Page 50 of Pretty Boy

Dimitrios immediately felt respect for the man in front of him. He’d answered honestly, even though it could lead to them losing Scepter Tech’s interest in their facilities and services. Finally, Dimitrios had found an honest person in charge of one of these places. Dimitrios shot a glance at Leon, who gave him a slight nod of approval. He felt a tension leave his shoulders, and for the first time gave Mr. Broussard a genuine smile.

“That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Honestly, Scepter Tech has no problem investing some capital in this place in return for shares in your company. It’s going to be a long, drawn out process, especially if we need to build new parts for the facilities, but I think this could definitely work. I’d really like to manufacture closer to our headquarters, it makes it easier for all parties involved.”

Leon took over at that point to talk to Mr. Broussard about their finances and investors, going into accounting and tax laws and how they would affect a relationship such as theirs. Dimitrios trusted Leon to figure out the rest. He’d done his part, he found the right facility, and though it was going to need a ton of work to get ready, it was a start.

Compared to the hurdles of getting their company off the ground, updating an existing facility for manufacturing was a piece of cake. The party went into the president’s office and talked for a few more hours about the various machinery they would need and supplemental staff that would have to be hired. The project was going to involve a ton of research, getting quotes on various services and equipment for their accounting departments, but by the time they left, there was a shaky groundwork for a future collaboration.

It wasn’t long before Dimitrios and Leon were in their car on the way to catch the small private plane they had chartered to take them back to New York. Dimitrios immediately pulled his phone out to text Remi.

The alpha was suddenly in a much better mood as he realized that in only a few hours time, he would be home and Remi would be at his apartment, where he could finally get his hands on him again. Dimitrios had been dying to touch the omega for days, and the time was drawing nearer. Soon he’d be back in New York. He was so fucking ready.

Chapter 11

The Project

Thursdaywasprobablythemost exhausting and fulfilling of Remi's school days because it lasted until 5 o’clock and was all various cooking classes, which had him on his feet most of the day. Even though he went home tired, Remi was always happy to have spent the day cooking rather than doing math. Cooking was what he loved, it was his dream job.

He had Phoenix in all his classes on Thursdays and he knew that it was going to be a long day of interrogations. Remi was prepared to tell Phoenix the same lie he’d told Aiden. That was, if Aiden hadn’t already told his boyfriend. Which he probably had. Those two had no secrets. Sometimes it was scary how much they knew about each other.

Remi had spent the previous evening after getting off the phone with Dimitrios trying to practice deepthroating again, and he’d been much more successful. He’d learned a lot from the first night of experimentation and realized that what he was doing wrong was trying to force his throat to open, rather than to relax his throat. Once the omega realized that, it was much easier.

It had taken a little bit of experimenting and adjusting to the sensation, but Remi finally managed it. He could push the toy in, all the way to the hilt, though it still gagged him a little. He was sure that was just part of deepthroating. He’d even watched a few porn videos to see how other people did it, and it seemed like gagging a little was normal… even for the professionals.

Remi was more than ready to try his new skills on Dimitrios. He imagined that it would be better with the real thing, than with the rubber toy. The taste of plastic was half of what made him gag, but he liked the way Dimitrios tasted, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Remi was unbelievably horny. Masturbating the previous night with Dimitrios had been amazing, but he wanted the real thing. He wanted the alpha to take him apart down to his most exposed and vulnerable state again. The omega had been craving it ever since he’d walked away from the Scepter Tech building and gotten into that taxi.

There was something about Dimitrios that made Remi needy and desperate. He would do anything the alpha wanted as long as he praised him and called him a good boy afterward. Even if it was embarrassing or painful, Remi would do it. Because Dimitrios made him feel all the things he’d always secretly wished for. He gave him all the sensations the omega had desperately wanted for years. The feeling of vulnerability, to feel small and helpless, but also desirable and safe.

Remi took his regular bus to school. The snow had still not melted, and his converse slipped and slid on the icy pavement as he walked onto campus. He kept his balance mostly, only coming close to falling once. By the time he got into the building, Remi felt like his nose and ears were about to freeze off, his unprotected fingers aching with the cold. Walking inside felt both amazing and also painful as the warm air reached his frozen parts and thawed him out.

He made his way to his first class, Traditional Cooking, and took his usual seat. Phoenix arrived only a few minutes after him, waving and rushing to their table.

“Remi! Morning!”

“Morning, Phoenix. You’re in a good mood.” Remi greeted with a laugh, observing his friend’s wide grin.

“Aiden told me about your secret booty-call.” Phoenix said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Of course he did. He has no loyalty.”

Phoenix looked like Remi had just offended every single cell in his body, mouth falling open and hand going to his chest.

“How dare you talk about my baby like that? Those are fighting words!”

“Fight me then. I’m not scared of you.” Remi deadpanned.

“Ahh! Remi… why are you so scary?” Phoenix whined. “I feel bad for your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“I know, I know. He’s your… what? Boytoy? Friend with benefits? Sex pal? Fuck buddy? Take your pick.”

Remi rolled his eyes, but honestly didn’t know what Phoenix should refer to Dimitrios as, seeing assugar daddywas out of the question.

“I guess just call him my boyfriend. I don’t want to start a bunch of rumors and I know how damn loud you are.” Remi sighed.

“I’m not loud!” Phoenix screeched, making several people around them laugh, as Remi gave him another deadpan stare.