Page 134 of Pretty Boy

Remi’s stomach was still in knots as his attention was diverted by the professor starting class. He could swear that as the teacher took attendance, they paused for just a single extra second on his name before moving on. His inner wolf was on edge. The animal part of him was wary and suspicious, but he relaxed as class moved on and he fell into the comfort of routine.

He took notes and listened to the professor and when the class was dismissed, Remi followed Aiden and Phoenix out, walking with them until it was time for Remi and Aiden to split off from the alpha and go to their next class. The alpha looked at Remi and hesitated for a few seconds before he reached forward and grabbed Remi’s shoulder, looking at him with a very uncharacteristic serious expression.

“Rem… I just want to say that I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to cause all those problems for you. You’re one of my best friends and I would never want to hurt you. I know I’m too loud, and too nosy, and probably a really embarrassing friend. But I would never hurt you on purpose. I love you like you’re my own brother and I know Aiden feels the same. I’m just… so sorry.”

Remi looked into Phoenix’s face and saw nothing but raw sincerity in his dark eyes. He stepped forward and hugged him, reaching out with the other hand he drew Aiden into it too, until the three were just having a big group hug in the hallway. They broke apart and Remi looked up at Phoenix with a slightly watery smile before he punched his shoulder.

“Don’t make me cry at school.” Remi chided, but laughed and was joined by the other two. “I forgive you Phoenix. I know you didn’t mean anything bad to happen. I love both of you guys too.”

They separated after Aiden gave his alpha a kiss and whispered something into his ear that had the usual goofy grin plastered back on his face. Remi didn’t even ask, he was sure he didn’t want to know. He was already far too familiar with Phoenix and Aiden’s sex life and if he had to guess, Phoenix wouldn’t be sleeping on the couch that night. The omega was glad. He didn’t want to be the cause of turmoil in his friends’ relationship. They were perfect for each other and Remi only wanted the best for them both. As he and Aiden walked, Remi heard his name being called from behind him and turned to see Professor Ross waving at him to come over.

“I’m gonna go see what he wants. Save me a seat, yeah?”

“Sure. See you in a few.” Aiden said.

Remi jogged back toward his favorite professor and gave him a smile as he stopped in front of him, but his smile fell when he saw the unusually serious look on the older omega’s face.

“Hey, Remi. Would you mind stepping into my office with me for a few minutes? I’ve got something to speak with you about.”

“Of course.”

Remi’s nerves returned in full force. He had no idea what this could possibly be about, but his stomach felt like it had turned to stone and his heart was racing in his chest. His palms dewed with sweat that he wiped on his sweater as he walked behind the professor and into his office. He was directed to have a seat.

Professor Ross’ office would normally have made him smile. It was so characteristically designed, with brilliantly colored artwork all over the walls, the space adorned with stacks of paperwork that looked like a mess, but probably made perfect sense to the professor. Professor Ross sat across from Remi in his desk chair and looked at him with an expression that said the omega wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear.

“Remi, I’m not sure how to start this, but I thought that I ought to be the one to tell you, rather than you finding out from someone else. Late last night, there was an email sent anonymously to all of the staff of the university, as well as a great number of the students.” The professor steepled his fingers and looked over them at Remi. “The thing is… that the contents of the email were about you.”

“About… me?”

Remi was confused. Why would anyone send an email to everyone about him? Suddenly, he remembered all the staring, the whispers. That brought to mind the previous day, the rumors and the fight in the hallway. Oh gods… No.

Professor Ross continued. “Yes. The message contained some… less than flattering words about you as well as some accusations of a very unseemly nature. The thing is, that there were also a number of photos attached to the email. I believe that they’ve been photoshopped, but they are all ostensibly of you and a…gentleman of a certain ageengaging in various sexual activities.”

Heat flooded Remi’s face at those words, and he was certain he was going to throw up as his head felt first too heavy, then too light. Everyone at the university had probably seen the pictures by now. It was no wonder that people had been looking at him in the hallway. The whispers following him now brought an ominous feeling of shame.

Remi felt the burn of tears in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. The omega forced his body to remain completely still. Remi was certain that if he moved a single eyelash, his whole body was going to shatter into a thousand tiny shards of misery and humiliation. His lungs were pumping as if trying to force a sob out of his mouth, but he couldn’t allow it.

“Is there someone you’d like me to call? Maybe someone that can come and get you?” Professor Ross asked, but when Remi didn’t respond, he added, “I know that this isn’t you, Remi. I’ve seen the way that other students have been behaving over the last year, and I want you to know, I’m on your side. If the university tries anything, I’ll tell them the truth.”

Those words managed to awaken Remi from his frozen state, and he took a deep breath, blinking and looking up at his professor. Remi put on his thickest, most impervious mask.He was fine. Everything was fine.He focused on keeping himself together, tightening the strings that kept his composure from breaking apart and falling onto the ground around him.

Remi looked at his professor and cooly replied. “May I see the email, please?”

Professor Ross looked surprised by the request, but he acquiesced and opened his laptop, tapping at the keys for a few moments before turning it around toward Remi. The omega read the contents and felt the hot tide of shame rise up inside him again. Remi tamped down the feelings that he couldn’t afford to feel at the moment. There would be time to fall apart when he was alone. For now, he was fine. Everything was fine.

It took every ounce of his strength to keep his composure as Remi read the email.

“To whom it may concern:

“Our university is currently attended by a student named Remi Laroche. An omega who by all appearances is just a normal student. But he is not. Outside of school, Remi Laroche is a prostitute who gets paid by old men to have affairs with them outside of their matings.

“You may find this hard to believe, so we have attached pictures that show proof of Remi’s actions. Our school is no place for someone who is going to behave in this disgusting and immoral way. It shows a complete lack of ethics that do not align with our university’s values. In light of these actions, we ask that the administration remove him from the school at once.

“Students who are here to learn and build professional careers don’t want to share classrooms and hallways with someone like him.

“From: A group of concerned students”

Remi’s hand was trembling as he reached forward and used the little pad on the laptop to move the mouse up to click on the attached images. He had to admit that they were well photoshopped. The first picture appeared to be Remi, getting a cumshot across his chest from an alpha old enough to be his grandfather. The second showed Remi being fucked from behind by the same old alpha. However, the third photo was the real display of photoshop skill. It showed Remi down on his knees, giving a blowjob.