inside him while he was all pliant and sleepy. He bet Remi was a sight to behold in the morning when he was messy-haired, warm and soft. He’d have to get him to stay over one weekend and find out for himself.

He reached over and picked up his phone to check the time. He sighed when he realized he didn’t have time to lay in bed and fantasize about his pretty boy. He needed to get up and head to the office.

His hard work had paid off somewhat, he’d gotten enough done that he’d be able to leave close to on time today. He felt a little smile tug at his lips as he thought of getting Remi over to his house tonight and spending hours in his bed, making the omega fall apart under his hands and mouth until he was a sobbing, whimpering mess, begging for his knot. Perfect.

Dimitrios had only met up with him twice, but he was already addicted to the way Remi got so desperate to be touched and taken, how his whole body trembled when he was out of control.

He’d never met an omega who turned over power to him like that. Dimitrios was very dominant in bed, and some omegas got overwhelmed by him, needing him to hold himself back from being so controlling. It always soured the alpha’s experience when he had to water himself down to be palatable to a bedmate. He’d known from the moment Remi had sat across from him at that table at Harmonie that he was different.

Remi hadn’t shied away from his little testing shows of dominance. When he’d slid his thumb into his mouth and trapped his tongue under it and the omega had immediately closed his eyes and whimpered, Dimitrios had known he was just what he needed. Remi was so naturally submissive, but he got the impression that that was only in the bedroom.

He recalled the bruised knuckles that the omega had said were from punching an alpha on the train. Outside of sex, Dimitrios doubted that Remi let himself be told what to do in any matter. Maybe that was why he needed the release of being dominated. Dimitrios was glad to provide that service, he had no qualms about helping the pretty omega escape from his responsibilities and stresses for a few hours.

The alpha was very satisfied with his plan to leave work on time and get Remi back in his bed that evening as he dressed and headed to work. His intention was to text Remi in the course of the morning and invite him over to his apartment after work. However, all his carefully laid plans were ruined by the arrival of an extremely irate and angry Leon barging into his office almost as soon as Dimitrios settled at his desk. His friend and business partner plopped into the chair across from him with a scowl.

“The fucking manufacturing plant is acting up again. I’m so sick of dealing with their shit. I got word this morning from the QA team, and they’re telling me that the plant has gone ahead and begun to lessen quality on materials regardless of our numerous meetings, calls, and emails telling them not to. So, I’m fucking done. They’re out. I’m not warring with them anymore.”

Dimitrios wasn’t really surprised, he’d been expecting something like this to happen for a while. The facility that manufactured for them, OTR Manufacturing, had been in business for over seventy years, but when the former owner passed away and left the management to his sons, the quality of service had quickly gone downhill. The sons did not understand the premise that the customer comes first, and the quality of their production had hit a steep decline.

“Agreed. So, what’s the next move?”

“We need to find a new manufacturing plant. I’ve been prepared for this for a while/ We’re going to tour three plants that have the capabilities we’re looking for, or at least close to it. Our flight leaves today at 10:00 AM, so you need to go pack a bag. We’ll be gone until Friday evening.” Leon said, looking about as enthused about the turn of events as Dimitrios felt.

“Alright. Send me all the info you have on the places we’re visiting. I want to do some research before we show up, so I’ll be able to tell when they’re blowing smoke up our asses about what they can do. I don’t want to be back in this situation again.” Dimitrios said, trying not to frown as his plans to get Remi naked in his bed were smashed to pieces.

“No problem. I’ll have my secretary email it all to you.”

After Leon left, Dimitrios organized all the stacks of paperwork on his desk and made notes on them, planning to hand them off to various employees to finish up. He hated to do it, but it was the kind of thing he needed to start letting go of. He had over 500 employees and there was no reason he should be working until midnight. Dimitrios needed to learn to delegate or he’d never get free from the chains of his workaholic perfectionist nature. It was for the best.

He handed over his stacks of paperwork and took the elevator down to the garage, pulling out his phone as he got in. He was disappointed that he was going to miss out on so much amazing sex while he was out of town. But work was still priority number one, and he was beyond tired of dealing with the problems OTR Manufacturing had been causing them.

At the end of the day, Scepter Tech was the customer and it shouldn’t be up to them to make their vendors do their jobs. That was the beauty of a free market, there was plenty of competition, and he was pretty sure that their current manufacturer had no idea how big of a hit they were about to take. Dimitrios had no pity for them. They’d been given chance after chance to clean up their act and had failed to take action.

Dimitrios opened Remi’s contact and typed a message to him as he rode the elevator down.

Dimitrios:Good morning, pretty boy. Last night was fun, but I’ll be out of town for a couple days, so we won’t be able to get together until Friday night. I’ll let you know a time later.

The alpha didn’t receive any immediate response, so he assumed Remi was in class. He slipped the phone back in his jacket pocket and headed to his car. The Audi SUV still held traces of Remi’s sweet vanilla bean scent inside. The natural perfume of the omega never failed to have the alpha’s cock stirring in interest; there was just something so sexy about him. He smelled and looked so sweet and innocent, literally a little vanilla baby. But Dimitrios knew what hid under the cute exterior was a needy, cock-hungry boy that wanted to be praised, dominated, and fucked hard.