Page 131 of Pretty Boy

Dimitrios released a sound between a growl and a purr as he softly bit against the neck under his mouth, scraping his teeth over the soft skin marked with hickeys.

“That’s right. You’re Daddy’s good boy… Mmn… All for me.”

“Yes! Fuck… Just for you Daddy… Please… Cum in me… Fill me up again… Need more…”

Remi was so perfectly needy for him, and even though Dimitrios was certain that the omega was already sore and hurting again, he was still begging for more. The alpha promised himself that he’d give Remi a nice long bath after they were done. His pretty boy deserved to be pampered, and Dimitrios loved aftercare almost as much as the sex itself. He loved getting Remi to that place where he was completely pliant and needy, and then soothing him and caring for him like he deserved.

Dimitrios could tell that Remi was exhausted and wasn’t going to cum again without a lot of intense effort. If his little one wasn’t already so sensitive, not just from sex, but from what Dimitrios had learned was a hard day, he probably would have tried to coax one more orgasm out of him. But he allowed Remi a reprieve for tonight, knowing that the omega was just enjoying the feeling of being used.

Remi was only half-hard, but he didn’t even want another orgasm at the moment. He was wrung out, and just wanted to feel Dimitrios thrust into his oversensitive body and fill him up again, and even if the alpha wanted to knot him again after that, Remi would let him. He’d let Dimitrios do anything he wanted. He loved being used like this by Dimitrios… by his Daddy. He adored the knowledge that his body was making the alpha feel so good, taking his stress away. Remi’s own stress was long gone, relegated to some far away place in his mind.

At that moment, he was nothing more than Dimitrios'‘little one’, and when the alpha took over for him, he didn’t have any cares in the world. He could tell that Dimitrios was getting close again because the rhythm of his hips lost the steady beat and faltered on each inward push, as if loath to pull back out each time, lingering inside Remi just that extra second longer. Finally, he felt it, the perfect, painful stretch of being knotted again. The addition to the volume inside him made Remi so full that the pressure of laying on his stomach started to hurt.

Dimitrios panted against Remi’s neck as he shuddered through his last orgasm. His knot formed and only held out for about half a minute before it was already relaxing. Remi was trembling underneath him, panting, and making soft whimpering sounds. He knew that the omega must be painfully full. His hand scrambled across the bed to find the glass plug that he’d removed from Remi earlier. He grabbed it and whispered against Remi’s neck.

“Everything’s okay, Baby. You did such a good job. You took me so well. I’m gonna pull out now, and put the plug back in so we can get you to the shower first okay?”

“Okay.” Remi whispered softly, not moving.

Dimitrios pulled out and slipped the plug inside quickly, though a small gush of slick and cum escaped from the omega’s entrance. Dimitrios pressed a soft kiss to Remi’s shoulder and moved off of him. He turned the omega over onto his back gently and saw that Remi’s usually perfectly flat belly had the tiniest bulge below his belly button, just a small swell interrupting the flat plane. It wasn’t nearly as full as Remi would be after a heat or rut, but it was still there, and it was oddly endearing.

Dimitrios picked Remi up carefully and carried him into the bathroom. He set the omega on the counter and Remi whined at the cold of the marble under his body, but Dimitrios just pressed a kiss to his lips and reached up to cup his face in his hands.

“You okay, pretty boy?” Dimitrios asked, looking down into Remi’s half-lidded eyes.


Remi looked at him and gave him that sleepy, sex-drunk smile, and Dimitrios felt himself melt all over again. He pressed another kiss to his lips.

“I’m gonna fill up the tub so you can take a bath, but I’m gonna have to get you in the shower first okay so I can take out the plug. You’re really full right now, little one and we need to empty you out.”

Remi’s whole body went hot as embarrassment broke through his sleepy softness. He imagined Dimitrios removing the plug and all the cum and slick gushing out of him where the alpha could see. It seemed so… obscene, but he was too tired and too far into his subspace to put up any complaint or resistance. So he just nodded.

Dimitrios filled the tub with hot water first, then went to the shower, turning on the spray and testing the temperature, making sure it was hot enough for his cold-natured little one. He helped Remi to stand up and step into the shower, following behind him. He guided Remi under the spray to rinse the sweat and cum off his body first, going ahead and washing his body and hair so that once he was in the bath, he could just relax.

“It’s time, Baby. Spread your legs a little and lean forward, brace yourself against the glass… that’s it.” Dimitrios instructed and Remi did as he was told. “Alright, I’m gonna pull the plug out now.”

Remi just nodded and Dimitrios grasped the base, pulling it out gently. Remi instantly felt the pressure in his abdomen ease as everything rushed from him, and it was more upsetting than it should have been. Remi curled his hands against the glass and felt a sob work its way up from his chest as he was suddenly emptied out. He hadn’t even realized how reassuring it had been to be so full, but now that it was gone, he was bereft at the loss. Dimitrios stepped up behind him and wrapped an arm around his body, leaning down to press a kiss against his neck, shh-ing him softly and running his hands over and over his wet skin.

“It’s all going to be okay, little one. You’re fine, Baby. Just relax. Let’s get you in the bathtub so you can soak for a while, huh? I know you like that.”

Remi sniffled and nodded and Dimitrios turned off the water. He pulled Remi out of the shower and led him to the tub, not bothering to dry him. Remi stepped into the tub and Dimitrios helped him to lower himself to sit and relax into it.

The warm bath did wonders, and Remi seemed to calm quickly as he was surrounded by heat. Dimitrios pressed a kiss to his forehead before stepping away to dry himself off and wrap a towel around his waist. He quickly wiped up the water from the floor so that Remi wouldn’t slip on the wet tiles. When he was done, Dimitrios sat down next to the bathtub and Remi’s eyes opened to look at him.

“I guess you had a pretty hard day, huh little one?” The alpha asked and Remi nodded. Dimitrios reached forward and petted gently over the side of his face. “Me too, Baby.”

“What happened?” Remi asked, voice still a little raspy.

Dimitrios sighed and rubbed at his sore eyes.

“We found out that our manufacturer had been stealing from us for several years. So not only are we out about 10 million dollars that we may or may not be able to get back, but we also lost our manufacturer all in one fell swoop. Plus, one of my employees was in on the whole thing and disguised it from me. So, I was dealing with that, and the police and everything just piled on at once.”

Remi felt so sorry for the alpha and reached a hand up to hold the one that was resting on the edge of the tub, fingertips skimming the warm water. The omega wished there was something he could do to make it better.

“I’m sorry. That’s horrible. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I was just stressed. The company will be fine. The loss of that amount isn’t a critical blow or anything, but at the same time, it affects our public image. Thankfully we were already in the process of moving manufacturers, so I’m hoping for a smooth transition.” Dimitrios looked at Remi and saw the raw concern on his face and the alpha just smiled at him softly. “But, enough about me. Let’s talk about you. What happened today, Baby? Why were you so upset?”