Page 30 of Pretty Boy

The couple had become his closest friends in New York. His childhood best friend Maddox still lived back in Maine, and Remi only got to see him at holidays. He should probably call him before the other omega drove to New York and showed up on his doorstep with a chip on his shoulder. Maddox seemed to forget that the phone worked both ways, and always got angry when Remi didn’t call him regularly. He always thought it was funny to point this out when the omega got huffy with him about his lack of phone calls and texts.

“Morning, Phoenix.” Remi said as he sat down.

“Morning… Why do you smell like an alpha?” Phoenix was giving him the biggest smile like he’d just won the lottery. “Did you finally get laid?”

Remi slapped him in the back of the head as he practically shouted that question, making everyone in the class snicker.

“Say it a little louder, why don’t you?” Remi hissed through his teeth.

“Okay. DID YOU FINAL-“ Remi covered his mouth with his hand to shut him up, but the alpha just licked his palm and Remi pulled his hand back with a grimace.

“Ew. Don’t lick me. I’m telling Aiden .” Remi wiped his hand on the alpha’s shirt.

“I’ll tell Aiden you had your hands all over me.” Phoenix defended.

“You think he’d believe that?” Remi quirked a brow at the alpha, who’s face went a little pale.

“Please don’t tell him.” Phoenix begged, and Remi laughed.


“So… who’s the lucky alpha?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s no one you know.”

“A mystery! Yes. I’m on the case.” Phoenix leaned close to him as if studying him intensely. “Was it a one-night-stand?”

“Phoenix. Stop.”

“No? Maybe an old flame came to town for a visit?”

“Phoenix.” Remi deadpanned.

“That’s a no. Friend with benefits?”

“I’m telling Aiden you licked me.”

“Come on… Just tell me.” The alpha begged, giving him the big puppy dog eyes.

“Okay fine. I’ll tell you… come here.” Remi crooked a finger to get the alpha to come closer, his face lit up with anticipation. Remi lowered his voice and whispered into Phoenix’s ear. “It’s none of your business.”

“Aww…. Remi…”

“Class is starting.”

They both turned toward the teacher and listened as he started to speak. Remi could feel Phoenix giving him the pleading stare from his peripheral, but he kept his attention solely on the teacher, ignoring his pouting.

Just as class began to wind down, Remi felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked around and saw Phoenix across the room talking to the teacher. The omega pulled his phone out and unlocked it, opening the text message and feeling a hot wave of arousal slam straight into his gut as he read the message from Dimitrios. He quickly typed back.

Dimitrios:Good morning, pretty boy. I’m missing your mouth already. Why don’t you send me a picture of those pretty lips of yours?

Remi:I’m in class, but we’re about to be dismissed. Give me five minutes.

Dimitrios:I’ll be waiting.

Remi finished cleaning their workstation quickly and gathered up his things, grabbing the hoodie and throwing it over his arm, ready to go. When the professor dismissed them Remi was the first out the door. He quickly made his way down the hall and into the same unused classroom he’d used to check his email. He pulled up his camera and took a few pictures of himself, just lips and neck and picked the best one.

Remi:(pic attached)