Page 83 of Pretty Boy

“I liked it too, Baby. But on that note, I was going to bring up the fact that it might be best if we just pretend to really be boyfriends, at least for the wider world. I’m sure neither you nor I want the real nature of our arrangement being aired out.” Dimitrios said.

“Yes, that actually would be great, and make things easier. Though, I told my friends and family that I got a job as a housekeeper… So they think I work for you. I didn’t know what else to tell them.”

“I told Leon that I met you at a coffee shop… which is not entirely a lie. Because I had seen you once before we met.”

“Did you really? When was this?” Remi asked, brows going up in question.

“Just before I signed up with Magic Shop. To be honest, you were what motivated me to get a sugar baby. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about you. It was distracting me from work.”

“Oh… and you thought… I was pretty?” The omega asked hesitantly.

“I thought you were the most beautiful omega I’d ever seen. I couldn’t believe it when they handed me your portfolio. I thought there was no way I could be so lucky. But here you are, and you’re better than any fantasy I had about you.”

Nothing could have penetrated the happy little bubble around Remi, still giddy from the knowledge that Dimitrios had wanted him even before their meetup through Magic Shop. Remi really had been his first choice, not just the least objectionable sugar baby.

The omega noticed as they ate, that Dimitrios kept rolling his neck and shoulders, occasionally bringing one hand up to rub his nape. He must still have been tense and sore from all the flights and nights in uncomfortable hotel beds. The omega got an idea, letting it brew in the back of his mind as they cleaned up the kitchen and returned to the couch. Remi had his wine glass in his hand, freshly refilled as he sat with his body turned toward the alpha.

“You’re really tense. Is your neck hurting?” Remi asked, watching Dimitrios roll his shoulders again.

“Yeah, just traveling. It’s fine.” The alpha dismissed with a wave of his hand.

Remi set his wineglass aside and stood, grabbing Dimitrios' hand and pulling.

“Up. Up. Come on.”

The alpha couldn’t resist doing as he was told. The omega was too cute, pulling on him like a petulant child, lips pouting.

“What? Where are we going?” Dimitrios asked as he stood up and Remi headed down the hall.

“To the bedroom.”

“Baby… I appreciate the can-do attitude, but I think you might need a break.”

Remi released a little quack of laughter and looked back at him, smiling and giggling.

“Not for that. Come on.” Remi pulled him into the bedroom, flipping on the light. “Lay on the bed.”

Dimitrios cocked a brow at him, but did as he was told, getting on the bed and laying in the center.

“Are you sure this isn’t what I thought? Cause I know I asked if you want to be in charge, and this is honestly kinda making me hard.”

Remi swatted his thigh playfully and giggled at him, rolling his eyes.

“Roll over onto your stomach.”


Dimitrios turned over and felt the bed dip as Remi climbed up. The omega crawled over to him and straddled his lower back, sitting his slight weight on the alpha’s butt. Small hands started kneading the muscles of his shoulders, and Dimitrios let out a groan of bliss at the feeling.

“Fuck… Baby, that feels amazing.” Dimitrios groaned into the pillow.

“Just relax. Let me help you.”

Remi started at his shoulders, gripping the tense muscles in his hands and kneading until they loosened up. He ran his thumbs up the alpha’s neck on either side of his spine, massaging the knots before moving down. Dimitrios' back was a strong expanse of hard muscle, and Remi couldn’t help but appreciate how well defined his body was. When he found tension, he gently worked the tightness out of the muscles.

The omega worked through all the tense, wound up places in Dimitrios' back and left him feeling loose and warm, a deep, rumbling purr vibrating up from his chest. When Remi was finally done, the omega laid his body on top of his back and let his smaller purr join in with Dimitrios' as he pressed a whisper soft kiss to the alpha’s nape.
