Page 36 of Pretty Boy

Remi closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it for a moment. The things that Dimitrios said and did to him made every cell of his body sing with desire. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, calming himself down and clearing his head. It was easier in the confines of the bathroom, without the smell of the alpha so strong in his nose. His arousal began to flag, mostly due to the cooling slick that was making goosebumps rise on his skin.

Remi pushed his panties down and let them fall to the floor before walking to the sink and looking at himself in the mirror. He was a complete mess. His hair was mussed and tangled, slightly damp from sweat. His lips were swollen and red from use, his eyeliner was smudged and tracked down his cheeks from his tears. He looked completely wrecked, and the omega kind of loved it.

A small part of him wanted to leave himself like this and walk down the street so everyone could see how well fucked he looked. He felt oddly proud that Dimitrios Cirillo, rich, hot, alpha sex god had put him in his current state, and a tiny petty part of him wanted to show it off. Remi would obviously never do that, but the thought had a little ball of desire pooling in his stomach again.

He pushed his dirty thoughts aside and grabbed a few paper towels from the dispenser, wetting them in the sink and wiping at his face, erasing the ruined makeup as best he could and cleaning the mix of cum, slick and saliva off his chin, neck and chest. He tossed those away and grabbed more, starting on his stomach and moving down between his legs to his thighs and ass.

Remi cleaned himself as best he could, mostly erasing the scent of arousal from his body, and the rest would be suppressed by his clothes. He pulled the clean boxers out of his backpack and slipped them on before pulling on the rest of the outfit he’d been wearing earlier. His hair was still a mess from the alpha’s rough hands and his own sweat, he didn’t have a brush, so he fingered through it as best he could, pushing it back from his face.

When Remi was finally presentable, he wrapped his wet underwear in several layers of paper towels, tied them up in the plastic bag he’d brought, and shoved it back into his backpack. He gave himself one final review in the mirror, shrugging when he realized that was about as good as it was going to get. He grabbed up his backpack and headed back out into the office. Dimitrios' head turned to him as soon as he came out, his dark eyes moving up and down his body as if still picturing him naked. The alpha stood and walked to him, stopping only inches away from the suddenly shy omega.

Dimitrios turned Remi’s face upward with a finger under the chin. All the makeup was gone, along with the evidence of how Dimitrios had wrecked him. It made the alpha sad to see it gone, but he did think Remi was most beautiful with a bare face.

He resolved that one weekend he’d have to invite Remi over to his place for the day and get him all messy, eyeliner running and smudged and just keep him that way for the rest of the day. Then the alpha could admire his work to his heart’s content. He could still see a small smudge of eyeliner at the corner of Remi’s eye. He licked his thumb and wiped the little black streak away, getting a brilliant smile from the omega in return.

“Let me wash my face real quick, then I’ll take you downstairs and let you out.” Dimitrios said, lowering his hand and stepping back.

“Sure. Take your time.”

Dimitrios turned and disappeared into the bathroom. While he was gone, Remi walked along the shelves and looked at the various glass and metal awards, reading the engravings on them and whispering them to himself.

“Technology Vendor of the Year… Excellence in Software Innovation… IT Achievement of the Year – Information Technology and Software… Startup of the Year… Shaping Information Technology… Supporting omegas in Information Technology… Most Innovative IT Hardware…” There were more up on higher shelves that he couldn’t read. “Jesus… how many awards do they have?” Remi mumbled to himself as he made the circuit around the office, looking at all of Dimitrios' achievements.

Remi was actually very impressed by how much Dimitrios had achieved at such a young age. He wasn’t even forty, and he’d created one of the most successful tech empires of the modern age. Dimitrios must be both extremely intelligent and hardworking to have created this business and grown it from nothing. Remi only hoped that he could make his dreams come true the way that the alpha had done.

Remi let his mind wander to the conversation he’d overheard between Dimitrios and his business partner. The way they bickered reminded him of himself and his best friend back home, Maddox. It was a playful kind of fighting full of an underlying friendship and understanding. It was kind of nice to know that Dimitrios at least had some good friends in his life, even if he didn’t have a proper romantic relationship.

When he heard the bathroom door open, Remi turned and saw Dimitrios coming out with his jacket and tie in his hand, the top few buttons of his shirt undone. The white shirt clung to his chest where he’d obviously splashed water a little too vigorously. The front part of his hair was wet and dangling into his face.

Remi was stunned by how fucking hot the alpha was, suddenly seized by a stab of insecurity, unable to keep from comparing himself with the alpha who felt so far out of his league. He looked away and focused on the title of one of the books on the shelf, trying to distract himself.‘Innovation Policy: A Practical Introduction.’He had no idea what that was about but it sounded boring as hell. He focused on that and let his sudden shyness bleed away. Something about Dimitrios just made Remi desperate to prove himself to the alpha.

“You ready?” Dimitrios asked.

“Yep.” Remi cleared his throat. “Let’s go.”

Remi followed Dimitrios down the hallway to the elevators. They rode all the way down in silence, occasionally glancing at each other and looking away, not sure what to say. When they reached the glass doors in the lobby, Remi paused and looked up at the alpha when he didn’t move to unlock the doors. He opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, when Dimitrios wrapped a hard hand around the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Remi let out a soft noise of surprise, but went willingly as he was drawn in. He curled his hands into the damp front of the alpha’s shirt and returned the kiss with fervor, opening and letting Dimitrios plunder his mouth.

The kiss ended as abruptly as it had started, with the alpha pulling away without warning. Remi swayed toward him, his body chasing the kiss, but the omega steadied himself. Dimitrios pressed one more kiss to his lips and smiled at him in a way that had Remi’s stomach filling with butterflies.

Remi had to force his hands to release the alpha’s shirt from his grip and back down to his sides. He watched as Dimitrios pulled a card out of his pocket and swiped it through the little reader by the door. The glass doors parted and Remi was hit by a sobering gust of freezing cold air. He came back to himself all at once as the icy wind blew through his clothes and he turned to Dimitrios, raising a hand in farewell.

“Goodnight, Dimitrios.”

Dimitrios pulled his wallet out and handed Remi a wad of cash. When the omega looked up at him in confusion, he just smiled.

“For the cab fare.”

“I’m pretty sure there isn’t a cab in this city that costs five hundred dollars.”

The alpha just reached forward and ruffled his already messy hair with a laugh.

“Goodnight, pretty boy. See you next time.”

Remi could feel the alpha watching him as he hurried outside and flagged down a cab, quickly slipping into the backseat. He turned and watched as Dimitrios typed the code into the little box and walked back toward the elevators. His attention was called by the cabbie, who wanted an address. The omega gave him the address for his apartments, and when he turned back to look, the alpha was gone.

Chapter 8

Business Trip