Page 3 of Pretty Boy

The elevator dinged and opened, he stepped inside, pressing the button for the garage and leaned against the back wall as he waited and felt himself descend to the lowest level. Now that his mind wasn’t focused so much on work, the hot shifting under his skin was the main center of his attention. Dimitrios really needed to get laid, but the mere idea of going out to a bar tonight filled him with a bone-deep fatigue. He’d considered trying to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, for the sole purpose of having someone to fuck when he needed to, but he knew he didn’t have the time or proper motivation to start up a relationship. That would just end badly.

He exited the elevator and made his way to his black Audi, hopping in and groaning at the idea of going home alone again. Masturbation had lost its appeal quite some time ago. His inner alpha longed for an omega or a beta to ease him and wasn’t impressed by his own half-hearted handjobs. At this point, it was about the equivalent of throwing a bucket of water on a forest fire. Not very effective.

Dimitrios drove home through the dark city, it had started to snow in earnest while he was busy working. The winter storm that the skies had been threatening finally released the promised snow on them. He used to love the snow when he was younger, but now it was more of an inconvenience. When he was small, he’d spent his holidays with his family, but that was no longer the case. He hadn’t talked to his parents in almost 3 years now. The thought made Dimitrios want to call and see if they were okay, if they needed anything, but he’d learned the hard way that he and his money weren’t welcome there.

When he’d refused to take over the family business after college, his father had taken it hard, but they’d still stayed close. Then Cirillo Paint and Body went under. By that time, Dimitrios already had a handful of tech patents and was making good money. He’d gone home and tried to give his father the money he needed to bail out his business. His offer had led to the worst family fight that they’d ever had.

His father was a proud alpha, and refused to take his son’s money. The entire blowout had ended with his father telling him that he was ungrateful for not taking over the family business and Dimitrios telling his father that at least he was capable of keeping a business afloat. It was the one and only time his father had ever struck him, and it had been a shock. Dimitrios' mother had tried to stop him as he’d stormed out of the house, but he’d been too angry, too wound up to listen. He hadn’t spoken to either of them since.

He pulled into the garage under his apartment building and mentally slapped himself for his wandering thoughts. Why was he thinking about that? He usually kept his mind away from the past, but something about the holidays always brought it out of him. He specifically turned his thoughts away from the unwelcome old feelings that still twisted his gut when he remembered shrugging off his mother’s hand, and the look of surprise that had overtaken his father’s face after he’d hit him. Instead, he made his way to the elevator and thought about his pet coding project he’d been working on the side.

Sleep had been an elusive thing for Dimitrios over the past months. No matter how tired he was, he was always too keyed up to get proper sleep. He usually worked out before bed, to try and curb his restlessness, but he knew it was the lack of a sex life that made him so agitated. He was an alpha after all, and he was in his prime. His sex drive was high, and his natural instinct to find a mate was strong. Biology could be a real bitch sometimes, he thought as he hit the button for his penthouse.

As soon as Dimitrios was inside his apartment, he started to undress, leaving a trail of clothes in his wake as he headed for his bedroom and slipped on sweats. He hadn’t eaten since early morning and he was starving. He knew good and well his kitchen was empty, not having gone to the grocery store anytime in recent memory. So, he pulled his phone out and ordered take-out to be delivered to his place as he made his way into his office and started up his PC, opening up all the various programs he used to code and experiment with his simulations.

Dimitrios had spent all his rare free time over the past year trying to make an idea he’d had come to fruition. He’d been trying to engineer a smaller and more powerful processor that would skyrocket their company to the forefront of the tech world if he could manage it. He was sure he would have figured it out by now, if he could spend more than a few hours on it at a time when he was already dead tired. He studied his work and tried to remember where he’d left off, working through the complex lines of code and finding a good place to start working.

It felt like no time at all until his doorbell was ringing, signaling that his food had arrived. Dimitrios jumped up and grabbed his wallet as he headed to the door, opening it to see a small and pretty-ish omega holding a bag from the restaurant he’d ordered from. There was a moment of pause where the omega’s eyes slid from his face, down his shirtless torso, then her eyes snapped back up to Dimitrios' face as if realizing that she’d been eyeing the alpha up.

“Good evening, sir. I’ve got your food here. Your total is $20.70.” The omega said with a small, tight smile.

Dimitrios pulled a fifty out of his wallet and handed it over.

“Keep the change.”

Just as he was about to close the door, the omega’s voice called out again.

“Um… hey… Are you… maybe, looking for a sugar baby or anything?”

The question came straight out of left field, and had Dimitrios’ eyebrows rising in surprise. What the hell kind of question was that? Him? Need a sugar baby? No. There was no way he was ever, ever,evergoing to have a sugar baby.

“Uh… No thanks.”

Dimitrios closed the door right in the omega’s face.

Remi had his computer in his lap as he was curled up in his nest, glad for the warmth radiating from the thing. The laptop had been his graduation gift from his parents. He was connected to his neighbor’s Wi-Fi, the old couple didn’t have a password on their network, so he was able to use their internet to browse for a job. He wasn’t coming up with anything, however. All the jobs that were good for college students were already taken at this point in the semester. He had no idea what he was going to do. Was he really going to have to call and ask his parents for money?

Just as he thought that, he saw a job posting for a barista in a café, but the ad said to apply in person. Remi eyed it curiously, noting that it had been posted over a week ago. He hoped that they hadn’t already filled the position, but chances were that they had. Students would snatch up an opportunity like that quickly. However, It was the only promising lead that he could find that would work with his school schedule. So, Remi got up and dressed in his nicest outfit, which was basically the only pair of jeans he owned without holes in them and a white button up, throwing his coat on top and heading out.

There was a thin layer of snow on the ground now, and Remi was happy to see it starting to stick. The weather had said that they were supposed to get a lot more snow over the next week. He shoved his cold hands in his pockets and jogged to the bus stop. His cheeks and nose were raw from cold and he knew they must be red. He tucked the lower half of his face into his coat and shivered as the wind cut right through his meager layers. The omega smiled as he squinted through the snow and saw his bus coming, jumping up the steps immediately when it stopped in front of him.

The coffee shop was right next to the bus stop he usually used to go to work at the restaurant, and he felt a little sad as he got off and looked down the street to where his old job was. Remi hoped that the owner would be alright. But he didn’t spend too much time thinking about it, because the wind was still blowing and he was freezing cold. He quickly walked into the small coffee shop that was pleasantly warm inside and smelled lovely like chocolate and coffee beans. He took a deep breath and smiled at the comforting scent.

Remi waited in line until he got to the counter, and asked about the job posting. He was directed to a manager, who sadly informed him that the position was already filled. He just nodded and left his number with her in case something else opened up. He felt despondence overtake him as he made his way back to the bus stop, happy at least that his bus arrived quickly and he didn’t have to wait in the cold. He chewed his thumbnail as he rode back toward his apartment, worrying what to do.

Which was how he found himself back in his nest with his laptop back open searching for a job again. He thought back on his conversation with Phoenix. Remi knew that the alpha had mostly been kidding about him getting a sugar daddy, but his rent was due in two days and he didn’t have even half of it. He didn’t want to get evicted, and he didn’t want to have to call his parents for money. He worried his lip with his teeth as he thought about it, then looked back at the glowing computer screen in his lap. He opened up Google and typed in a search.

Search:How do you get a sugar daddy

Remi’s screen was flooded with results, from articles about sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships to websites that would help hook you up. He paused at one link that caught his eye.

“Magic Shop- Looking for a discrete financially beneficial relationship in New York? Our team will help match you with the best possible alpha, beta, or omega to suit your needs and interests. Please call to schedule an appointment.” There was a number listed below it.

Remi clicked the link and it opened a surprisingly professional looking website. He read through all the information available on the website, and realized that they were in fact exactly what they claimed. A matchmaking service. They simply got paid to help people find a match for sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships.

He picked up his phone and looked down at the cracked screen, chewing his lip again as he contemplated calling the number. He weighed all the pros and cons of calling the number and going through with this ludicrous plan. On one hand, he might end up with some old creep, or worse not be chosen at all. On the other hand, he really needed the money… and probably the sex too, all things considered, and there was a possibility that they might hook him up with someone he at least was a little attracted to.

Remi unlocked his phone and dialed the number, amazed at his own daring. Was he really about to try and get a sugar daddy?